The following abbreviations are used either in the text or in the reference appended thereto:
A. E. F., American Expeditionary Forces.
A. G. O., Adjutant General’s Office.
A. R., Army Regulations.
A. S., Air Service.
A. W. O. L., Absent without Leave.
A. S. A., Air Service, Military Aeronautics.
B. A. I., Bureau of Animal Industry.
Bull., Bulletin.
B. W. R. I., Bureau of War Risk Insurance.
C. A. R., Changes, Army Regulations.
Cir., Circular.
Cir. Letter, Circular Letter.
Compt. Treas., Comptroller of the Treasury.
Cpl., Corporal.
C. S., Contract Surgeon.
C. W. S., Curative Workshop.
D. C., Dental Corps.
D. S., Detached Service.
F. A., Field Artillery.
F. and S., Finance and Supply.
G. O., General Orders.
I. D., Infectious Diseases.
Inf., Infantry.
J. A. G., Judge Advocate General.
L. C., Line of Communication.
M. A. C., Medical Administrative Corps.
M. C., Medical Corps.
M. M. D., Manual for the Medical Department.
M. O. T. C., Medical Officers' Training Camp.
M. R. C., Medical Reserve Corps.
M. T. C., Motor Transport Corps.
Memo., Memorandum.
N. A., National Army.
N. G., National Guard.
O. D. P. and S., Office of Director, Purchase and Storage.
Ops. J. A. G., Opinions of the Judge Advocate General.
Pvt., Private.
Q. M. C., Quartermaster Corps.
S. A. T. C., Students’ Army Training Corps.
S. C., Sanitary Corps.
S. C. D., Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability.
S. D., Statistical Department.
S. G. O., Surgeon General’s Office.
Sgt., Sergeant.
S. O., Special Orders.
T. O., Tables of Organization.
U. S. A., United States Army.
V. C., Veterinary Corps.