Annual Report the Surgeon General United States Army Fiscal Year 1960
New Hospitals
One new Army hospital was dedicated in fiscal year 1960, construction of two more was nearing completion, and contracts for three others were awarded during the year as progress continued on the program started 8 years ago to replace outmoded facilities of the Army Medical Service. Although eight new hospitals have been built in CONUS, the program has not advanced as rapidly as anticipated because of budgetary restrictions in the past 2 years.
The Walson Army Hospital, a 500-bed hospital with central-core medical facilities included in the construction to permit expansion to 1,000 beds, was dedicated at Fort Dix, on 15 March 1960, by Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker. This hospital was named in memory of the late Brig. Gen. Charles Moore Walson, a distinguished medical officer who died on 14 May 1959, and who was surgeon of the First U.S. Army before his retirement in 1947.
Work was progressing on the new hospitals at Fort Leavenworth, Kans., Fort George G. Meade, and Fort Lee, all of which are expected to be completed and dedicated in the coming fiscal year. The Fort Leavenworth hospital, a 90-bed facility on a 100-bed chassis, is scheduled for completion in October 1960; the Fort George G. Meade hospital, a 150-bed facility on a 300-bed chassis, in February 1961; and the Fort Lee hospital, a 100-bed facility on a 200-bed chassis, in February 1961. Under the policy initiated in fiscal year 1957, all these new hospitals will be named in commemoration of medical personnel who made noteworthy contributions to the Army Medical Service.
Contracts were awarded during the year for construction of a 25-bedhospital at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., a 116-bed hospital at Fort Eustis, Va.,and a 100-bed hospital at Fort McClellan, Ala. In contrast to the other
Walson Army Hospital, Fort Dix, N.J.
hospitals built under the new program, the plans for these three hospitals make no provision for an expansible chassis, because of the restrictions on square-footage and money allowances imposed by Congress and the Bureau of the Budget. Indications are that no future plans for construction of Army hospitals will include an expansible chassis.
A project for the construction of a new 'health facility' at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., was included in the proposed fiscal year 1961 Military Construction, Army, Program submitted to Congress, and it appeared likely that the necessary funds would be appropriated early in fiscal year 1961. This health facility includes a 75-bed hospital, a dental clinic, outpatient facilities, and a heating plant.
This new concept was developed primarily to provide for the ever-increasing outpatient loads at Army medical facilities. All the new permanent-type hospitals built during the past few years (with the possible exception of the one at Fort Monmouth, N.J.) have proved to be inadequate in size, thus forcing the continued use of portions of the old hospitals' plants theoretically being replaced by new construction. To preclude continuation of this situation and to establish building requirements for future military hospitals, an intensive study was made of the methods used in developing facility needs. This study resulted in the development of an entirely new formula for measuring the building area requirements of a major military medical facility. This formula, based on a detailed statistical analysis of medical workload, staffing requirements, hours of operation, and the areas required for the various clinical elements, nursing units, and supporting activities, makes it possible to determine the proper size of a building required to meet the needs for medical facilities at an installation. Such a structure has been given the name 'Army Health Facility.'
The concept of the 'Army Health Facility' envisions a permanent-type building that will house all major medical activities at an installation. This building will provide inpatient and outpatient facilities, a dental clinic, supporting services, and, in most instances, a troop dispensary to serve personnel in the immediate area. At smaller posts, such as Aberdeen Proving Ground, it will be possible to meet all medical needs in one building. At larger facilities, such as Fort Sill, Okla., the Army Health Facility will necessarily be supplemented by dental clinics and dispensaries located in the troop areas.
The proposed construction of a new 300-bed hospital at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., was also included among the projects submitted to and approved by Congress, but funds were not appropriated during the fiscal year.
The status of the long-planned Army hospital at Fort Jackson remained unchanged. Although Congress authorized a 500-bed hospital on a 1,000-bed chassis at that installation in fiscal year 1956, the Bureau of the Budget has still not released the funds requested by the Department of Defense so that the design can be started.
