Excerpts on the Influenza and Pneumonia Pandemic of 1918
Fig. 101.-Influenza By Camps, 1918, Ration per 1000
Fig. 102.-Pneumonia, Influenza and Other Respiratory Dis. By Camps, 1918, Ratio per 1000
Fig. 103.-RespiratoryDiseases-Admissions and Deaths, Enlisted Men, U.S. Ratio per 1000
Fig. 104.-RespiratoryDiseases-Admissions and Deaths, Enl. Men, Europe, Ratio per 1000
Fig. 105.-Nativity, Influenza(All), U.S. and Europe
Fig. 106.-Nativity, Influenza with Broncho-pneumonia, U.S. and Europe
Fig. 107.-Nativity. Influenza with Lobar Pneumonia, United States and Europe
Fig. 108.-Nativity. Broncho-pneumoniaand Pneumonia Unclassified, US and Europe
Fig. 109.-Nativity. LobarPneumonia, U.S. and Europe