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Book One


A Record of Patience


Robert W. Fromant, John L. Savage, Paul E. Lotze, and
Donald C. Everingham

A first aid station on a minor trail in North Burma in 1943 is beneaththe notice of medical or military science. Nothing of clinical importancehappened there. A few men from an idle medical battalion kept busy untilmore worthy enterprises were afoot. Indeed, the ways in which the stationoperated vaguely foreshadowed the means whereby medical support would beprovided next year in the Second Burma Campaign. But at the time no oneclearly foresaw the nature of the task ahead. No one was clever enoughto experiment with methods of accomplishing it.

What makes the aid station live is North Tirap Log. Experienceundistinguished and unrecorded is simply indistinguishable. But give experiencea voice, however plain and unselfconscious a voice, and experience acquireslife, form, value--the qualities of civilization and meaning. Of it oneno longer says, "It was, it went." One must say, "It is."If the voice is steady, coherent, tuned to truth, if it re-presents experienceand gives it unity and self-reflecting depth, it transcends particulars.It transforms events into humane knowledge. The word connects the log-houseto the castle, the Burma jungle to Birnam wood.

North Tirap Log was composed between 19 April and 20 December 1943.It is the diary of Aid Station Number 2, which Company B, 151st MedicalBattalion, established where what was called the West Axis Trail crossedthe Tirap River in Burma. The trail was one of two leading from Assam Province,India, through steep, heavily forested hills into the Hukawng Valley ofBurma. There such tributaries as the Tirap River join to form the Chindwin.Small motor vehicles could barely traverse the 15 miles between Ledo andTirap, but trucks could not. Foot travel was slow and arduous. What withthe rigors of the terrain and the discomforts of the forest, Aid StationNumber 2 was a lonely long way from civilization.

Yet as the dry season of 1943 advanced, several hundreds of engineer,quartermaster, signal, medical, and Chinese infantry troops straggled intoNorthwest Burma. Along the eastern trail, they clawed out a new road aimedtoward the old Burma Road to China. The Tenth Air Force in India, heirto Chennault's "Flying Tigers," hid signal centers on the hilltopsto observe enemy activity in time to send up its fighters. Quartermastertroops cleared sites for supply depots, and cargo planes and native porterconvoys shuttled to and fro between them and the base at Ledo. The Chinese38th Division, newly

    1Originally edited by Floyd T. Romberger, Jr.,M.D.


equipped and retrained by Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's Chinese Armyin India Headquarters, drifted to final martialing camps on the northernrim of the Hukawng Valley. In it, below Shingbwiyang, the enemy lay onguard in fortified advanced positions.

Almost a year had passed since the Japanese briskly scattered theChinese, British, and American forces in Burma. The intervening monthswere dreary. The British warily opposed any plans which might weaken theirdefenses in India. They dreamed of someday launching a dramatic assaultby land, sea, and air to restore the empire in Burma and Southeast Asia.The Chinese needed to protect the political and military centers in theSouthwest to which they had been driven. Now the enemy menaced them fromthe Burma rear as well as from the eastern front. Until the United Statescould fulfill its promises of political, military, and financial reinforcement,Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was dubious about risking any more of hisslender resources. A waiting, hoping defense of what remained to the Nationalistgovernment seemed safest.

The United States, though anxious about China and more than a littlecommitted to a rescue effort, realistically gave precedence to Europe,where it could mass its air and ground forces effectively, and to the Pacific,where the Navy could be used offensively. The physical barriers betweenbeleaguered China and her allies were formidable, almost impassable. Butsupposing them to be overcome, obvious strategic and economic principlesgave first consideration to Eisenhower and MacArthur rather than to Stilwelland Chiang.

With vacillation, frustration, suspicion, and reluctant compromiseduring the summer of 1942, allied diplomats and commanders slowly formedtheir plans for a counteroffensive. They agreed that a land-line of communicationsmust replace the costly and perilous air route from India to China. Sincethere was no early prospect of regaining control of the Burma Road, someonemust build a new one. Whoever did so must drive the Japanese below theprojected route through North Burma, and hold them off until the allieswere ready for a major attack.

Agreements were made, unmade, made again. The British offered hospitalityto the Americans in India, civilian laborers and local material, advice,skepticism, and ill-concealed impatience with American ambition and Chineselethargy. The remnants of two Chinese divisions were already in India,escapees from the First Burma Campaign. Up to 28 others were promised bythe Generalissimo for modernization under American auspices. He was willingthat they fight in Burma to open the land route to China, providing thatthe United States rapidly enlarged the Tenth and Fourteenth Air Forcesand the Air Transport Command cargo carrier fleet. The bargain was a favorableone for


China. For the questionable values of the Chinese infantry in theirexisting state of preparation, China gained an air arm.2

In the autumn of 1942, Stilwell began to train the Chinese infantryat his disposal. His Services of Supply opened the Ledo construction baseand scattered its troops from the ports of Karachi and Calcutta to thedepots in upper Assam. In 1943, after a futile winter, the engineers begantheir tedious progress into Burma. Welcome shipments of additional troopsappeared in March. Among them were several medical units--a 1,000-bed generalhospital, the 20th; two 750-bed semimobile evacuation hospitals, the 48thand 73d; the 151st Medical Battalion; the 1st Veterinary Company; and asection of the 7th Medical Depot Company. A third evacuation hospital,the 14th, arrived in midsummer. So did the 21st and 22d Field Hospitals,mobile 400-bed units with Chinese-American enlisted men.

The types and sizes of the units revealed the Army's plan for medicalservice. Each battalion and regiment possessed its own first-aid men. Thehospitals were in the rear, the smallest and most mobile ones nearest thecombat zone, the largest further back. Between the aidmen and the hospitalswas the medical battalion. Composed of 34 officers and 476 enlisted men,its ambulances were to clear out casualties from frontline aid stationsand collect them in its small tent hospitals just out of the line of directfire. There it would provide emergency treatment. It would keep those needingbut a day or two of care and then return them to duty. The rest it wouldsend to a hospital as soon as possible. Thus, as the honest broker of themedical service, the battalion balanced the need to keep men close to thefront if they were lightly sick or wounded, and the ideal of applying thebest and fullest measures of medical science to all who needed them. Thesystem was both utilitarian and humanitarian. It was fantastically successful.Any man whom the medical troops could reach had a 96 percent chance ofsurviving whatever injury he suffered.

But all this is merely by way of the plan. These units were humansocieties--doctors, nurses, technicians, drivers, mechanics, cooks andbakers, common laborers, clerks, litter bearers, orderlies. The 151st,three collecting companies, a clearing company, and a headquarters detachment,came from the Ohio National Guard. Training on the Mojave Desert preparedit for tropical conditions, although the mobility it had practiced witharmored forces would have little application in a slow-moving roadbuildingoperation. It was in Burma mainly because, as a separate battalion notyet an integral part of any combat division, it was "available."

As the construction, quartermaster, and signal troops disappearedinto North Burma, then, the 151st Medical Battalion teams went after themalong the road trace and on the trails. At Aid Stations spaced

    2See Craven and Cate, IV; Feis; Romanus andSunderland, I; U.S., Foreign Relations, 1942, 1943; Relationswith China; and Stilwell Papers.


about a day's hard march apart, a few soldiers and sometimes a doctorsettled down for an unpredictable length of time. Most of the battalionremained in the Ledo area, employed in housekeeping for itself and in minormedical chores at the base.

Few of the men on the trails knew much about the general situation.The sense of isolation was profound, as the mind's eye traced the appallingdistance from their jungle outposts, across a continent, across an ocean,and across half another continent to some such place as Bedford, Ohio.The worst enemy was boredom. The next was the friction and austerity ofgarrison life in a poverty-stricken land. After that were heat, rain, insects,filth, and sickness. No one escaped or expected to. If there was littledoubt that all would live, there also was the prospect that they wouldlive monotonously, suspended between misery and ease. Every want satisfiedcould only excite wants unfulfilled. No vivid sense of sacrifice couldrelieve the sense of slackness. But neither was there so clear a lack ofpurpose that a spirit of martyrdom could arise.

