Appendix B
Tabular Data for U.S. Army, Korea, by Month,Type of Unit, Diagnostic Classification Groups, and Tactical Operation;and Disability Separations by Detail of Primary Cause of Separation
[All tables in Adobe PDF format]
Table B-1.- (196K) Numbers and annualrates for killed in action, and nonbattle causes, admissions and CRO cases,by year and month, U.S. Army, Korea, July 1950-July 1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-2.- (203K) Numbers and annualrates for killed in action, wounded in action, and nonbattle causes, admissionsand CRO cases, by year and month, U.S. Army divisions and regimentalcombat teams, Korea, July 1950-July 1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-3.- (186K) Numbers and ratesfor killed in action, wounded in action, and nonbattle causes, admissionsand CRO cases, by year and month, U.S. Army non-divisional units,Korea, July 1950-July 1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-4.- (480K) Summary of battleand nonbattle admissions: All divisions and separate regimental combatteams, by type of casualty, diagnostic classification, year and month,Korea, July 1950-July 1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-5.- (634K) U.S. Army divisionsand separate regimental combat teams, by tactical operation, U.S. Army,Korea, July 1950-July 1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-6.- (616K) U.S. Army divisionheadquarters, headquarters and service companies, by tactical operation,U.S. Army, Korea, July 1950-July 1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-7.- (631K) U.S. Army regimentalcombat teams, by tactical operation, U.S. Army, Korea, July 1950-July 1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-8.- (598K) U.S. Army divisionartillery, by tactical operation, U.S. Army, Korea, July 1950-July 1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-9.- (572K) U.S. Army divisionengineer battalions, by tactical operation, U.S. Army, Korea, July 1950-July1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-10.- (545K) U.S. Army divisionmedical battalions, by tactical operation, U.S. Army, Korea, July 1950-July1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-11.- (568K) U.S. Army divisiontank battalions, by tactical operation, U.S. Army, Korea, July 1950-July1953
[Rates stated as cases per year per 1,000 average strength]
Table B-12.- (115K) U.S. Army personnelseparated for disability due to battle injuries and wounds, by primarydiagnostic cause of separation, by rank, by type of separation, and bycausative agent, 1950-53