Extract of 99th Infantry Division G-3 Report of Operations.
1 to 31 December 1944
1. 1 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042 (Map Reference, Central Europe, Bonn Sheet, 1/100,000)
b.At the beginning of this period the 99th Infantry Division continued its mission of assisting in the defense of the V Corps sector, which was north of the Roar River, between Schmidt and Monschau. Contact with Task Force X (2nd Inf Div) on the right (South), flank, and with the 102nd Cavalry Group on the left (North) flank was maintained. Patrol missions were conducted aggressively throughout the period. Approximately 85 rounds of enemy artillery landed along the entire front. Enemy patrolling was light. Four unidentified aircraft were reported over the area.
c.The 99th Reconnaissance Troop (less 3rd Platoon) continued rear area security reconnaissance and preparation of positions K934104 and K9314095, and also participated in dismounted patrolling to the Division front.
d.The 801st TD Battalion continued anti-tank protection. 300 round HE interdiction and harassing fire at 5 targets were fired with unobserved results.
2.2 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.The situation remained static today and enemy operations were confined to light artillery, mortar, and small arms fire. Increased use of flares was observed along the 393rd Infantry front. Our patrols were active. One patrol of the 393rd Infantry received heavy enemy machine gun fire and was forced to withdraw. A patrol from the 395th Infantry encountered several anti-personnel mines. Two members of the patrols were killed and one is missing. Several mortar shells dropped near our patrols, indicating that the enemy has most of our patrol routes under constant observation.
c.The 801st TD Battalion fired 300 rounds of HE interdicting and harassing fire at 4 targets; results unobserved.
3.3 December 1944
a.Division Cp: K912042
b.Enemy air operations increased during this period, but no offensive action was taken by these aircraft. Monchau was raided by 40 ME 109̓s and FW 190's. A new type of jet propelled plane was reported flying East at F018041.
c.Throughout the day, enemy details were observed digging new trenches. Our artillery fired on their positions. A forward observer directed artillery fire on a house at 03249638 where enemy activity was reported. Nine direct hits were scored.
d.In the 393rd, 394th and 395th Infantry sectors, aggressive patrolling and lateral contacts were maintained.
4.4 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.The enemy was observed digging in several areas by artillery forward observers. They were fired upon with unknown results. Groups of enemy troops were observed moving about, apparently into new positions. The majority of enemy artillery landed in the 393rd Infantry area, but showed considerable decrease over the previous period. Small arms and mortar fire were sporadic.
c.Patrols from the 393rd, 3914th and 395th Infantry Regiments were active, but met little enemy opposition.
d.Unidentified aircraft dropped both ground and parachute flares on our front lines during the hours of darkness.
55 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.Much evidence of digging by the enemy was observed in the areas in front of the 394th and 395th Infantry.
c.Increased artillery fire was reported for the period. A total of 118 rounds represented the heaviest shelling since the Division took over the sector. The 394th Infantry area received only 4 rounds, while the 393rd and 395th areas received the blunt of the shelling. Some patrols were observed, but our mortar fire caused them to withdraw. Unidentified planes circled over our areas at various hours.
d.The 801st TD Battalion fired 326 rounds of HE interdiction and harassing fire at six targets; results unobserved.
6.6 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.All units continued improvement of defensive positions and sent out patrols. Enemy artillery increased approximately 100% over the preceding period. A total of 240 rounds fell on our front line units. 100 rounds fell, in the vicinity of K03002 80 rounds fell in the vicinity of K031029. The remainder was scattered over the 393rd and 395th Infantry Areas.
c.A plane, identified as British, crashed at K979045 at 2126 hours destroying a building. Several casualties resulted.
d.The 196th FA Battalion (105mm Howitzer) was attached to the 924th FA Battalion at 1535 hours. These two units now comprise the 924th FA Battalion Group which is assigned the mission of direct support of the 395th Infantry.
7.7 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.Aggressive patrolling throughout this period netted profitable results. The 395th Infantry killed seven enemy and captured two who were attempting to cross into our lines.
c.Enemy artillery decreased over the preceding period. A total of 50 rounds were reported falling on front line units.
d.Enemy air activity was negligible due to poor visibility.
e.The 400th FA Battalion (Armored) was released from Division control at 1000 hours.