During the year, the Department of the Army approved a change in the programming procedures for hospital construction at class I installations. Previously, a project for the construction of a new hospital originated at the post level. In the future, The Surgeon General will initiate all Army hospital replacement projects. He will also establish a priority listing of hospitals that are to be replaced and submit it to the Department of the Army and USCONARC for approval.
Army Medical Research Institute
At the request of The Surgeon General, the Department of the Army asked Congress to authorize construction of a proposed Army Medical Research Institute at Fort Knox, rather than at the Forest Glen Section, WRAMC, as originally planned. Such authorization was granted, but no funds for construction have been appropriated.
Quarters for Female Officers
Further progress was made during the year in the program to provide modern quarters for female officers, primarily Army nurses. New quarters for 44 nurses at Fort Belvoir, Va., for 96 nurses at Fitzsimons General Hospital, and for 48 nurses at Fort Riley were completed in August and September 1959, and in June 1960, respectively. A contract was awarded in June 1960 for the construction of quarters for 92 female officers at Fort Benning. Projects at Fort Lee and Fort George G. Meade have been delayed because of insufficient allocation of funds. The fiscal year 1961 military construction program authorized the construction of women's quarters at Fort Dix, and it is expected that Congress will not only authorize, but will also approriate, funds for the erection of quarters at Fort Leavenworth and at Fort Monmouth, N.J.
Family Housing Projects
The Capehart housing project of 125 family units at William Beaumont General Hospital, Fort Bliss, Tex., was completed in July 1959. This continues to be the only AMEDS project of its kind that has been approved to date by the Department of Defense. The Capehart Housing Program was established for the purpose of providing housing for families of military personnel and key civilians at permanent military installations.
The planned acquisition of Wherry low-rental housing units at Fitzsimons General Hospital was still awaiting Department of Defense approval at the end of the fiscal year. Wherry projects are permissible at installations where Capehart housing has been deferred.
Other Major Projects
Work was completed during the year at Brooke General Hospital on the second phase of the project to provide 100 percent air conditioning of the main building (the east wing and central section).
The new eye, ear, nose, and throat clinic at the William Beaumont General Hospital was completed in May 1960.
Construction of new wing to main building of Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
At WRAMC the installation of air conditioning in 31 buildings encountered delays and is now scheduled for completion in September 1960. Several other projects have been started there and should be completed during fiscal year 1961. These include a substation and electrical distribution system, a thoracic surgery clinic, an addition to the X-ray building, a new building for the NCO club, and an addition to the germ-free laboratory animal propagation unit at the Forest Glen Section. Construction of the new wing to the main building at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research was started in July 1959 and is scheduled for completion in July 1961. This is the wing that will house the new 50,000-watt nuclear reactor that is to be used for biological research and for treatment of patients at the Walter Reed General Hospital. It will be the largest atomic reactor available for treatment of general hospital patients and will produce gamma rays, neutrons, and radioisotopes.
At Fitzsimons General Hospital, a contract was awarded in June 1960 for the construction of a 19-bed recovery ward, and work began in May 1960 on a new incinerator. The proposed construction of barracks for 326 enlisted men is still in the planning stage.
Other projects which were submitted to Congress for inclusion inthe fiscal year 1961 military construction program and for which fundsare expected to be appropriated are as follows:
1. Modification of the U.S. Army Hospital, Sandia Base, to include a 26-bed pediatric ward.
2. A new dispensary and dental clinic at Martin Army Hospital, Fort Benning.
3. Air conditioning of the U.S. Army Hospital, Fort Buckner, Okinawa.
4. A new service and storage building at the Forest Glen Section, WRAMC.
5. A Second U.S. Army Medical Laboratory, Fort George C. Meade.
6. A pharmacy at Madigan General Hospital, Tacoma, Wash.
7. Barracks for enlisted men at Fort Benning.