North Tirap Log can tell little about the tortuous struggles to wrestlethree giant nations into a posture of attack upon a determined and victoriousenemy. Perhaps the first important point about it is that anyone botheredto keep the diary, let alone keep it faithfully. What could it possiblyrecord that could be significant? Who in the midtwentieth century had thehabits of a diarist? Certainly not the men of the 151st, plain fellows,average youths, unheroic heroes. For them, no tragedy, no triumph, no rebellion,no defeat. But also, no despairing theologians, guilt-haunted psychiatrists,howling poets, or orgiastic novelists.

Thus the Log is a record of a curious kind of courage, thecourage of patience. When neither the best nor the worst of life are possible,the courage to withstand discouragement is all that is left to give dignityto the common lot. An account of it is of interest not only in what itsays, but in the silence, the space of possibility and alternative around.What does not happen at North Tirap is as significant as what does. Whatis not said is as meaningful as what is. What the men who kept the Logwere not reveals what they were or would be.


19 April-12 June 1943

On 19 April, Sgt. Robert W. Fromant began to keep the Log atAid Station Number 2, and he and his team of five3 hadthe absurd inspiration to start building a log cabin. After a few daysthe pattern of their lives emerged. In an entirely unsophisticated way,they began

    3Pfc. Stanley B. Craig, Pfc. Russell A. Massarra,T5c. Dean W. Phillips, Pfc. Clarence B. Price, and Pfc. Arthur G. Seith.


to reproduce a major theme in American cultural history: the escapeto Nature and the establishment of a society of comrades free from theconstraints of institutional authority. Hard work and the company theykept, more than the medical tasks they performed or an occasional spree,guarded them from ennui or self-pity. With unflagging curiosity and hospitalitythey welcomed Nagas, Indian porters, signalmen from a warning post up theline, quartermaster troops, friends from the base, Chinese infantry--allcolors, all creeds, all ranks. Days of inactivity, or the sight of thecabin only halfway finished after a month--these checked their spiritsfar more than heat, rain, or inadequate rations. But not until the originalteam was broken up in the second month, and several members were replaced,did the Sergeant become depressed. What had been counting, after all, wasthe community of effort.

April 19. Arrived destination about 11004 moved ingood shelter. Capt [Hubert T.] Short & Lt [William R.] O'dahl5left 1230. Lt. [Kenneth J.] Denys brought [Dean W.] Philips6& supplies. Capt Short, Lt O'Dahl, and others brought more supplies& [Clarence B.] Price. Everyone well pleased with Area.

[April] 20. Little rain & a lot of sunshine. Brokeground for cottage. Capt Short & Col. [York N.] Pitkin7brought more supplies about 1130 left 1300. Morale fine, food fair, Russ[Russell A. Massarra] doing a good job.

[April] 21. Have been arising around 0630. Little rainin the morning sunshine all day. Cut & hauled nine logs; started foundation.Col. Pitkin & party arrived 1000 with the last of ration & medicalsupplies. Took a good river shower. Moral[e] fine. "Corn Willie"8made in various forms. Twenty-two Punjab soldiers arrived for rest on theirway to Dig-Boi.9 Came from Burma. A few casualties, but werebeing taken care of by their own doctor. Gave them a few Iodine swabs.

[April] 22. Weather was good all day. Punjab soldiersleft camp about 0700. Two Gurka soldiers stopped over nite headed downtrail.10 Progress on cabin is fine. Sgt. Langevin11has made a bet that we don't finish the cabin

    4The military "clock" runs from 0001--oneminute after midnight--through 1200--midday--to 2400 midnight.
    5151st Medical Battalion. "Odahl" is consistentlymisspelled. Errors in grammar, spelling, the use of the inverted comma,and punctuation have usually been left without correction or editorialmarkings. Where confusion might occur, editorial amplification has beenintroduced. First names are supplied in brackets when the individual isfirst mentioned. The names of men stationed at North Tirap have been italicizedthroughout to facilitate identification. When the text uses nicknames,the full name is entered in brackets on the first occasion. At the endof this diary are a list of names of the men mentioned in the text, anda list of names of the men stationed at North Tirap.
    6Phillips--the name is occasionally misspelled in the Log.
    7Commanding Officer, 151st Medical Battalion.
    8Corn beef hash.
    9Digboi, about 25 miles northwest of North Tirap, via Ledo.
    10That is, back toward India and the base camps. "Up trail"is into Burma.
    11From a detachment of the 679th Signal Air Warning Company,whose observation post was at Ujon. Efforts to establish the full identityof those who are mentioned in the Log have not been successful.The Fourth Platoon occupied the post between 10 and 14 October 1942, relievinga detachment of the 51st Fighter Control Squadron. Radar equipment didnot work effectively in the hilly terrain, and visual observation supplantedit. The 679th did yeoman work in North Burma, supporting not only the airoperations in Assam but, later, those covering the Chinese, British, andAmerican infantry in Burma. One of its detachments flew in with Wingate'slong range penetration group in March 1944 and operated on the landingground "Broadway" until the end of the month. Another was withthe Fourteenth Army during the furious fight to repulse the Japanese whenthey invaded India in the spring of 1944. See the company's official history,which is included among the Stilwell Papers, Hoover Institution on War,Revolution, and Peace, Folders 166 and 167, as a sample and exemplary unitreport; also, Craven and Cate, IV, pp. 415-416.


in 30 days. We are very confident that we will. Moral[e] is very high.Russ & I counted rations and found the 10 day to be shorterthan 7 day.12 If it wasn't for Shorty [Langevin] we would beeating very little.

[April] 23. Weather was cloudy & rain pratically allday. Shortys coolies left on convoy up trail about 0745. An English Capt.arrived at 1200 with 60 Punjab soldiers from up trail. We held sick callat 1600 for 15 of them. The nature of the call was mostly infected bites& cuts. Stoney [Stanley B. Craig] & Phillips dida good job. Two radio teams with two officers arrived about 1400 headedup trail.13 Their total was 12. Lodging in camp was over 100counting coolies. At 2100 a peep14 arrived with two Lt's &friends who stayed until 2230. As they were leaving they shot a dynamitecap which was against our rule of night firing. The cottage is really goingup fast.

[April] 24. The fellows were up at 0545 but I shared thewealth until 0630. We did some work on the cabin plus carrying an ungodlyheavy log before breakfast. After breakfast carried more logs and changedbeds from previous basha to present basha. Russ & I seperatedrations. About 1200 Capt [Edward N.] Schwartz15 & Lt. O'dahlarrived with men for 3rd and 4th basha [station].16 The 14 ateour ration for dinner & supper. Lt. O'dahl caught two good sized fish.The Punjab soldiers left at 0700. We are buying a collection of chickensfor a good meal, the total now is 5.17

[April] 25. We were up at 0630 mainly because the fellowswere preparing to leave and sleep was impossible. It started to rain atbreakfast and continued the rest of the day. Capt Schwartz had a hell ofa time getting his convoy started. The Auboy [Abor] coolies wouldn't carrysome of the boxes because they were too heavy. Finally after much arguing& changing of boxes the convoy left, but not in full. Shortly afterthe convoy was gone, we saw several coolies come from their hiding places.The results of the arguing was 15 loads left behind. Those will have togo sometime. The mayor18 declared today a legal holiday, sowe took it easy. Jit [Bahardu]19 hasn't been feelinggood the last few days. Stoney & Phillips are takingcare of him. Had two good meals today, one meal was the fish. Everyoneis in fine shape & happy.

    12Standard balanced food units--one man for7 days, or one man for 10 days multiplied by the number of men--issuedaccording to prescribed Quartermaster tables. Onsite supplements mightbe added (see entry for 28 April).
    13To the air-warning station.
    14Military vehicle ("command car"), larger than theworkhorse jeep but also open and designed for rough going.
    15Schwartz established the West Axis Trail stations, such asthat at North Tirap. See also Tamraz Diary, p. 149.
    16The 3d and 4th Aid Stations were to be located at the villagesites of Rema and Ujon, respectively, 12 and 20 miles farther south inBurma.
    17Presumably from Naga villagers in the vicinity.
    18Fromant himself, of course.
    19One of the Nepalese camp servants.