8. 8 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.The situation today remained practically unchanged, with light artillery, mortar, and small arms fire being exchanged. The enemy continued to improve his defensive positions. Artillery fire was light. Twenty rounds fell in the 395th Infantry area, 2 rounds in the 394th, and 3 rounds in the 393rd Infantry area.
c.Eight unidentified fighter type planes were observed flying at 270̊ az over Hofen at 1559 hours.
9.9 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.Along the entire front, both friendly and enemy forces continued improvement of defensive positions. Only 22 rounds of enemy artillery fell on our lines. Two enemy patrols were observed. One patrol consisting of 12 men was contacted by a patrol from the 393rd Infantry, resulting in an estimate of 3 enemy killed and 4 wounded.
10.10 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.Our operations for the period remained practically unchanged, with all units continuing defensive action, conducting aggressive patrols to front and flank Enemy activity was characterized by numerous small groups moving around in the rear areas. Artillery fire was light, with 31 rounds reported during the period, all landing in the 395th Infantry area. An 88mm gun was located at F055038, and was fired on by our artillery; result unobserved. Much enemy activity was observed, especially between Eicherscheid and Hammer. Approximately 45 rounds of propaganda leaflets fell around 9417. Leaflets were entitled “The Spectre of the Twelve Mission”.
c.The 801st TD Battalion continued Anti-Tank protection within the Division zone.
d.The Division Artillery expended 1424 rounds this period.
11. 11 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.During this period two units were attached to the Division. The 535 AAA AW Battalion (M) was attached to Division Artillery to provide AA protection for Division rear area. Company “D”, 86th Chemical Battalion closed in the vicinity of k975045 at 1300 hours, and was attached to the 395th infantry.
c.Numerous changes took place in the 395th Infantry, Company “‘D”, 86th
Chemical Battalion; Company “B”, 801st TD Battalion; Company “C”, 324th Engineers; Company “C”, 324th Medical Battalion were attached. The 99th Reconnaissance Troop completed relief of Companies “B” and “C” at 1400 hours.
d.Company “A” and 1st Reconnaissance platoon, 601st TD Battalion, was placed in direct support of 394th Infantry, and continued Anti-Tank defense in south portion of the Division sector. Company “B” prepared for indirect fire missions and continued Anti-Tank protection in north portion.
12.12 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.Division Field Order No. 3, dated 13 December 1944, alerted Division units scheduled to participate in V Corps attack to the East beginning at 0830 hours 13 December 1944. Elements on our left (North) flank and right (South) flank were the 2nd Infantry Division and VIII Corps respectively. Units attached to the 99th Division were: 801st TD Battalion (T), 776th FA Battalion, 535 AAA AW Bn (M), Company “D”, 86th Chemical Battalion.
c.The 99th Division’s mission was to launch an attack to the Northeast with one Regiment, containing the enemy forces on the remainder of the Division front with two Regiments.
d.Division elements were assigned the following missions: (1) The 395th Infantry Regiment (less the 3rd Battalion and Company “G” with Company “D”, 86th Chemical Battalion; Company “C”, 324th Medical Battalion; Company “C”, 324th Engineers; and Company “B”, 801st TD Battalion attached, were to attack in column of Battalions in conjunction with the advance of the 2nd Infantry Division, and seize and hold objective Blue “A” (F015110).
e.(2) The mission of the 393rd Infantry was to conduct a demonstration in the 1st Battalion area on the right (South) flank. At 0830 hours, 13 December 1944, the
3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry to attack and occupy objective Red “A” (F030011), and the 2nd Battalion, 393rd Infantry to attack and seize objective Brown “A” and “B” in turn.
f.(3) The 394th Infantry: (a) Conduct demonstrations on the North and South flanks of its sector; (b) Maintain continuous observation of Neuhof—Udenbret enemy positions for evidence of enemy movement toward or away from the 395th Infantry zone of attack; (c) 3rd Battalion, 394th Infantry be prepared to counter-attack in 393rd or 394th Infantry sectors, and be prepared to move by motor on one hour notice.
g.Division Artillery was assigned the mission of massing fires of at least 4 Battalions initially in the zones of 393rd and 395th Infantry to the line Schoneseiffen (F050141) Giescheid (070055). At least 3 Battalions to mass fires in defense of Division objectives.
