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APO 403, U. S. Army

31 December 1945

SUBJECT: Periodic Report for Period 1 July 1945 to 30 November 1945.

TO : Surgeon General`s Office, Washington 25, D. C.. Through technical channels.

On 1 July 1945 this unit was located in Marienbad, Czechoslovakia, P 566-655,under the command of Colonel John L. Crawford, MC. The unit was in operation with an average daily status of 275 patients who were mostly from XXII Corps units in the Marienbad area.

The hospital closed at Marienbad Czechoslovakia at 0600 and reopened in Erlangen, Germany, WO 36-16, 1800 on 16 August 1945. At Er1angen, the hospital and personnel billets were in 5 buildings. The hospital set-up was in a large university building, messes were in the dormitory and recreation building of the university, EM billets were in an apartment house on[e] block from the hospital and the officer`s billets were in another apartment house two blocks from the hospital, while the Nurses were quartered in a separate apartment house adjacent to the hospital building. A good bit of work was involved in changing the building around so as to make it adequate for the type of hospital needed. Our average patient days was changed from 5 to 12 days to 60 days.

Colonel Crawford, our commanding officer was relieved of assignment with the 67th Evacuation Hospital and assigned to the 304th Station Hospital on the 26th of September 1945. He was placed on TDY from the 304th Station Hospital to command the hospital until the arrival of our new commanding officer.


Redeployment struck its first hard blow on the 27th of September on which date the 67th Evacuation Hospital transferred 81 EM with over 80 points to the 109th Evacuation Hospital and 16 EM with over 80 points to the 110th Evacuation Hospital. These EM were replaced by low point personnel from the 109th and 110th Evacuation Hospitals. A large number of our officers and nurses had already been redeployed.

Due to a complete change of personnel on or about the 1st of October 1945 it is impossible to write a more complete report for the period beginning 1 July 1945 and ending 30 September 1945.

On the 1st day of October, 1945 the new regime took over the hospital as best they could with things disorganized as they were but with the help of the 150 civilian employees, who had been with the unit all along, things went quite well. After a few days of turmoil we managed to get things reorganized and the hospital was practically back to normal operation once again. It might be well to mention that during this reorganization the patient status remained constant.

On 6 October, Colonel John L. Crawford was relieved from TDY and Lt. Col. Michael D. Buscemi joined and assumed command of the 67th Evacuation Hospital.

On the 9th day of October we opened a 200 bed VD Clinic as an annex to our hospital. This Clinic was housed in a building across the street from the main hospital set-up. The Clinic was supervised by laboratory personnel on TDY from the 116th General Hospital. Our greatest difficulty in setting up the Clinic was the procurement of adequate supplies and equipment for this type of clinic. after several days of phoning Army Headquarters we were finally able to get the equipment on a loan basis. The new addition considerably more strain, upon our already critical personnel situation.

On the 10th day of October we transferred 49 EM to the 79th Inf Div for redeployment and these personnel were replaced by 45 low point EM from the 90thInf Division.


The hospital was officially closed for operation at 2400 hours 17 November 1945. The unit had been alerted for redeployment to the USA. Our total of 403 patients were evacuated to the 120th Station Hospital at Bayreuth, Germany and the 125th Evacuation Hospital at Passeau [Passau], Germany on the following day.

In summing up our operations from 1 October 1945 to 17 November 1945 the following points are noted. Our averaged daily patient status was 400, which was above normal and exceeded the patient status of any other Evacuation Hospital in Third Army area for this period of time. Sanitary conditions were excellent in the Erlangen area and posed a very small problem; however, the patients mess, located in the basement of the main hospital building required a large amount of renovation to meet proper sanitary requirements. Messing was good and the food well prepared. Our unit conducted a highly active I & E, recruiting, and athletic programs even though hospital work kept us busy a good share of the time. Our strength during this period averaged 207 EM, 35 Officers and 30Nurses.

On the 18th day of November we evacuated our patients and began processing the unit f or shipment. Supply and Personnel proved to be our biggest problems. Our equipment was packed and crated and shipped to the various collecting points in France and Germany. All equipment was handled in this manner with the exception of the Ordnance and MEE. Ordnance equipment was disposed of at Camp Philadelphia, Rheims, France at the time the unit was ready to depart for the staging area. The personnel were changed about until only 89 EM and 14 Officers of the original personnel remained. These changes necessitated a large amount of personnel records processing.

On the 20th day of November, Lt Col Buscemi departed for the Zone of Interior on an emergency leave and Major Carl Wahl assumed command.

Along with organic transportation, the unit furnished six 40 x 8 box cars


and one chair car for transportation to Camp Philadelphia. The unit which was comprised of 228 EM, 37 Nurses, and 19 Officers, left Erlangen, Germany, at 1250 hours 28 November 1945, and arrived at Camp Philadelphia, Rheims, France at 1600 hours 30 November 1945. At Camp Philadelphia the unit was prepared for embarkation at Marseille, France.

On 1 Dec 1945 Major Wahl was called to the US by the Surgeon Generals Office and was relieved as Commanding Officer of the 67th and Capt Lawrence Kaplan assumed command.

On 14 Dec 1945 Capt Kaplan was relieved as Commanding Officer of the 67th and Capt Herman F. Ermshar assumed command. Capt Ermshar remained Commanding Officer until our deactivation date.

From Camp Philadelphia the unit moved to Calas Staging Area at Marseille in Thirteen (15) Box Cars. The unit left Camp Philadelphia 14 December 1945 and arrived at Calas 16 December 1945.

After a Final Processing, the Unit embarked on the U. S. S. Monticello at Marseille on 22 December 1945. After an uneventful Crossing we disembarked at New York Port of Embarkation 1 January 146 and were stationed at Camp Kilmer for deactivation.

The 67th Evacuation Hospital was deactivated on 2 Jan 1946 per Par ____, GO4, dated 2 Jan 1946, Headquarters ASF NYPE and the personnel were all sent tot heir appropriate Separation Center for severance from the Service.

For the Commanding Officer:


1st Lt., MAC