[April] 26. Breakfast was not until 0900, we all feltlike having a few extra winks. The total number of logs hauled for themorning was 11; a good mornings excersise. The sun was pretty hot afterdinner, so we went swimming for a few hours. A few logs were notched &laid before supper. Phillips is doctoring two coolies who have twovery bad infections. These coolies have to be taken care of here or diebecause if they were sent to Tipang20 for treatment, they woulddeclare them fit for convoy and they are not. A white man with these infectionswould have had blood poisoning days ago, but as yet there is no signs onthese two. There were no visitors here today. Shorty told us Capt Schwartzarrived at Ujan [Ujon] mad as hell, five loads were left at Rema. The faultof all the trouble with this convoy is the rations were not packed correctly,and they were brought here by "peep" instead of being left atTipang where they could have been observed and made correct for carrying.Capt Schwartz should not have had all this trouble. A S.N.A.F.U. someplace.21

[April] 27. The weather was rain off & on all day.We continued work on cabin when it would stop raining. At 1600 Capt. Schwartz& Lt. O'Dahl arrived from up trail. They traveled 23 miles in 7 hoursand 15 minutes, a good days march.22 Art [Arthur G.Seith] took them down to our private beach, then we had supper whenthey returned. The evening was spent telling stories and jokes over a cupof tea and cakes.

[April] 28. The Capt. & Lt. stayed for a days rest.Shorty was up at 0630 and left camp with his coolies at 0715, the restof us took a few extra winks and breakfast was at 1000. Price &I cut logs while Art & Stoney carried them. These logsevened the walls to about three feet. Lt. O'dahl and Price fixeda dynamite charge for fishing. Four of us farther down stream caught themas they floated down stream. The catch was fine, but they were suckersand we gave them to the coolies. A strong wind blew up a storm that lastedonly a short time. The wind blew the canvass off the roof23and [it] had to be replaced. Capt Schwartz and the fellows notched logsbefore Supper. The Capt. gave us R's 4024 for a food fund. Hesaid he ate off of us and would in the future, so that was his fee. Weappreciate it. That was darned white of him. The food is running low; havebeen looking for rations.

[April] 29. The Capt & Lt left for Tipang. The weatherwas rainy, so we did no work. Russ had chicken for dinner and hehad dinner at 1400; consequently, we had no supper. As we were eating,the Lt. & five men came back looking for the Capt & Philips.The two never showed up at Tipang and the Lt. thought maybe one had brokena leg. The six started back after about an hour. We will find out whathappened tomorrow when Phillips

    20Near Ledo on the West Axis Trail. The referencehere is apparently not to Aid Station No. 1 but to civilian medical facilitiesat the porter depot.
    21"Situation normal-all 'fouled' up."
    22From Station 4 at Ujon.
    23Of the basha, not the unfinished log house.
    24Rupees-about three to the dollar.


comes back, he went to 20th General25 to have a tooth pulled.About 1700 we became jittery, so four of us played a little anna poker.26We played until 2000 and became hungry, so we raided the icebox. Taps atTirap was at 2100. Yesterday Mr. Miller & Sgt came up from Tipang fora walk.27

[April] 30. Shorty was up at 0600 to get his convoy started.They left at 0830. We had breakfast at 1000. There was no work this morning& very little this afternoon because it was too damn hot. Shortly afterdinner, 10 signal men & 88 porters arrived on there way up trail. Theyare staying over night. Phillips came back about 1600. [Frank] Kitzberger& [Donald F.] Booth came along for the trip.28 After supperwe all pitched in and filled in a lot of the [cabin] floor. Eight Chinesesoldiers stopped for a rest this afternoon. A note was sent to Sgt [WilliamH.] Shaw & Sgt [Ivan B.] Montgomery29 to take care of thetwo coolies with the infections. A bull session and small poker game endedthe evening.

May 1. The signal men were up quite early also Shorty, but therest of us slept until 0930, or thereabouts, and had breakfast at 1030.We finished the floor, which was a hot job and quit for the day. The weatherfor the last few days has been hot. To work too much would result in ablackout. The S/Sgt in charge of the signal teams had to go back to Tipangfor more coolies because three loads were left here. He came back at 1200ahead of the coolies. At 1400 the coolies still hadn't arrived and againhe headed for Tipang. He returned in a half an hour with the coolies. Aftermuch arguing, the coolies headed up the trail. It appeared that the Sgt.didn't know how to handle coolies because he was having a tough time withthem. He pulled his gun, more or less threating them, and they were muchagainst it. He may have a little trouble. Booth & Kitz[berger] startedback about 1100. A Chinese Lt. with 10 Chinese stopped for a rest. Thewater was wonderful for swimming today. Something is going to have to bedone about rations in the very near future, we are down to "C"rations.30

[May] 2. Everyone was up at 0600 had breakfast and wasworking in the woods by 0730. Eighteen logs were cut and carried to thecabin by 1030; a good morning workout. It was too hot this afternoonfor work, so we washed clothes and went swimming. Art, Price,& Stoney notched and placed four logs, Phillips madea medicine shelf, and I set up a wash stand & made a soakage pit31before supper. After supper a back log was notched and a snake was killed.A few Auboy coolies was the only travelers today.

    25The 20th General Hospital, at Margherita,near Ledo, was the most important fixed medical unit supporting troopsin Burma. Originally affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, andcommanded by Col. Elias E. Cooley, MC, it began to receive patients only2 weeks before Phillips visited it. It grew steadily in size and complexityto a 2,000-bed hospital by June 1944, overflowing with American and Chinesecasualties from the Second Burma Campaign. Not long after arriving, ColonelCooley became the Medical Inspector of the Theater. Col. (later Brig. Gen.)Isidor S. Ravdin then took command of the hospital.
    26That is, "penny-ante," using the Indian "anna"as an equivalent coin.
    27Miller was a British civilian working with the porter corps.See Tamraz Diary, p. 143. The sergeant is not identified in theLog.
    28From Company B, 151st Medical Battalion, at Ledo.
    29At Aid Station 4, up the line at Ujon, to which the signalmenand porters were going.
    30One of the standard individual ration packages used by alltroops, ad nauseum.
    31For waste water and grease.


Everyones moral[e] is still very high and they dislike the thought ofleaving here. Today was Stoneys birthday and no "sakie".

[May] 3. The crew was up at 0630. We were able to work[only] until about 1000 because it was starting to get too hot. Around1400 a S/Sgt with 91 coolies arrived on their way up the trail. He is withthe hospital at Pebu.32 He had supper with us and then he &I went for a short swim while the others notched a few logs. The cabinwalls are to window height and before long we will move in, I hope. Therations are gone and we are eating "C" ration. Rations had bettercome soon. The S/Sgt opened a box of cookies while here. Another smallstake poker game.

[May] 4. We were up at 0600, but there was no work asit rained all morning. After dinner we only did a little work as it clearedup and the sun came out hot. Stoney laid down for an hours sleep& slept until supper. Price shot a few shells for fish and thecatch was all small ones. They prepared them for supper. The S/Sgt leftthis morning about 0700. I WAS THE FIRST ONE UP THIS MORNING, but returnedto bed shortly after breakfast for a few winks. We are having quite a changein menu. Stew for a change.

[May] 5. We arose again at 0600 and were in the woodschopping logs at 0700. After about an hours work it started to rain, butwe continued work until about 1030. Just before dinner, Capt Schwartz,Capt [Cyril B.] Marlewski,33 and driver arrived with a big sawand some things we had requested. They stayed for dinner and left about1330. A front window was made today and if the weather holds up we willbe able to complete all windows in a few days. It rained the hardest thisafternoon of any time since we have been here. "C" rations isthe main course and breakfast is coffee & biscuits. Capt. said rationswill come as soon as coolies are available. Shorty received word from Ujanthat station #4 is moving into new basha.