13.13 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.At 0830 hours 395th Infantry (less 3rd Battalion) launched attack to NE and advanced to line F004112-F010109 at 1800 hours. 2nd Battalion, 395th Infantry (less Companies “E” and “F”), which had been relieved by elements of 2nd Infantry Division, closed in assembly area at K995085, as regimental reserve, 3rd Battalion, 395th Infantry continued active defense of its sector, in the Hofen area and maintained contact on the left (North) flank with 38th Cavalry Squadron, and with the 99th Reconnaissance Troop on the right (South) flank. The 99th Reconnaissance Troops was attached to the 2nd Infantry Division as of 830 hours.
c.3rd Battalion 393rd Infantry attacked at 0830 hours and seized objective Red “A” (F030077) by 0900 hours and consolidated positions. The 2nd Battalion, 393rd Infantry attacked at 0835 hours and seized objective Brown “A” (F013096) by 1130 hours, then pushed the attack and seized objective Brown “A” (F027098) by 1610 hour.
d.The enemy reacted to our advance by strong artillery concentrations. Both mortar and artillery fire increased in the sector of the 393rd Infantry.
14.14 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.Enemy resistance stiffened during the period. Progress was slow due to stubborn defense of pillboxes. Considerable artillery and mortar fire were encountered, but the volume decreased somewhat from the previous period. No enemy patrols were encountered.
c.The attack was continued at 0830 hours towards the Northeast. The 1st Battalion, 395th Infantry advanced to the vicinity of F025105 and consolidated its positions. The 2nd Battalion, 395th Infantry advanced to the vicinity of F010115, and consolidated its positions. 324th Engineer Battalion completed a bridge site at F013096 by 0400 hours. The 2nd Battalion, 393rd Infantry improved positions in the vicinity of F023095. The 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry improved positions by attacking an enemy strongpoint and securing objective F020076 by 1600 hours. The remainder of the Division end attached units continued an active defense of the sector.
15.15 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.Enemy resistance increased considerably, with heavy mortar and artillery fire on forward elements of 395th Infantry and 2nd Battalion, 393rd Infantry. 150 rounds fell on forward elements, and 44 rounds were scattered over the remainder of the Division front. Enemy patrols were active and were accompanied by dogs.
c.The Division and attached units consolidated positions gained with the 2nd Battalion, 395th Infantry capturing 6 pillboxes and 15 PW’s in the vicinity of F010115. Company “I”, 393rd Infantry, attacked North, and secured objectives in the vicinity of K02350775 at 1300 hours.
d.Company “F”, 395th Infantry was relieved from attachment to 102nd Cavalry Group and closed in an assembly area in the vicinity of the CP of the 395th Infantry at 0015 hours; 2nd platoon, Company “C”, 741st Tank Battalion, was attached to the Division and closed in an assembly area at 1400 hours in the vicinity of the 395th Infantry CP.
e.No enemy pressure was felt on the defensive position in the vicinity of Hofen or on the remainder of the Division front.
16.16 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.The attack of the 395th Infantry and the 2nd Battalion, 393rd Infantry was held up until the 2nd Infantry Division came abreast and prepared to push the attack to Objective “B”.
