With the signing of the armistice the Secretary of War issued the order for the demobilization of a large part of the Military Establishment. In accordance with this program the Surgeon General effected a reorganization of his office in December, 1918, reducing the number of administrative divisions and sections from 32 to 11, as shown in Chart XXIV. The subsections of the Division of Surgery, and the Divisions of Military Orthopedics, Head Surgery, including Neurosurgery, Urology, and Roentgenology, were all brought under the Division of Surgery; the Division of Training Camps was placed under the Division of Sanitation; the Section of Epidemiology of the Division of Infectious Diseases and Laboratories and the Army Medical Museum were placed under the Laboratory Division. The Air Service Division was discontinued on March 14, 1919, and the Division of Physical Reconstruction on June 30, 1919. On August 23, 1919, in view of the increasing work connected with the Medical and Surgical History of the War, this was given an independent status as the Historical Division. The Surgeon General’s Office, like all other War Department agencies, thus merged toward the rehabilitation of its pre-war status, further changes being made as the exigencies of the return to peace conditions demanded.
Chart XXIV.