Battle Casualties and Medical Statistics
1. Strength of the Army, STM-30, Statistical and Accounting Branch,Office of the Adjutant General.
2. Morbidity Report, DD Form 8-122 (RCS MED-78).
3. Department of the Army, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1(Personnel), Battle Casualties of the Army, CTQ 39, 30 Sept. 1954.
4. Army Regulations No. 40-1025, Records and Reports of Sick and Wounded,12 Dec. 1944, as amended by Changes Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8, through6 Mar. 1953.
5. Army Regulations No. 40-1080-60, Outpatient Report, 8 May 1951.
6. Beebe, G.W., Leith, C.I., Jr., and Reister, F. A.: Influence of Typeof Ground Operation on the Wounded in Action, U.S. Divisions in World WarII. Mil. Med. 121: 361-370, December 1957.
7. Army Regulations No. 345-105, 3 Oct.1950, with Changes No. 1, 24Aug. 1951 Records and Reports, Command Report (RCS-CSHIS-5(RI)), supersededby Special Regulations No. 525-45-1, 24 Mar. 1953, Combat Operations, CommandReport (RCS-CSGPO-28(RI)).
8. Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Deaths in World War II, FinalReport, 7 December 1941-31 December 1946, RCS CSCAP (OT) 87, Statisticaland Accounting Branch, Office of the Adjutant General.
9. Medical Section, Eighth U.S. Army Korean War History.
10. Special Regulations No, 40-1080-50 Medical Service, Beds and PatientsReport, 8 May 1951.
11. Outpatient Report, DD Form 444.
12. Army Regulations No. 40-1025, Records and Reports of Sick and Wounded,12 Dec. 1944, and Special Regulations No. 40-1025-50 Medical Service EvacueeReport Card, 15 Dec. 1950.
13. Love, Albert G.: War Casualties, Their Relation to Medical Serviceand Replacements. Army Med. Bull. No. 24,1930
14. Beebe, Gilbert W., and DeBakey, Michael E. Battle Casualties, Incidence,Mortality, and Logistic Considerations. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas,Publisher, 1952.
15. Department of the Army Field Manual 101-10, Staff Officers FieldManual, Organization, Technical and Logistical Data, July 1953, tables1-4, pp. 335-337.
16. Department of the Army Field Manual 8-55, Army Medical Service PlanningGuide, October 1960, and Changes No. 3, August 1962.