c.Enemy started shelling defensive position in Hofen sector and the 393rd and 394th Infantry sectors at 0525 hours followed by strong enemy offensive action, achieving slight penetrations on the right flank of the 393rd Infantry at 0700 hours. A strong attack by enemy forces, strength unknown, developed on the left flank of 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry at 0700 hours and made slight gains. The enemy attack in the Hofen area was repulsed by 0730 hours. No reported enemy attacks in 99th Reconnaissance Troop sector, patrols from this unit reported no enemy to their front. At 0900 hours, the 3rd Battalion, 394th Infantry received an attack, the enemy was driven off and positions remained intact. “C” attack by Company “A”, 393rd Infantry, restored positions on right of the 393rd Infantry by 1110 hours. Contact was lost with Task Force “X” in the vicinity of Lanzerath by 1245 hours. At 1247 hours in Company “B” sector of 394th Infantry, the enemy launched an attack and made a slight penetration. At 1400 hours, 2nd Battalion, 395th Infantry captured last pillbox in vicinity of K02351050 and gained contact with 38th Infantry on its left (North) flank. At 1430 hours, 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry, in its defensive position in the vicinity of its CP, was receiving a heavy enemy attack. The situation of this unit was considered “critical”. Company “I”, 394th Infantry was relieved from attachment to 395th Infantry and attached to 393rd Infantry, closing in an assembly area at 1400 hours; at 1415 hours they were attached to 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry and were committed to the attack to the East to restore the position of 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry. At 1400 hours, 324th Engineer Battalion (less Company C) moved into defensive position in the vicinity of F000050 to protect the left (North) flank of 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry. At 1505 hours, Company “B” of 394th Infantry was heavily hit by an attack and was pushed back on its right blank. At 1550 hours, the 3rd Battalion, 23rd Infantry with one company of the 741st Tank Battalion was attached to 393rd Infantry and closed into its defensive sector at 1700 hours. At 1600 hours, 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry with one company of tanks end one company of the 612th Tank Destroyer Battalion was attached to 394th Infantry, and ordered to occupy prepared positions in the vicinity of Murringen. Guides met this battalion in Murringen and led them to prepared defensive positions. At 2400 hours Company “C”, 801st Tank Destroyer Battalion, in mobile reserve, moved into position South and Southeast of Bullingen.
d.Division Artillery fired 57 harassing, 3 counterbattery, 7 close support, 31 tanks, 1 interdiction, 13 enemy activity, 5 preparation, 11 counter attacks, 65 infantry missions during this period. Total number of rounds expended — 3314.
371st Field Artillery Battalion displaced to the vicinity of 924th Field Artillery Battalion at 1300 hours. 372nd Field Artillery Battalion displaced to vicinity of Elsenborn at 0300 hours.
17.17 December 1944
a.Division CP: K912042
b.Heavy enemy artillery fire was continuous throughout the night. 254th Engineer Battalion was attached to Division at 0100, and given the mission of preparing a defense of roads leading into Bullingen from the South and Southeast. At 0555 hours, the enemy continued his attack with tanks, followed by armored infantry. The attack was launched from the vicinity of Honsfeld and in front of 393rd and 394th Infantry, objectives appearing to be the towns of Krinkelt and Bullingen. By 0730 hours, the enemy had penetrated elements of the 394th infantry and the 801st T.D. Battalion in the vicinity of Honsfeld, and was in contact with units of the 254th Engineer Battalion in defense of Bullingen. By 0850 hours enemy tanks and armored infantry were attacking the town of Bullingen from the South and East. At 815 hours, the 26th Infantry, 1st Division, was attached to 99th Division and ordered to hold the town of Butgenbach, with defensive positions on the road Southeast and South of town. They arrived in position at 1300 hours. At 0633 hours, paratroopers dropped around Tank Destroyer positions in the vicinity of Honsfeld. At 0647 hours, a company of the 612th Tank Destroyer Battalion of the 2nd Division was ordered to go into position on the road leading Southeast from Butgenbach. At 0730 hours, the 254th Engineer Battalion received an attack from infantry and armor South and Southeast of Bullingen. At 0850 hours, the 254th Engineer Battalion withdrew from position and defended the West end of Bullingen. At 0930 hours, the Division CP was set up for operations at Camp Elsenborn. 395th Infantry with 2nd Battalion, 393rd Infantry attached, was ordered to establish a defense position Northeast of 324th Engineer Battalion and astride road at K982079- K987074 and connect with 324th Engineer Battalion on their right. At 1145 hours, Company “C”, 394th Infantry, was bombed and strafed by ME 109's. At 1210 hours, 32 fighter-bombers bombed and strafed enemy infantry and tanks in the vicinity of Bullingen and diverted the enemy advance South of the town. At 1345 hours, the 26th Infantry moved into position relieving 254th Engineer Battalion in the vicinity of Dom Butgenbach and South of the village of Butgenbach, making contact with the 2nd infantry Division on the left in the vicinity of the lake. At 1525 hours, the 99th Reconnaissance Troops reported their patrols to their front had returned without seeing any sign of enemy. At 1600 hours, the 324th Engineer Battalion was attached to 393rd Infantry.
