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John Wehrle, Purple Heart, Vietnam, 1966.
John Wehrle, Sick Call at Tien Thuoc, Vietnam, 1966.
John Wehrle, Ambulance at Tan Son Nhut, Vietnam, 1966.
John Wehrle, Dustoff at Tan Son Nhut, Vietnam, 1966.
Paul Rickert, Field Hospital, Vietnam, 1966.
Phillip Jones, To the Aid Station, Vietnam.
Samuel Alexander, Next of Kin, Vietnam, 1968.
Samuel Alexander, Dust Off, Vietnam, 1967.
Samuel Alexander, American Doctor, II Field Force, Examines Vietnamese Child, Vietnam, 1968.
Stephan Matthias, Seriously Wounded, Vietnam.
Stephan Matthias, Ready Pad, Vietnam.
H. Charles McBarron, Operation New Life, Guam, 1975. Treating refugees after the collapse of South Vietnam.