Annual Report the Surgeon General United States Army Fiscal Year 1960
The Historical Unit, U.S. Army Medical Service, has scheduled the publication of 47 volumes (including the 15 volumes printed) under the general title 'Medical Department, United States Army, in World War II.' Additional volumes are planned in the series 'Medical Service During the Post-World War II and Korean War Periods' and on miscellaneous historical subjects listed under the Army Medical Service Current History Program. Of the grand total of 54 volumes now scheduled, work has been completed or is in progress on all but 10.
The 15th volume in the history of the U.S. Army Medical Department in World War II was published in fiscal year 1960, and the 16th and 17th volumes were about ready to go to press as the year ended. Manuscripts for 5 more volumes were being edited, while 22 other volumes were in various stages of preparation.
Published during the year was 'Neurosurgery, Volume II,' the final volume in the two-volume series in the history of neurosurgery in World War II. It deals with injuries of the spinal cord and with injuries of the peripheral nerves. 'Neurosurgery, Volume I,' which discusses the administrative considerations of wartime neurosurgery and the types and clinical management of head injuries, was published in fiscal year 1959. The coeditors of both volumes, Drs. R. Glen Spurling
and Barnes Woodhall, are distinguished neurosurgeons and former Army MC officers. Eighteen other eminent authors contributed to volume II.
Soon to go to press is the fourth of the scheduled nine volumes in the preventive medicine series, volume V, 'Communicable Diseases Transmitted Through Contact or By Unknown Means,' and the first of three volumes in the internal medicine series, volume I, 'Activities of Medical Consultants.'
The four volumes undergoing final editorial processing include volume II, 'Infectious Diseases' in the internal medicine series; volumeVI, 'Malaria' in the preventive medicine series, and two volumes in the miscellaneous series-'Army Veterinary Service' and 'WoundBallistics.'
Reader interest was stimulated considerably during the year by the displays of published volumes exhibited at the annual meetings ofapproximately 25 leading national and State medical and allied organizations, by the increased number of published reviews and editorial notices, and by the wider dissemination of information about the medical history program to the civilian professional, as well as the medicomilitary, personnel.
Organization Chart, Office of The Surgeon General