c.At 1700 hours, the 26th Infantry reported they were in position South and East of Butgenbach and felt confident with the AT weapons in their vicinity that they could hold their positions. At 1745 hours, half tracks and tanks entered the village of Murringen from the Southeast and were repulsed. At 1900 hours, 3rd Battalion 395th Infantry in the Hofen area received FA fire and enemy efforts to infiltrate their positions. Artillery and mortar fire dispersed them. At 1925 hours, the 395th Infantry (less 3rd Battalion) was in defensive position as planned, and had maintained contact with the 393rd Infantry. At 2005 hours, the 39 3rd Infantry reported that German troops were wearing U.S. and British uniforms and using some U.S. vehicles with white star insignia. At 2120 hours a FLASH WARNING message was received – “Tanks
moving from Southwest on positions of 393rd Infantry.” At 2320 hours, a straggler line for the Division was established running generally along the Elsenborn – Butgenbach road.
d.Division Artillery — 370th Field Artillery Battalion displaced to position West of Camp Elsenborn at 2400 hours. Missions fired — 1 registration, 28 harassing, 3 counter battery, 1 interdiction, 1 enemy action, 7 preparation, 13 close support. Total number of rounds expended — 3139.
18.18 December 1944
a.Division CP: Camp Elsenborn (K907086)
b.At 0020 hours, the 99th Reconnaissance Troops was attached to 3rd Battalion, 395th Infantry. 395th Infantry was in position astride roads leading into Rocherath and received an enemy infantry attack at 0508 hours. The attack was repulsed with mortar and artillery fire. Simultaneously, tanks were reported to be attacking adjacent units on the right. At 0710 hours, the 3rd Battalion, 23rd Infantry lost contact with the defense line of the 393rd Infantry. 1st Battalion, 393rd Infantry was fighting to the West and reinforcing 3rd Battalion, 23rd Infantry. At 0730 hours, the 3rd Battalion, 395th Infantry, in defense of Hofen, received a heavy armored and infantry attack, supported by artillery and mortar fire. The attack was repulsed by 0845 hours by mortar and artillery fire. At 0910 hours, 3rd Battalion, 395th Infantry received heavy rocket fire with increasing infantry pressure, and was attacked by tanks at 0950 hours. Slight penetrations were made in the center of their position. At 1000 hours, the 324th Engineer Battalion, less Company “C”, was withdrawn to the Elsenborn position and closed at 1900 hours. At 1225 hours, 3rd Battalion, 395th Infantry drove off the attack and reestablished their lines. At 1225 hours, the 99th Reconnaissance Troop lost contact with the 2nd Division Reconnaissance Troops which withdrew to the West. 99th Division Reconnaissance Troops continued to hold original positions South of Hofen. The 26th RCT was relieved from assignment with the 99th Infantry Division, and attached to 1st Infantry Division, effective 1430 hours. At 1700 hours the enemy attacked positions East of Rocherath with 9 tanks. The 393rd Infantry destroyed 7 tanks and repulsed an infantry attack. Enemy units were identified as the 12th SS. The 393rd Infantry reported that pressure was still being exerted all along the front but that they were holding their positions. At 1700 hours Division Artillery reported that all liaison planes had taken off from the airfield except one, which was marked “891" and that this plane should now be regarded as enemy. At 1826 hours, the 2nd Infantry Division reported that the 38th Infantry had dug in the vicinity of Krinkelt, and that the 9th Infantry was holding its positions. At 1952 hours, the 99th Reconnaissance Troops reported armored forces approaching the position of 3rd Battalion, 395th Infantry and also, that the Hofen area was being attacked. At 1800 hours, the 99th Infantry Division was attached to the 2nd Infantry Division for the defense of the Krinkelt - Wirtzfeld sector. At 2115 hours the 394th Infantry, with the 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry attached, was ordered to withdraw to and through positions established by the 2nd Infantry Division from Krinkelt through Wirtzfeld. Organized elements would be employed on that position as needed by representative 2nd Infantry Division in Wirtzfeld; others to proceed to Elsenborn. At 2115 hours, 3rd Battalion, 395th Infantry, in the Hofen area, repulsed an infantry and tank attack; no penetration was made into their battle positions.
