A Decade of Progress - Contents
In war and peace, the United States Army Medical Departmenthas served this country for as long as we have been a nation. The record of itsachievements reflects the caliber of the leadership of the greatphysician-soldiers and administrators-Walter Reed, Gorgas, Letterman,Sternberg, and Darnall, to mention only a few-who shaped and honed the MedicalDepartment into a superb service to support the American soldier and hisdependents in the field or in garrison.
To that select list of greats in the history of the MedicalDepartment, the Army and the Nation must proudly add the name of LieutenantGeneral Leonard D. Heaton. Appointed Surgeon General of the United States Armyon 1 June 1959, four presidents showed their wisdom and foresight by retaininghim in office. He rewarded them and this nation by leading the MedicalDepartment to greater feats of prevention and cure, in the spirit of truehumanitarianism, than history had previously recorded.
This historical survey, which recounts the various activitiesof the Army Medical Department from June 1959 to June 1969, was not written toemphasize the achievements of any one individual. But, as the story unfolds, itbecomes clear that it was General Heaton's inspiring leadership that enabledthe Medical Department to meet the great challenges of this tumultuous decade.Any account of the medical service General Heaton so splendidly led from 1959 to1969 that ignored the influence of his ability and character on men and eventswould be a distortion of history.
Although certain portions of this study may be modified intime, it is believed that the timely publication of this survey of the variousactivities of the United States Army Medical Department in the period from 1959 to 1969 will benefit thoseofficers who must resolve the problems of today and prepare the MedicalDepartment to meet the problems of tomorrow.
Lieutenant General, United States Army,
The Surgeon General.