APO #403
4 November 1945
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SUBJECT: Periodic Report.
TO: The Surgeon General
Washington, D. C.
THRU: Channels
1. In compliance with Circular Number 58, Headquarters European Theater of Operations, dated 14 May 1945, the following report is submitted for the period July 1st, 1945 to present.
2. The personnel of the unit has been re-adjusted to prepare the unit for return to the United States. As a result, there are no medical department commissioned personnel remaining in the unit. All the commissioned personnel joined the unit on November 3rd, 1945. The records of the unit have been placed in storage. There remains only one original enlisted member of the unit. Of necessity, this history will have to be based on the facts remembered by the enlisted man.
3. On 1 July 1945, the unit was at Prachatice, Czechoslovakia, at that time it had attached, the 464th and 509th Medical Collecting Companies. The mission at the time, was the operation of German Prisoner of War Hospitals. Personnel of the collecting companies were used as the administrative headquarters of these hospitals. The Battalion Headquarters, coordinated the activities of the two companies.
4. On 15 September 1945, the unit departed by motor convoy from Prachatice, Czechoslovakia, for Camp Philadelphia of the Assembly Command near Reims, France. This was the beginning of the processing and re-adjusting necessary for the return to the United States. The unit arrived at Camp Philadelphia on 17 September 1945. The process was completed and on the 4th of October, the unit left Camp Philadelphia by rail for the Calais Staging Area, Marseilles, France. The unit arrived at the Staging Area on the 6th of October, 1945. It then underwent numerous adjustments of its personnel, and final preparations were made for shipment.
5. The unit is to sail for the United States on 5 November 1945, aboard the Liberty Ship “Thomas Page”. Its shipment strength is five officers, two warrant officers and twenty-four enlisted men.
6. Commanding Officers since 1 July 1945:
1 July 1945 to 31 August 1945 – Lt Col Andrew R. Hicks, O-413444, MC
1 Sept 1945 to 30 Oct. 1945 – Major John E. Doyle, O-292124, MC
Source: National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 407, 324th Medical Battalion, 99th Infantry Division, Box 14212