c.Division Artillery — 372nd Field Artillery Battalion displaced from the town of Elsenborn to positions SW of Camp Elsenborn. 924th Field Artillery Battalion displaced and closed into position at 0400 hours, Southwest of Camp Elsenborn. The 371st Field Artillery Battalion displaced to vicinity of Camp Elsenborn at 0700 hours. The 776th Field Artillery Battalion displaced to position (West) Camp Elsenborn by 0700 hours. Division Artillery fired the following missions: 21 harassing, 14 interdiction, 1 counterattack, 1 infantry, 1 barrage, 3 counter battery. Total number of rounds expended — 2040.
19.19 December 1944
a.Division CP: Camp Elsenborn (K907086)
b.At 0010 hours, 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry withdrew through the defenses of the 2nd Infantry Division and closed in defensive area, coordinates K942507. At 0255 hours, 1st Battalion, 393rd Infantry withdrew and bivouaced in the vicinity of 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry. At 0430 hours the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of 394th Infantry closed into the village of Elsenborn and started preparing defensive positions in defense of this town. At 0610 hours armor and infantry attacked the Hofen area from the direction of Ruhren and were repulsed by 0820 hours; a number of prisoners were captured and many dead reported. At 0945 hours, 2nd Battalion, 393rd Infantry lost contact with the 395th Infantry on its left, and was reported holding its position. At 0800 hours, reconnaissance of Elsenborn position was made. The 393rd Infantry, less 2nd Battalion, with the 324th Engineer Battalion attached and the 394th Infantry, moved into and began organization of the defensive position at 1100 hours. Coordination with the 2nd Infantry Division on our right and the 9th Infantry Division on our left was affected. At 1500 hours, 2nd Battalion, 393rd Infantry made contact with the 38th Infantry in the vicinity of K989059. At 1550 hours a “Letter of Instruction” on withdrawal plans was received from the 2nd Infantry Division. At 1930 hours, Company “D”, 86th Chemical Battalion withdrew and was attached to the 394th Infantry. At 2350 hours, 1st Battalion, 395th Infantry had completed withdrawal and closed into assembly area; 2nd Battalion, 395th Infantry and 2nd Battalion, 393rd Infantry were both in route to their assembly areas.
c.776th Field Artillery Battalion detached as of 0200 hours.
d.Division Artillery and attached units fired the following missions: 1 registration, 23 harassing, 5 tanks, 5 interdiction, 28 enemy infantry, 1 machine gun, 1 neutralization, and 1 barrage. Total number of rounds expended — 7719.
20.20 December 1944
a.Division CP: Camp Elsenborn (K902086)
b.While sending additional forces West into the breakthrough, the enemy attempted to expand the gap by launching strong attacks against our lines. Three attacks by forces employing tanks, infantry, and SP guns were launched at our lines during the day. At about 1000 hours a large concentration of enemy troops was reported in vicinity of K969060. Shortly thereafter, a strong attack was launched in the 393rd Infantry area. This attack was supported by tanks, but strong resistance and heavy artillery fire forced the enemy to withdraw. Another attack was launched in the same vicinity about 1530 hours, but was repulsed by the 393rd Infantry. At 1725 hours tanks were massing in the vicinity of K96450742 and shortly thereafter, a two-pronged attack was launched
against both the 393rd Infantry and the 394th Infantry by approximately two battalions of Infantry and 20 tanks. Two tanks and some infantry penetrated our lines. This penetration was soon sealed off, and the infiltrating units either fled or were destroyed. By 2040 hours the 393rd Infantry reported all quiet.
c.The 395th Infantry (less the 3rd Battalion) remained in Division reserve.
d.Contact with the 2nd Infantry Division and the 9th Infantry Division was maintained on the right (South) flank and left (North) flank respectively.