[May] 6. Phillips was up at 0530 as he was goingto Tipang. I was supposed to go with him, but I failed to respond to hiscalling; consequently he went alone. He was back before dinner. Just afterdinner, a Lt. with 10 negroes and 80 coolies arrived on their way up trail.They are QM34 going to

    32The original editor of the Log, FloydT. Romberger, Jr., notes that the hospital was actually at Hpachet Hi,much further south in Burma, although at one time Pebu had been consideredas a site. In March 1943, Dr. Gordon Seagrave, the famous "Burma Surgeon,"was a Lieutenant Colonel in command of a medical company composed partlyof the American, Burmese, Indian, and Chinese staff of his mission hospitalat Namhkam. Since the beginning of the war in Burma, he had been with Chinesetroops. Now, in support of the Chinese Army in India, he was starting backtoward his mission. In April 1943, he operated three jungle medical stations,one of which was at Hpachet Hi. Because of their isolation, they servedas dispensaries and hospitals for Chinese infantry, American engineer andquartermaster troops, Indian porters, and Burmese villagers. The good willcreated by medical aid to the latter was reflected subsequently in theservices of the natives as guides, porters, and rescuers of do at the aid station began.Shorty's prediction is noted in the entry of 22 April. Although he hadleft the area (see entry of 15 May), may it not be assumed that he is "Shorty,the Christian Auboy" ?
    51Indian porters.
    52The 38th Division was continuing its move into Burma, havingsent forward its first elements in March. Slater was an officer of theChinese Army in India headquarters.


[May] 21. Everyone was up at 0630 for no reason otherthan nothing else to do. The Chinese left about 0700. Shortly after theyleft it started to rain and was almost a continuous rain until after dinner.About 1100, four men from Joe's outfit53 arrived with his rationsand rations for the station. A mechanic for the motors at Ujan [air-warningstation] came along and is staying over nite. The fellows made three tripswith rations, and after the third load, they stayed and waited for Sgt.[Paul E.] Skiddmore54 who came from Ujan. Skiddmore is goingbefore O.C.S.55 board and has to return to the unit. At 1500,the Capt in charge of the second company arrived with his men who totaledapproximately 150. There was room for all and we extended the same courtisiesas we did for the Major & his men. They didn't ask for medical treatment.

[May] 22. It was raining when we arose but it didn't lastvery long. There was very little done all day and no work on the cabin.About 1400, the third & last company of Chinese arrived numbering lessthan either of the other companies. Lodging was found for all. The interpreterfor these men could talk very little English and conversation was justmainly questions. Those men had their own medical aid with them and weretreated shortly after arrival. We invited the Capt & interpreter forsupper and they took it upon themselves to invite more; consequently, eightof them ate at the table and we ate in the cook house. We didn't care asthe supper was the ungodly "pork soya links."56 Aftersupper we sat around making conversation and finally hit the hay about2200.

[May] 23. Art, Russ, & Phillips wereup early and on their way to Tipang by 0610. Phillips is going tothe dentist & Art to the [20th General] hospital. Joe &Chandra also left early to go to Tipang. Seven of the coolies leftthe other day for the hospital and seven are sick here, so Joe is goingto see about more coolies. About 1000, "Pop" & his daughterscame down from the village with chickens & sachie. We entertained themwith a few pieces of ration candy & a couple of drinks of sachie. (Noidea in mind. N. Tirap hospitality). "Pop" is having some ofhis villagers put the roof on the cabin so we have to be nice to him. At1200, Joe came back from Tipang. Capt Schwartz & Tom Weeks57arrived with rations about 1400. After straightening out everything wewent for a swim. Vandy [Ralph Vanderground] & Flaten58 arrivedabout 1500 to stay for an hour or so. Stoney & I prepared supper.After supper there was a few chess games & card games and after a cupof tea, we hit the hay.

[May] 24. Price, Stoney, and myself were up at 0600 and preparedbreakfast. The Capt [Schwartz] & Tom [Weeks] left ahead of the convoyand were on their way by 0800. Phillips arrived about 1400, he becameimpatient at Tipang and started ahead of Art and Russ. Thetwo came in about

    53The Ujon air-warning station.
    54Should be Staff Sergeant Skidmore, 679th Signal AirWarning Company, in charge of the observation post at Ujon. Later he wasevacuated by litter with a severe case of malaria.
    55Officer Candidate School.
    57151st Medical Battalion.
    58151st Medical Battalion.


1530. The weather the last two days has been terrificly hot. The cooliesJoe asked for arrived today.

[May] 25. Nothing unusual happened today. Breakfast wasthe usual time and the day was leisurly spent. The sun was out all morningand shortly after dinner it began to rain. The rain was pretty steady untilabout 1600. The five Naga's started gathering leaves for the roof and brought10 bundles in for the days work. They said the roof would be completedin four days. No travellers on the trail.

[May] 26. Oatmeal & bacon was served at 0700 to allthe personnel. After breakfast it started to rain and continued until dinnerwhen it stopped for the day. Most of the day was spent writing and reading.The Naga's brought 18 more bundles in today and will soon be ready to startthe rafters. Joe's coolies arrived from Rema about 1500. The only travellerswere a few Naga women escorted by their men-folk.

[May] 27. The usual breakfast habit started off a dayof leisure. Shortly after, it started to rain, but did not last long. About1115 the Capt [Schwartz] & Weeks arrived from Rema.59 Inthe afternoon some consumed a few bottles of "Jungle Pani"60while the rest slept or read. We had Chandra kill eight chickensand Russ & I got supper. The Capt complimented the chicken.The evening was spent listening to Capt. Schwartz' experiences in medicalschool. A cup of hot chocolate was the "nite cap."

[May] 28. Four of us were up at 0600 and breakfast wasat 0700. The Capt & Tom [Weeks] was on their way by 0800. Joe wentdown to Tipang with them and was back after dinner. Chandra tookPrice & Craig to one of the "Bustees"61and they were back by dinner. Gumps [Montgomery] & [Robert L.] McFarlinarrived about 1330. They came from Ujan today. We had an afternoon swimand after supper we shot the bull. Two Chinese soldiers came about 1800and are staying over nite. They are going down trail. The Nagas have allthe leaves and most of the bamboo at the cabin and work should begin tomorrow.

[May] 29. Gumps & McFarlin left about 0900. The Nagasstarted laying the rafters early this morning and completed the roof beforedark. They were certainly on the ball and did a dandy job. The cabin looksswell with it's green roof. About 1100 Political Officer [Johnny] Walkerstopped on his way to Rema.62 Sgt Hibbard arrived at 1400 witha note for Phillips to report to the company in clean clothes &a clean shave. In disgust he shaved and both left about 1530. The weatherthe last two days has been terrificly hot. The evenings have been stuffyand buggie.

[May] 30. Today was another scorcher. It started gettinghot just after breakfast which was at 0730. Pop and his Naga women spentmost of the day here. Work was started on the doors & windows and theyshould be completed in another day. Joe's coolies arrived from Rema todayand this

    59After delivering rations to Aid Station 3.
    60Pani is an Indian word for water. "Jungle Pani"was a roundabout name for the distilled rice drink which the Nagas produced.
    62Aid Station 4, 151st Medical Battalion.


may be their last convoy. There were no travellers of importance onthe trail.

[May] 31. Breakfast was at 0730. The Nagas started earlyand finished the doors, windows & the ends. They were over right afterthey finished for their money. Price, Craig & myselfstarted cutting the grass around the cabin. Gumps [Montgomery], McFarlin,& Phillips arrived from the company about 1630. They are stayingtonite and tomorrow. The weather was hot most of the day but we did havea little rain. Craig had quite a sick call of coolies who arrivedfrom Punyang.63 One of the coolies had badly infected legs andwas carried down. It looks very much like gangreen. He was removed to Tipang.Two Chinese soldiers stopped on their way down trail.

