Medical Science Publication No. 4, Volume 1
William A. Altemeier, M. D., Professor of Surgery, University of CincinnatiCollege of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Alf S. Alving, M. D., Professor of Medicine, The University of Chicago,Chicago, Illinois.
Major Curtis P. Artz, MC, Director, Surgical Research Unit, Brooke ArmyMedical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Major Henry H. Balch, Jr., MC, Surgery Division, Army Medical ServiceGraduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Lieutenant Colonel Frank L. Bauer, MC, Director, Medical Division, ArmyMedical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Colonel Harry L. Berman, MC, Chief, Radiation Therapy Section, WalterReed Army Hospital, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Hyman Bolocan, M. D., Clinical Assistant Psychiatrist, The Mount SinaiHospital, New York, New York.
Captain Alvin W. Bronwell, MC, Surgical Research Unit, Brooke Army MedicalCenter, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Captain Thomas C. Chalmers, MC, Department of Hepatic and MetabolicDiseases, Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army MedicalCenter.
Lieutenant Colonel James E. Chipps, DC, Chief, Oral Surgeon, MadiganArmy Hospital, Tacoma, Washington.
Lieutenant Colonel William H. Crosby, MC, Chief, Department of Hematology,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Robert D. Dripps, M. D., Professor of Anesthesiology, University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Major John E. Edwards, MC, Chief of Ophthalmology, Madigan Army Hospital,Tacoma, Washington.
Fred Elmadjian, Ph.D., Staff Member, The Worcester Foundation for ExperimentalBiology, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts.
Captain John Esslinger, MC, Orthopedic Service, Tokyo Army Hospital,United States Army Forces, Far East.
Bernard T. Garfinkel, M. D., Department of Internal Medicine, BarnesHospital, St. Louis, Missouri.
Colonel Albert J. Glass, MC, Chief, Neuropsychiatric Service, BrookeArmy Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Kenneth Goodner, Ph.D., Professor of Bacteriology and Immunology, TheJefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Colonel Frank E. Hagman, MC, Headquarters, Fitzsimons Army Hospital,Denver, Colorado.
Major Frederick Harris, MC, Neurospsychiatry Division, Army MedicalService Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Lieutenant Colonel George J. Hayes, MC, Chief, Neurosurgical Section,Brooke Army Hospital, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Robert H. Holmes, M. D., Associate Professor of Pathology, Universityof Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas.
John M. Howard, M. D., Department of Surgery, Baylor University, Collegeof Medicine, Houston, Texas.
Lieutenant Colonel Carl W. Hughes, MC, Deputy Director, Surgery Division,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Colonel Robert L. Hullinghorst, MC, Assistant Chief, Infectious Diseases,Pathology Section, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C.
Colonel Eugene R. Inwood, MC, Deputy Director, Neuropsychiatry Division,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Major Edward J. Jahnke, Jr., MC, Division of Surgery, Walter Reed ArmyHospital, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Sidney Katz, M. D., Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine,Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Colonel Douglas B. Kendrick, MC, Commanding, U. S. Army Hospital, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.
Colonel John H. King, Jr., MC, Chief, Ophthalmology Section, WalterReed Army Hospital, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Major Edward C. Knoblock, MSC, Army Medical Service Graduate School,Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Colonel Charles L. Leedham, MC, Chief, Education and Training Division,Office of The Surgeon General.
Stanley M. Levenson, M. D., Chief, Department of Surgical Metabolism,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center,Forest Glen, Maryland.
Lieutenant Colonel Robert B. Lindberg, MSC, Department of Bacteriology,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Lindsey, MC, Medical Training Center, BrookeArmy Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Colonel Arthur P. Long, MC, Assistant Chief, Preventive Medicine Division,Office of The Surgeon General.
Major Meredith Mallory, Jr., MC, Medical Section, Office, Chief of ArmyField Forces, Fort Monroe, Virginia.
Lieutenant Colonel Irvine H. Marshall, MC, Chief, Preventive MedicineDivision, Medical Section Headquarters, Second Army, Fort George G. Meade,Maryland.
Brigadier General S. L. A. Marshall, Ret., Birmingham, Michigan.
Colonel John Martin, MC, Chief, Neurosurgical Service, Walter Reed ArmyHospital, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Colonel Joseph H. McNinch, MC, Medical Section, Headquarters, UnitedStates Army Forces, Far East.
Major William H. Meroney, MC, Medical Division, Army Medical ServiceGraduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Captain E. W. A. Ochsner, Jr., MC, Biophysics Division, Medical Laboratory,Army Chemical Center, Edgewood, Maryland. Surgery Division, Army MedicalService Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth D. Orr, MC, Chief, Outpatient Service, BrookeArmy Hospital, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Major Irvin C. Plough, MC, Chief, Department of Hepatic and MetabolicDiseases, Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army MedicalCenter.
William L. Pond, Ph.D., Department of Virus and Rickettsial Diseases,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Captain Theodore C. Prentice, MC, Department of Surgical Physiology,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center,Forest Glen, Maryland.
Colonel Francis W. Pruitt, MC, Chief, Medical Service, Walter Reed ArmyHospital, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Lieutenant Colonel Edwin J. Pulaski, MC, Director, Surgery Division,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
David McK. Rioch, M. D., Technical Director, Neuropsychiatry Division,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Colonel Joseph P. Russell, MC, Commanding Officer, U. S. Army Hospital,Fort Ord, California.
Colonel John M. Salyer, MC, Medical Section, Headquarters, United StatesArmy Forces, Far East.
Harold R. Sandstead, M. D., National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,Maryland.
Colonel Jack W. Schwartz, MC, Chief, Urological Service Walter ReedArmy Hospital, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Russell Scott, Jr., M. D., Department of Surgery, Baylor University,College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.
Major Henry A. Segal, MC, Chief, Neuropsychiatric Service, U. S. ArmyHospital, 8167th Army Unit, United States Army Forces, Far East.
Lieutenant Colonel Charles D. Shields, MC, Chief of Physical Medicine,Consultant Division, Office of The Surgeon General.
Joseph E. Smadel, M. D., Director, Communicable Diseases Division, ArmyMedical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Colonel Bernard N. Soderberg, MC, Chief, Plastic Surgery, Brooke ArmyHospital, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Wayland L. Speer, Field Supervisor of Enforcement Activities, Bureauof Narcotics.
Colonel August W. Spittler, MC, Director, Atlas Project, Walter ReedArmy Medical Center, Forest Glen, Maryland.
Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Steer, MC, Medical Division, Army MedicalService Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Colonel William S. Stone, MC, Commandant, Army Medical Service GraduateSchool, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
First Lieutenant Joseph G. Strawitz, MC, 406th Medical General Laboratory,United States Army Forces, Far East.
Lieutenant Colonel William D. Tigertt, MC, Assistant Commandant, ArmyMedical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Traub, MSC, Chief, Department of Entomology,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Major Anibal R. Valle, MC, Chief, Thoracic Surgery Section, Walter ReedArmy Hospital, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Lieutenant Colonel Robert H. Yager, VC, Director, Veterinary Division,Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Lieutenant Colonel H. Haskell Ziperman, MC, 141st General Hospital,United States Army Forces, Far East.