21.21 December 1944
a.Division CP: Camp Elsenborn (K902086)
b.The Division and attached units continued active defense of the sector. Heavy artillery fire continued throughout the day, and a determined attempt by enemy tanks and infantry to reach a point close to our lines from which to launch an attack was driven off. The enemy conducted continuous reconnaissance of our sector, and one patrol of one (1) officer and five (5) men was observed and brought under artillery fire. One of our patrols spotted a bulldozer, one (1) light tank, and two (2) medium tanks which were marked on one side with the Cross of Lorraine, but were enemy armor. At 1500 hours, between 6 and 12 tanks and 200 enemy soldiers were observed and fired on by our artillery. At 1528 hours, considerable movement in the same area was taken under a concentration of artillery fire. At 1950 hours one of our patrols located three tanks and 100 infantry in the draw at K956060. Two battalions of our artillery were employed against them.
c.The enemy made numerous attempts to maneuver into attack positions by means of a white flag. All such efforts were effectively resisted.
22.22 December 1944
a.Division CP: Camp Elsenborn (K902086)
b.Heavy artillery fire for periods of from five to ten minutes duration were intermittent throughout the day. An estimated 800 rounds fell in the Division area with all types reported, including railroad artillery.
c.Flares were used frequently throughout the night. During the morning our own patrols reported the movement of several truckloads of soldiers followed by foot troops in columns of twos. They were brought under artillery fire.
d.The enemy, wearing American uniforms and using American equipment, infiltrated our lines.
e.The 2nd and 3rd Battalions, 395th Infantry, and the 99th Reconnaissance Troops were attached to the 9th Infantry Division during this period. The remainder of the regiment remained in Division reserve and reconnoitered routes for counter attack.
23.23 December 1944
a.Division CP: Camp Elsenborn (K902086)
b.Defense of the Division sector was continued. Enemy artillery fire throughout the period was moderate. A marked decrease in the number of enemy in position of our immediate front was observed. Those remaining in position dug defensive positions.
c.Twelve patrols from the 394th Infantry operated generally over our north and central sectors, East to vertical grid line 987. A number of individual enemy soldiers and small groups were observed. Considerable motor traffic up and down trails in the wooded area was found but nothing was seen to indicate the enemy in strength. Small arms fire and lack of cover prevented active patrolling from our southern sector. Reports of forward observers, however, did not indicate strong enemy movements.
d. Our AAA reported five enemy aircraft over the area, of which three were shot down. Eight enemy paratroopers were reported dropped in vicinity of Elsenborn at 2305 hours.
e.Shooting of American prisoners of war was reported and verified. This report coincides with the announced policy of the SS in this campaign.
24.24 December 1944
a.Division CP: Camp Elsenborn (K902086)
b.Division units conducted aggressive patrolling to the front. Reorganization and reequipping continued.
c.Enemy activity was confined chiefly to harassing and interdicting artillery fire. Approximately 500 rounds landed in our area during the period. A number of rounds landed in rear areas including the Division CP.
d.Enemy aircraft was active over the sector. At 1439 hours three planes, strafed, the 3rd Battalion of the 394th Infantry. Unidentified planes dropped flares over the area during the night.
e.Considerable vehicular activity was observed moving North and South in vicinity of K97050700. Other columns containing as many as 50 vehicles were seen on the road between Wahlerscheid and Rocherath at 1415 hours. They were strafed and bombed by our air, and interdicted by our artillery.
25.25 December 1944
a.Division CP: Camp Elsenborn (K902086)
b.The 393rd and 394th Infantry conducted aggressive patrolling to the front. The 395th Infantry (less the 2nd and 3rd Battalions) remained in Division reserve.
c.Two patrols from the 393rd Infantry from points overlooking Wirtzfeld, K953042, saw very little enemy activity. Patrols from the 394th Infantry reached the 972 vertical grid line and located machine guns at various points. At 1100 hours, a patrol observed a large enemy convoy moving South on the road through Rocherath,
K981053. Artillery fire was placed on the convoy. At 2100 hours, in the vicinity of K96850745, two patrols located a group of enemy estimated to be a company. Artillery fire was called on the position with unobserved results.
d.Several abandoned SP Guns of the 3rd Panzer Grenadier Division were found by our patrols, and destroyed.
e.At 1206 hours, five enemy planes strafed our lines. Three were shot down.