June 1. Gumps & McFarlin brought some baking powder, whichchanged the menu from the usual oatmeal & bacon to pancakes. And theywere darned good. Everyone went to work this morning putting canvas onthe roof and cleaning the area. A lot was accomplished and really addsto the looks of our mansion. About 1030 eight Chinese arrived with theinjured soldier. A clean bandage had been put on at Rema, so we did nothingfor him. After they ate they started for Tipang and was met by our "peep."We never saw the vehicle, but gather it was a peep. The day was cloudyand we had about an hours rain.

[June] 2. Everyone was at the breakfast table at 0700.Art & Russ went to Ujan with Gumps & McFarlin. Thefellows left about 0900. The rest of us started cleaning the area aroundthe cabin and burning rubbish. Seventy Chinese started coming in about1600 and the last ones arrived around 2000. The officers took the placeover as usual until about 2100 when Price & Craig startedplaying chess. They took the hint & when [went] to bed. The Chinesehad Naga men and women porters. The sun broke thru the clouds several timesmaking it a hot day. Phillips & Craig had quite a sickcall.

[June] 3. Joe got breakfast this morning and he made fritters.They were extra good and a darn good change. Work was done on the areaaround the cabin. The Chinese were on their way by 0700. About 1100 a Nagacame to the basha with two cubs which were purchased immediatly by Price& Craig. Chandra seems to think they are tiger cubs.The darn things aren't more than a week old. The only travellers were afew Nagas. The weather was hot all day.

[June] 4. It was raining at breakfast and continued mostof the day. No work was done. Phillips left for Tipang about 1400.He has a dentist appointment tomorrow. Seven Chinese stopped for the niteon their way down trail. These gave us the worst time of any.

[June] 5. Breakfast was at 0800. Price & Craighad an hours work done before breakfast. We started digging the latrineand worked until about 1100 when the rain chased us in. The rain lastedan hour and stopped for the day. Phillips arrived around 1400 withSgts. Boughter & [Richard E.] Everett,64 they are stayingover nite. About 1600 approximately 70 Chinese

    63See n. 35, p. 12. Pfc. McFarlin--see entryof 28 May--will open Aid Station 5 at Punyang in mid-June.
    64151st Medical Battalion.


soldiers stopped for a rest. Several of them had bites so Philips& Craig held sick call. After supper we played cards andshot the bull.

[June] 6. Joe again took to the stove and this time wehad some delicious corn fritters. Today being Sunday, we decided to rest,so there was no work accomplished. A newcomer has been added to our zoologicalgardens. I am the proud owner of a baby monkey which was purchased froma native. The darned thing isn't any bigger than a minute. Boughter &Everett left us about 1400. Five Chinese stopped a few minutes on theirway up trail. Jit arrived about 1400. We were all glad to see him.It was raining when we arose but lasted only a short time.

[June] 7. Craig & Price worked a littleon the latrine before breakfast and after breakfast, we all pitched in.Chandra, Jit, Goop & Dil65 bidus goodbye. We are certainly going to miss those fellows in more ways thanone. The latrine hole was finished and the box was made. The sun was toohot to do any work after dinner. While we were eating dinner a Chinesesoldier arrived on horseback. He is headed up trail and is staying overnite. No news of importance & no travellers on the trail.

[June] 8. It was raining at breakfast time and lastedabout an hour. The four of us finished the latrine and quit for the day.About 1400 Col. Chin arrived with 50 soldiers on their way up trail. Theyare staying over nite. Accompaning the Chinese is a very interesting Polishdoctor who is a contract surgeon for the U.S. Army.66 He speaksseven languages and has travelled all over Europe. He talked with us fora while and went to bed early. We would have enjoyed several hours withhim. He is responsible for "Jakie's" life because he showed mehow to feed her. Shortly after supper the fellows arrived, everyone plentytired. R. [Ray B.] Price & [Earl] Piens67 came from Ujan& [Manuel B.] Felix & [Dudley M.] Donnelson68 from Rema.Taps is early tonite for the majority. Price, Craig &myself are going to the company tomorrow.

[June] 9 & 10. The Chinese soldiers started up trailabout 0700 and after breakfast C. Price, Craig, the fellowsfrom up the trail, & myself started for the company. During the dayat Tirap, three Chinese soldiers headed down trail stopped for the nite.Art & Russ started the kitchen setup. The afternoon ofthe 10th a Gurka Lt., a few soldiers, and Naga porters arrived on theirway up trail. They were going to make maps. During the nite a buffalo brokeinto the Lt's basha. There was also a chicken lost, some animal made itselfat home.

[June] 11. Price & Craig arrived aboutnoon with the coolies for the Co. convoy. There was a S.N.A.F.U. someplaceand the coolies left a day ahead of Lt Baumgarten & Sgt. Boughter.69I arrived about 1430. Craig & Price were packing fortheir trip to Pebu.70 We were entertained after dark by

    65The Indian camp servants.
    66Perhaps Dr. Franz Kriegel, one of the European refugee doctorswho worked for the Chinese Government and military forces. See ChineseLiaison Detail, p. 81.
    67From Aid Station 4.
    68From Aid Station 3.
    69From the 151st Medical Battalion.
    70To open Aid Station 6.


the porters who sang and danced. Had anyone told us we would be sittingin the moonlight watching a bunch of coolies dance, we would of [have]thought them crazy. Everyone was tired, so we went to bed early. Boothalso arrived with Craig & Price.

[June] 12. The coolies were held back in wait for theLt. [Baumgarten], so they slept a few more winks. The convoy started arrivingabout 1100 and the last ones came about 1500. [Don W.] Duncan & Piens71were two of the first to arrive and after staying a short time, they startedfor Rema. After everyone arrived there was a few changes made. Craig& Price to Pebu as scheduled, Seith to Punyang,72[Nicholas] Romeo, [John L.] Savage & Booth to remain here and Duncanto Ujan. The changes were made by the Lt. Along with our convoy was a medicalman to releive the medic there at the [Ujon air-warning] station. Thisfellow gave Joe four shots and not of whiskey. Gassabaro [Gasbarro] isstill sweating out his transfer to Punyang. Nothing else of importancefor the day.

51Indian porters.
52The 38th Division was continuing its move into Burma, havingsent forward its first elements in March. Slater was an officer of theChinese Army in India headquarters.


[May] 21. Everyone was up at 0630 for no reason otherthan nothing else to do. The Chinese left about 0700. Shortly after theyleft it started to rain and was almost a continuous rain until after dinner.About 1100, four men from Joe's outfit53 arrived with his rationsand rations for the station. A mechanic for the motors at Ujan [air-warningstation] came along and is staying over nite. The fellows made three tripswith rations, and after the third load, they stayed and waited for Sgt.[Paul E.] Skiddmore54 who came from Ujan. Skiddmore is goingbefore O.C.S.55 board and has to return to the unit. At 1500,the Capt in charge of the second company arrived with his men who totaledapproximately 150. There was room for all and we extended the same courtisiesas we did for the Major & his men. They didn't ask for medical treatment.

[May] 22. It was raining when we arose but it didn't lastvery long. There was very little done all day and no work on the cabin.About 1400, the third & last company of Chinese arrived numbering lessthan either of the other companies. Lodging was found for all. The interpreterfor these men could talk very little English and conversation was justmainly questions. Those men had their own medical aid with them and weretreated shortly after arrival. We invited the Capt & interpreter forsupper and they took it upon themselves to invite more; consequently, eightof them ate at the table and we ate in the cook house. We didn't care asthe supper was the ungodly "pork soya links."56 Aftersupper we sat around making conversation and finally hit the hay about2200.

[May] 23. Art, Russ, & Phillips wereup early and on their way to Tipang by 0610. Phillips is going tothe dentist & Art to the [20th General] hospital. Joe &Chandra also left early to go to Tipang. Seven of the coolies leftthe other day for the hospital and seven are sick here, so Joe is goingto see about more coolies. About 1000, "Pop" & his daughterscame down from the village with chickens & sachie. We entertained themwith a few pieces of ration candy & a couple of drinks of sachie. (Noidea in mind. N. Tirap hospitality). "Pop" is having some ofhis villagers put the roof on the cabin so we have to be nice to him. At1200, Joe came back from Tipang. Capt Schwartz & Tom Weeks57arrived with rations about 1400. After straightening out everything wewent for a swim. Vandy [Ralph Vanderground] & Flaten58 arrivedabout 1500 to stay for an hour or so. Stoney & I prepared supper.After supper there was a few chess games & card games and after a cupof tea, we hit the hay.

