ACofS | Assistant Chief of Staff |
Adj | Adjutant |
Admin | Administration, administrative, administrator |
Adv | Adviser |
AID | United States Agency for International Development |
Amb | Ambulance |
AMSC | Army Medical Specialist Corps |
ANC | Army Nurse Corps |
AR | Army regulation |
ARVN | Army Republic of Vietnam |
ASWBPL | Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratory |
ATTLEBORO | Operation resulting in a battle that took place in September-November 1966 northwest of Saigon. Over 22,000 American and South Vietnamese troops defeated the Viet Cong 9th Division, reinforced by a North Vietnamese regiment, and drove them back to the Cambodian border |
Average strength | Arithmetic mean (average) of daily morning report strengths, used in medical statistical reports for computing admission rates, mortality rates, and noneffective rates |
CBI | China-Burma-India theater (World War II) |
CG | Commanding general |
CINCPAC | Commander in Chief, Pacific |
CINCUSARPAC | Commander in Chief, U.S. Army, Pacific |
Civ | Civilian |
Comdr | Commander |
Comm | Communications |
COMUSMACV | Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam |
Con | Consul, consulate |
CONEX | Container express |
CONUS | Continental United States |
COSTAR | Combat service to the Army study |
CRO | Carded for record only. Pertaining to medical cases not treated on an "excused from duty" status, but of sufficient seriousness or of sufficient potential medical or administrative interest that individual medical records are required to be prepared in the same manner as for "excused from duty" cases |
CTZ | Corps tactical zone |
CWCP | Civilian War Casualty Program |
DBC | Deputy brigade commander |
DC | Dental Corps |
DCG | Deputy commanding general |
DCS | Deputy Chief of Staff |
DDS | Diaminodiphenylsulfone |
Den | Dental |
DENTCAP | Dental Dental Civic Action Program (dental counterpart to MEDCAP) |
DEROS | Date eligible for return from overseas |
DSA | Defense Supply Agency |
Dust-off | Army medical evacuation helicopter units not organic to divisions |
ExecO | Executive officer |
FASCOM | A field army support command |
FEJMRO | Far East Medical Regulating Office |
FEST | Field Epidemiologic Survey Team |
FUO | Fever of undetermined origin |
FWMAF | Free World Military Assistance Forces |
G-1 | Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel |
G-4 | Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics |
IBM | International Business Machines |
IHS | Idiopathic Hemorrhagic Syndrome |
Intel | Intelligence |
ISG | Immune serum globulin |
KIA | Killed in action |
LST | Landing ship, tank |
MAAGV | United States Military Assistance Advisory Group, Vietnam |
MAST | Military Assistance to Safety in Traffic |
MBPA | Military Blood Program Agency |
MC | Medical Corps |
MEDCAP | Medical Civic Action Program |
Med Mat | Medical materiel |
Mgt | Management |
Mil Med | Military medicine |
MILPHAP | Military Provincial Health Assistance Program |
Mob | Mobile |
Mos | Military occupational specialty |
MPR | Military pay record |
Mpr Con | Manpower control |
MRO | Medical regulating office(r) |
MSC | Medical Service Corps |
MUST | Medical unit, self-contained, transportable |
NAMRU | Naval Medical Research Unit |
NCR | National Cash Register |
Opns | Operations |
P&A | Personnel and administration |
PACOM | Pacific Command |
Pers | Personnel |
PF | Popular Force |
PHAP | Provincial Health Assistance Program |
PIO | Public information office(r) |
Pol | Policies |
POW | Prisoner of war |
Prev Med | Preventive medicine |
Prof Svc | Professional service |
PSC | Personnel service company |
Reg | Regulating, regulator |
RF | Regional Forces |
ROAD | Reorganization Objective Army Divisions |
R&R | Rest and recuperation |
RVN | The Republic of Vietnam |
RVNAF | Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces |
S-1 | Adjutant (U.S. Army) |
S-3 | Operations and training officer (U.S. Army) |
S-4 | Supply Officer (U.S. Army) |
Sch | School |
Sci | Science |
Scty | Security |
SEATO | Southeast Asia Treaty Organization |
Sec | Section |
Stat | Statistics |
SWPA | Southwest Pacific theater (World War II) |
TAADS | The Army Authorization Document System |
TASTA | The administrative support theater Army |
TCP | Tropical Canine Pancytopenia |
Tng | Training |
TOE | Table of organization and equipment |
USAMEDCOMV | United States Army Medical Command, Vietnam (Provisional) |
USAMMA | United States Army Medical Materiel Agency |
USAMRDC | United States Army Medical Research and Development Command |
USARPAC | United States Army, Pacific |
USARV | United States Army, Vietnam |
USARYIS | United States Army, Ryukyu Islands |
USASCV | United States Army Support Command, Vietnam |
USASGV | United States Army Support Group, Vietnam |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USMACV | United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam |
USOM | United States Operations Mission |
USPHS | United States Public Health Service |
Vet | Veterinary, veterinarian |
VETCAP | Veterinary Civic Action Program (veterinary part of MEDCAP) |
WIA | Wounded in action |
WRAIR | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research |