26.26 December 1944
a.Division CP: Camp Elsenborn (K902086)
b.Our activity was confined to aggressive patrolling, reequipping and improving of defensive positions. Enemy activity was confined to harassing and interdiction fire. An estimate of 400 rounds fell in the Division area. Our air OP adjusted fire on one gun at K98660544, on 8 guns at F01320583, and on a 14 gun battery at K98990625.
c.A patrol reported that the enemy has outposted. the woodline in front of the 394th Infantry. New log shelters, wood chopping and digging were observed. No enemy patrols were reported during the period. At 1730 hours at K959058, a patrol from the 393rd Infantry destroyed six of ten mired enemy SP assault guns. The remainder were destroyed by artillery fire.
27.27 December 1944
a.Division CP: (K881101)
b.Activity along the entire Division front decreased during this period. Although enemy air activity increased, foot and vehicular movements were unobserved. Toward the end of the period our patrols received small arms and machine gun fire from enemy outposts approximately 1000 yards to our front. A few small enemy groups were seen moving in front of our lines but no large groups were observed.
c.Enemy artillery also decreases and the largest single concentration reported
was 20 rounds.
d.Enemy aircraft bombed and strafed our sector.
28.28 December 1944
a.Division CP: (K881101)
b.Heavy concentrations of enemy artillery were received from 0515 hours to 0620 hours, at 0645 hours, enemy infantry advanced towards the MLR of the 393rd and 394th infantry and attacked. The attacking force consisted of the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 352nd Regiment and had the mission of taking the high grounds at Rodenhohe (K9507). The attack was disorganized by our artillery and machine gun fire and, though the enemy kept committing strong groups, by 1000 hours he finally withdrew suffering approximately 150 casualties.
c.At 0955 hours, 6 tanks were reported moving up a draw at K96750710 in the 394th Infantry area. They pulled back into the woods and our artillery fire was directed on them.
d.Our artillery fire increased during this period expending a total of 5376 rounds.
29.29 December 1944
a.Division CP: (K881101)
b.Enemy activity along the entire Division sector decreased considerably during the period. Organic infantry units sent out patrols which reported observing only small groups of enemy. A four man patrol from the 394th Infantry engaged a 12-15 man enemy patrol in the vicinity of K96590620 at 1430 hours. In the fire fight three of the enemy were killed and our patrol withdrew safely to our lines.
c.Enemy artillery fire showed a sharp decrease. An estimated total of 350 rounds fell in the Division sector.
d.At 0800 hours, Company “B”, 3rd platoon of the 801st TD Battalion took over 4 guns and gun positions from Company “D”, 612th TD Battalion in the vicinity of Berg.
e.The 324th Engineer Battalion laid 500 AT mines in the Division sector.
30. 30 December 1944
a.Division CP: (K881101)
b.Today action increased along the front. Considerable artillery fire was reported by front line units and several enemy foot, tank and vehicular movements were reported.
c.Approximately 475 rounds of artillery fell on our front lines and one concentration of 200 rounds fell in the 393rd Infantry area between 1200 and 1600 hours.
d.Increased enemy tank activity was indicated. At 0910 hours enemy trucks and tanks were fired on at K964043. At 1345 hours, two enemy tanks were observed at K955057 and fired on. At 1450 hours, artillery of the 2nd Infantry Division reported adjusting on 3 tanks at K930310.
e.The 395th Infantry reconnoitered positions occupied by 1st Battalion, 39th Infantry.
31.31 December 1944
a.Division CP: (K881101)
b.Again activity decreased over the preceding period. Enemy artillery fire was less in the Division sector than at any time since 16 December. Both our troops and the enemy dug defensive positions and established outposts. Enemy was observed digging at K965058 to K983052. Our artillery destroyed enemy mortar at 0415 hours.