[May] 24. Price, Stoney, and myself were up at 0600 and preparedbreakfast. The Capt [Schwartz] & Tom [Weeks] left ahead of the convoyand were on their way by 0800. Phillips arrived about 1400, he becameimpatient at Tipang and started ahead of Art and Russ. Thetwo came in about

    53The Ujon air-warning station.
    54Should be Staff Sergeant Skidmore, 679th Signal AirWarning Company, in charge of the observation post at Ujon. Later he wasevacuated by litter with a severe case of malaria.
    55Officer Candidate School.
    57151st Medical Battalion.
    58151st Medical Battalion.


1530. The weather the last two days has been terrificly hot. The cooliesJoe asked for arrived today.

[May] 25. Nothing unusual happened today. Breakfast wasthe usual time and the day was leisurly spent. The sun was out all morningand shortly after dinner it began to rain. The rain was pretty steady untilabout 1600. The five Naga's started gathering leaves for the roof and brought10 bundles in for the days work. They said the roof would be completedin four days. No travellers on the trail.

[May] 26. Oatmeal & bacon was served at 0700 to allthe personnel. After breakfast it started to rain and continued until dinnerwhen it stopped for the day. Most of the day was spent writing and reading.The Naga's brought 18 more bundles in today and will soon be ready to startthe rafters. Joe's coolies arrived from Rema about 1500. The only travellerswere a few Naga women escorted by their men-folk.

[May] 27. The usual breakfast habit started off a dayof leisure. Shortly after, it started to rain, but did not last long. About1115 the Capt [Schwartz] & Weeks arrived from Rema.59 Inthe afternoon some consumed a few bottles of "Jungle Pani"60while the rest slept or read. We had Chandra kill eight chickensand Russ & I got supper. The Capt complimented the chicken.The evening was spent listening to Capt. Schwartz' experiences in medicalschool. A cup of hot chocolate was the "nite cap."

[May] 28. Four of us were up at 0600 and breakfast wasat 0700. The Capt & Tom [Weeks] was on their way by 0800. Joe wentdown to Tipang with them and was back after dinner. Chandra tookPrice & Craig to one of the "Bustees"61and they were back by dinner. Gumps [Montgomery] & [Robert L.] McFarlinarrived about 1330. They came from Ujan today. We had an afternoon swimand after supper we shot the bull. Two Chinese soldiers came about 1800and are staying over nite. They are going down trail. The Nagas have allthe leaves and most of the bamboo at the cabin and work should begin tomorrow.

[May] 29. Gumps & McFarlin left about 0900. The Nagasstarted laying the rafters early this morning and completed the roof beforedark. They were certainly on the ball and did a dandy job. The cabin looksswell with it's green roof. About 1100 Political Officer [Johnny] Walkerstopped on his way to Rema.62 Sgt Hibbard arrived at 1400 witha note for Phillips to report to the company in clean clothes &a clean shave. In disgust he shaved and both left about 1530. The weatherthe last two days has been terrificly hot. The evenings have been stuffyand buggie.

[May] 30. Today was another scorcher. It started gettinghot just after breakfast which was at 0730. Pop and his Naga women spentmost of the day here. Work was started on the doors & windows and theyshould be completed in another day. Joe's coolies arrived from Rema todayand this

    59After delivering rations to Aid Station 3.
    60Pani is an Indian word for water. "Jungle Pani"was a roundabout name for the distilled rice drink which the Nagas produced.
    62Aid Station 4, 151st Medical Battalion.


may be their last convoy. There were no travellers of importance onthe trail.

[May] 31. Breakfast was at 0730. The Nagas started earlyand finished the doors, windows & the ends. They were over right afterthey finished for their money. Price, Craig & myselfstarted cutting the grass around the cabin. Gumps [Montgomery], Mcned. The number more or lessequally divided between the South Staffs and Lancashire Fusiliers.

Psychiatric Casualties. Not one case of mentalillness was seen on personal contact. Neither was any case referred bythe Camp Medical Officer or to the hospitals in the neighbourhood.

Relative the present evacuees the mental health is 100percent sound.

    137J. S. Dawson, Captain, RAMC, who signedeach of the reports quoted below.
    138The report on the 77th Brigade is second in sequence in theoriginal Report. Its introductory section, however, indicates that it wasintended to be first in order.
    139Ind.--Indian; A.B.P.O.--overseas postal office designation.


Factors influencing Morale Unfavourably.

    (a) Promises. Officially promised out before theMonsoon and again after "White City" in May. Undivided opinionof the men here gave it that these promises dashed their hopes considerablywhen not implemented and they would much rather they had not been given.

    (b) Monsoon Equipment. Non-existent. The gas-capesissued were useless after a fortnight's rain. Loss of sleep and consequentexhaustion were attributed to lack of this equipment. American hammockswould have been appreciated.

    (c) Clothing. Replacements inadequate and for mostunobtainable.

    (d) Rations. Monotonous and depressing. Three monthson "K" rations is enough for any man.

    (e) Repatriation. A sore point with those concerned.Men with five years service overseas and more before entering Burma, resenthaving been detailed to go in. An ominous bond of sympathy exists betweenthese and many of the remaining men, strengthened by the assertions thatmany of those who were due repatriation have been killed.

    (f) Medical Attention. Uncivil and inadequate.By far the greater majority of men expressed this view and said they wereultimately afraid to go sick for fear of being accused of "scrounging."Men with fevers and dysenteries had to continue fighting. The absence ofdetailed stretcher bearers in the columns was also bemoaned. These complaintswere largely mitigated however, by the almost unanimous opinion that theconditions obtaining were due to lack of medical personnel. (N.B. Surgicalcases interviewed could not speak too highly of the attention receivedfrom M.O.s and orderlies alike.)

    (g) Length of Campaign. Much too long. None wouldhave minded being in twelve weeks.

    (h) Chinese. Very unpopular. Described as an undisciplinedcollection of looters and thieves. Very difficult to distinguish from Japanesetroops owing to the variety of clothing they wore. W.O.s and N.C.O.s sharedthe same opinion as the men. All would have preferred to have continuedto fight as an independent Chindits Force.140

Factors Favourably Influencing Morale.

    (a) Officers. Apart from a few isolated instances,the officers had the unbounded confidence of the men. Brigadier [Michael]Calvert was extremely popular and the admiration of the men without exception,stopped a little short of hero-worship. One wit expressed the opinion that"we would follow the Brig. through Burma into Hell."

    (b) Evacuation of sick. Air-personnel's work inevacuating the sick much appreciated. All felt confident of getting outif wounded.

    (c) Self-appreciation. Stated un-reservedly thatthey had had their fair share of fighting in nd another six had suffered fromdysentery.

    These cases appeared more rapidly after evacuation from Burma than thoseof 14 Brigade. This is probably due to the fact that 77 and 111 Brigadeshad lived almost entirely on K rations until their arrival in the RehabilitationArea, and the rations issued during their travelling period had littletime to replace the body reserves of vitamin B Complex, so thoroughly depletedin Burma. The same discoveries [sic: difficulties?] of postulating theaetiological factors involved, postmalarial complications, postdiphtheriticparalysis, or failure of intestinal absorption after dysentery or gastroenteritiswas experienced. It is considered however, that these were probably precipitatingfactors in patients suffering from avitaminosis in a subclinical form.

    No frank cases of scurvy were found on examination of these brigadesafter their evacuation, but again the disease may have been present inits subclinical form.

