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Annual Report of the Surgeon General United States Army Fiscal Year 1961


On 1 September 1960, with the reorganization of OTSG, the Technical Liaison Office was redesignated a division under the Directorate of Administration and Supportive Services. The Division?s aims and functions were realigned to give more emphasis to news gathering and dissemination and background research for a number of events scheduled for the future.

During the year, 187 exhibits were displayed at meetings of professional, medical, and allied organizations throughout the country. Approximately 1,200 technical papers, original articles, speeches, and films, prepared by AMEDS personnel, were processed for clearance by the Technical Liaison Division, OTSG.

An adaptation of the WRAIR-produced film, ?Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation,? was premiered in the Army?s Big-Picture series and telecast


over selected television stations throughout the United States. A training film on the health nurse activities was produced and released with the cooperation of the Army Pictorial Agency.

The Technical Liaison Division, together with representatives from the Medical Illustration Service of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, helped the U.S. Army Exhibit Unit design and equip an exhibit depicting the activities of the Army Medical Service. This display was part of the Department of the Army?s annual exhibition tour ?This Is the Army, ?61,? shown in approximately 15 cities in Southeastern, Western, and Middle Western States during the first half of 1961.

Featured in the AMEDS exhibit was equipment developed by the Medical Equipment Development Laboratory, including the hypodermic jet injector and a field-type audiometer, a film of the technique of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, the Phase I Emergency Treatment Unit for use in mass casualty situations, and a panel of photographs depicting the activities of the Army Nurse Corps.

One of the monitors of the AMEDS exhibits was an ANC counselor who disseminated information regarding the ANC and AMSC officer procurement program by appearing before civic clubs and school groups and by speaking over radio and television during the tour.

Close liaison was maintained between the Technical Liaison Division, OTSG, and information and technical liaison officers of class II installations and activities, as well as with information officers of Department of the Army and Department of Defense staff offices, Army headquarters, and other Federal medical services.

Organization Chart, Office of the Surgeon General