    Although the discovery of these cases of avitaminosis would seem toindicate that the vitamin content of the K ration is deficient, this isin fact not so,

      136Central Nervous System.


    and those cases of avitaminosis which did occur, can only be attributedto the well-known fact that the men threw away or failed to eat some vitamin-containingpart of the ration. While this cannot be condoned it can never be avoided,and it does indicate the absolute necessity of the inclusion in the rationof a separate multi-vite tablet.

    Condition of Personnel on Termination of Operations

    All brigades on their withdrawal from Burma, with the exception of 16and 23 Brigades, concentrated in the reception camp at Tinsukia. Here theywere placed on a special convalescent scale of rations--received theirfirst hot bath for months, and were given a complete new issue of clothingand necessaries.

    At this camp the psychiatrist137 attached to the Force waslocated, and as the various brigades passed through, he was in a positionto take a cross section of each brigade and assess their general conditionand morale, and at the same time was available to see any special casesconsidered by the medical officers to require psychiatric advice and treatment.

    The reports on his observations are attached and are of considerableinterest and show clearly that morale was highest in those units and formationswhich finished on a high note, with a recent success in battle--and thelowest in those where a reverse had led to acute disappointment.

    Morale on the whole--considering the length of time the men had beenin and the hardships to which they had been subjected--was surprisinglygood.

    Psychiatric Report on 77 Ind Inf Bde, SpecialForce138

    Examined at--69 Ind. Rest Camp, 6 A.B.P.O. July'44.139

    Procedure. In conducting this investigation twoaims were formulated:

      (1) To assess the morale of the Brigade as a whole, and
      (2) To estimate the percentage of psychiatric casualties.

    To accomplish the latter the co-operation of the CampMedical Officer and the local hospitals was enlisted to supplement personalinterviews.

    In assessing morale an essay was made to garner data undertwo sub-headings:

      (1) Factors favourably influencing morale
      (2) Factors influencing morale unfavourably

    In the two to three days available, as many as possibleof the British personnel of the Brigade were interviewed immediately onarrival at camp from the local air-strip.

    In all 189 men were examined II. "WE HAVE SOMETHINGTO BE PROUD OF"

    13 June-4 August 1943

    The new men73 fitted in well with those of the originalteam that remained under Sergeant Fromant's command. Even the sudden arrivalof Authority, an officer, was absorbed after the first dismay passed off,and the new bustle of a nearby Chinese camp attracted attention. Then camethe first serious backlash of the environment. Fromant became sick withmalaria and one of his assistants, John L. Savage, took over the Logfor a few days. Others were up and down with malaria. Yet the periodended on the high note of "Doc" Paul E. Lotze's experiment withradical treatment of fungus infections.

    [June] 13. Everyone was up bright & early. The porterswere up about 0430 according to Joe. Breakfast was skimpy this morningbecause there is no ration. After coffee & sugarless oatmeal the convoystarted. The last ones were gone by 0745. Romeo made a stove pipe& Russ finished the kitchen. The rest of us moved in the cabinand arranged the interior. Most of the morning was cloudy and it rainedfor about two hours this afternoon. This ration situation is the nuts.It has been seven days already since the end of the 15 day ration and nothingin site. There is plenty of American

      71151st Medical Battalion.
      72To open Aid Station 5 between Ujon and Hpachet Hi. Officerscame from the 48th Evacuation Hospital--see Chinese Liaison Detail,p. 79.
      73On 12 June, Craig, Price, and Seith went up trail to new aidstations. Pfcs Donald F. Booth, Nicholas Romeo, and John L. Savage tooktheir places at North Tirap. In July, Phillips returned to the base, andT5c. Paul E. Lotze joined the team. 1st Lt. Arthur Sonnenberg, MC, cameout to the station on 18 June.


    ration in Tipang but no one has given an order for it to move. Here'sto corn willie an[d] "C" ration.

    [June] 14. "Jakie" started making noise about0500 which naturally disturb our sleep and after a few cracks on the buttoxwe were able to sleep until 0800 when Russ called breakfast. Russ& Nick [Romeo] did more work on the stove but itstill smokes at the wrong places. Booth and myself made a tablewhile Savage & Phillips did their bit. The Gurka Lt camethru today with his party. Four porters from the convoy returned this afternoonwith fever. Sgt. Hibbard & C. [Clarence H.] Smith74 arrivedabout noon with Savages glass[es]; they left shortly after dinner. Theweather was rain most of the day. Still no news about rations. [DonaldG.] Rorabeck & [Joseph J.] LaMorticelle75 arrived about1100 stayed for dinner and left for the company.

    [June] 15. Booth & Joe left just after breakfastfor Tipang, Joe to see about the transfer and Booth to the dentist.Everyone was busy today doing something. We started the porch and shouldhave it done in a couple of days. Five Chinese came thru with a coupleofficers headed for Ledo. Joe returned about 1500 with the news that therations are coming tomorrow. Guns were heard this morning in the directionof Ledo. The weather was a mixture of sun and rain all day.

    [June] 16. Joe left at 0730 to join his Lt. for a fewdays and to receive orders for his new setup. Around 1000 a Mr. Marten76arrived with coolies for a station that is being set up above us. The planfor transportation of supplies is finally going into affect. Mr. Martenis making Tirap his home for a while. Booth returned to ourhappy abode about 1130. The aid man from Ujan [air-warning station] whowas releived, arrived around dinner time and left for Tipang shortly after.A Gurka Lt, a wounded Gurka, and four soldiers arrived around 1330 on theirway to Tipang. The soldier was a litter patient and had a gun wound ofthe foot. Accompanying them was a note from Lt. Baumgarten77who had doctored the man and given orders for his immediate transportationto the hospital. After a cup of tea, four coolies were assigned by Martento evacuate him to Tipang. Along with our many visitors of the daywas a Sgt from Seagraves hospital who was thru here a few weeks ago.78In his party was two guides and five porters. Today was quite a busy day.

    [June] 17. The main item for today is rations.They arrived about 1100 and was a fine ration as for quality but not quantity.I am afraid we will have to turn to the standby (corn willie) before the10 days are up. Work was continued on the porch and it should be done bytomorrow. The weather was rain in the morning and sun in the afternoon.Besides a very interesting bull session with Marten taking the lead,the news is little.

    [June] 18. We were greeted this morning by a shower ofrain which lasted only a short time, but resumed it's appearance for anhour or so in

      74151st Medical Battalion.
      75151st Medical Battalion.
      76A British civilian supervisor of a porter corps.
      77At one of the up-trail aid stations.
      78See entry for 3 May.


    the afternoon. About 1100 we all received a surprise when the Lt,79apparently to be in charge of Tirap for an indefinite time, arrived. Wehad no fore warning of his arrival and all of us, including himself, arestill in question as to his status except that some Chinese will frequentthe station in the near future. At any rate, a dispensary is being setup to take care of anything from a cinder to an amputation. Quite a fewplans are being made an[d] I am anxious to see how many are carried out.Joe returned this afternoon and he has been given a new job. He is to beliaison80 and leaves tomorrow morning for up trail. Rorabeck& LaMorticelle arrived with the Lt. [Sonnenberg] andstarted for Rema shortly after dinner. The last log for the porch foundposition at 1735 and soon we will be thru with all of the cabin properand take to bunk study until another bright idea comes into focus.

    [June] 19. Breakfast was the usual early time. Ever sinceMarten arrived morning chow has been early much to mine & othersdislike. It's not that we can't sleep in, but if we do there is no secondchow and the coffee is too good to miss. We received quite a jolt thisA.M. about 1100 when Cpl. [John F.] Mikulka, [Donald C.] Everingham, &Tom Weeks81 came puffing in. Tom was well rested upon arrivalbut as for the other two, their condition was obvious. The reason for theirvisit was to releive Phillips of his duty here. He is supposed tobe transferred. So to date there is no T/582 at Tirap. The weatheris the usual rain.

    [June] 20. The day was nearly over before anyone realizedthat it was Sunday, but it made no difference because none of the crewwas in a working mood. For the past several days the coolie convoys havebeen many and a lot of supplies are going up trail. The coolies & supplieshave been keeping Marten on the "proverbial" ball.83The reports are that the station at Tima84 is almost completedand will soon be ready to house supplies and coolies. There were no travellerstoday.

    [June] 21. In yesterdays report, I failed to mention thatLt. [Donald L.] Ducie [Ducey]85 arrived with the Chinese. Heis the guide for the Bn. At the new camp a mile from here, the Chineseare making there Hq's for a two weeks maneuver. The maneuvers are to beginWed. and we understand they are to use live ammunition. Everyone is preparing.Shortly after breakfast Lt. Sonnenberg assisted Lt. Ducie on a shortwalk up the "Golden Staircase." The news is slight and the rainis still very much in existance.

      79lst Lt. Arthur Sonnenberg, MC, was a medicalliaison officer, advising and assisting Chinese medical troops attachedto infantry at a jungle warfare training center being started near NorthTirap. He served in this capacity until October, when the Second BurmaCampaign began. As the Seagrave medical unit moved out with the Chineseinfantry, the stations they vacated at Hpachet Hi and Hkalak Ga were takenover by Sonnenberg and others. See Chinese Liaison Detail, partsIII and IV.
      80With Chinese signal troops. One purpose of providing Americansignalmen was to remedy the shortage of Chinese technical specialists.But another was to establish means of monitoring Chinese combat communicationsshould General Stilwell's headquarters become uneasy about the dispositionof orders sent to, and the quality of reports received from, the Chinesefield commanders.
      81From the 151st Medical Battalion.
      82Technician fifth class--a specialist paid as a corporal.
      83"On the ball"--diligent; proficient.
      84Near Ledo.
      85Ducey, from Chinese Army in India Headquarters.


    [June] 22. Russ left for Tipang with Marten'srunner at 0630, so Romeo turned chief cook & bottle washer forthe day. He also insisted on early breakfast and everyone was up by 0800.Having not fully recovered from the other days shock, we received a morestunning blow when "Typewriter" [John A.] Beyth86came trodding behind "Lighthorse" Weeks about 1030. We are neversurprised at who may visit our abode, but we were today. The nature oftheir visit was to assist the medical & canteen supplies and to pickup some stuff Phillips left behind. Lt. [Dexter N.] Ashbrook87arrived with the fellows. The Lt. is going to Punyang to releive the officernow in charge of the dropping station. This afternoon one of the coloredboys from Punyang arrived on his way back to his unit. He was sent down.We have had about two hours relief from the rain all day.

    [June] 23. Lt Ashbrook and party left rather early fortheir trip up trail. After breakfast we continued work on the porch onlyafter spending about two hours cutting bamboo from the bank in front ofthe cabin. Russ arrived about 1430 from Tipang. Another convoy ofcoolies arrived with supplies for up trail as did a large convoy leavethis morning for up trail. The supplies seem to be flowing in spite ofthe fact that the camps aren't completed. A soldier was brought from theChinese camp this afternoon with a fever and was sent to the hospital.We were blessed all day with the miserable rain, as if thats any news.Joe arrived today and is planning to leave in a few days. He evidentlyhas a new job.

    [June] 24. Breakfast wasn't until about 0900, the cookalong with the [sic] a few others felt more like sleeping than eating.Just after breakfast Lt. Ducey visited "Monsoon Lodge" and hisarmament was the M-1 rifle with a few rounds. A couple of us stood on thebridge and fired a few rounds. Nick, Booth, & myselfnot only completed the porch rail but made a canopy for the side door.Speaking of class, we have it. A few Gurka officers arrived late in theafternoon and are staying over nite; they are going down trail. We hadmore rain today. Joe is leaving tomorrow so we worked about an hour aftersupper because the only pair of pliers are going with him.

    [June] 25. We were awakened about 0730 this morning bya "Solong Gang," Joe came to bid us goodbye. The noise, however,wasn't breakfast call and three of us managed to sleep an extra hour. Havingno pliers we were unable to do any work much to our disappointment. Lt.Ducey was with us again today for few hours. An English Lt arrived todaywith a few Gurka soldiers on their way down trail. They are staying overnite. We had sunshine most of the day today, but is raining tonight. Marten& I are going to Tipang tomorrow morning.

    [June] 26-27. Mr. Marten, and myself started forTipang at 0700. I did not return until 1000 Monday and the news for Tirapof the weekend was little. The fellows did, however, do a fine job of cleaningup the front yard and clearing away a brush pile. Savage & Boothleft here at 0600 and I met them at Tipang just before my leaving forup trail. Lt Sonnenberg donated R's 20 towards some furniture andgradually we will have "Mon-

      86151st Medical Battalion.
      8721st Quartermaster Group.


    soon Lodge" looking something like home. We also are having a fewRed Cross donations of furniture.

    [June] 28. We had rain most of the day. A party consistingof Capt [William G.] Walters, Capt Needham, three negro fellows, and portersarrived about 1030. From all indications, they are going on reconnaissanceas far as Hkalak Ga.88 I envy those men for the interestingtrip they will have. Capt Walters slept in the cabin as did "Ledo"his monkey. Nothing else of news.

    [June] 29. Capt Walters and party left 0800. Lt Baumgartenand Sgt Boughter arrived around 1230.89 Left for Tipang about1430. Savage and Booth returned at 1400. Rained in the afternoon.

    [June] 30. Today we were expecting a party from the company,which never came. Felt sick today. I had a temp. of 100o at1500.90 Confined to bed. Rained most of the day.

    [July] 1. Stayed in bed all day. Still feel very sick.Temp. is 102o. Rained in the afternoon. Nothing of notice happinedexcept the natives believe they seen a Cobra in the coolie hut. We foundnothing.

    [July] 2. Today at 1030 Sgt Fromant was sent downto the hospital carried by coolies. Romeo went with them. Savagebecomes "keeper of the Book." At 1610 Paul "Doc"Lotze and Ray Price91 came down from Ujan on their way to thecompany. Around 1730 Nick returned and brought our chairs, tablesand cigarettes that were at Tipang--Good boy. We retired about 2400. Docslept in Bob's [Fromant's] bed and Ray on a litter on thefloor. Rained.--

    [July] 3. Rose at 0600. Doc and Ray left for the companyaround 0715. A group of Chinese went through at 11:30 going to Likhapani[India]. A colored boy named [William T.] Robertson came from Punyang arriving

      88Hkalak Ga was well south of the Ledo-NorthTirap area, on the West Axis Trail, and it was the staging and final trainingarea for the 3d Battalion, 112th Infantry, of the 38th Chinese Division.The evident increases in trail traffic at this time reflected the buildupprior to the advance toward final positions below Shingbwiyang in October.Walters was the Commanding Officer of an element of the 21st QuartermasterGroup; Needham was a British officer.
      89Presumably on the way back to Ledo, after having establishedAid Stations 5 and 6--see entries of 11-12 June.
      90Fromant is down with malaria, as all the others will be atNorth Tirap, so Savage posts the entries from 30 June through 21 July.During World War II, malaria was second in the list of infectious and parasiticdiseases incurred by Army troops overseas and in the Army as a whole (gonorrhealed the list). The death rate of malaria followed that of tuberculosisand infectious hepatitis; the rate for each was above 2.5 deaths per annumper 100,000 average troop strength. The incidence rate of malaria was higherin the China-Burma-India Theater than anywhere else. The 1942-45 averageincidence rate in CBI was 98.46/1,000/year. In 1943, the incidence rosefrom 264/1,000/year in June to a peak in August of 322/1,000/year; it ranbelow 200/1,000/year from January through May and in November and December;the year's average incidence rate was 181/1000/year. The highest mortalityrate for malaria occurred in CBI in 1943, 20.19 per 100,000 average troopstrength per annum. For men such as those at North Tirap, virtually noenvironmental controls were provided. Personal protective measures wererarely enforced or self-sustained. The use of Atabrine to suppress theacute phases of the disease in an infected man still was being experimentallyinvestigated in the Southwest Pacific. Under such conditions, there were9,160 men like Fromant in CBI in 1943; he was one of the 1,700 patientswith malaria among the first 2,400 patients admitted to the 20th GeneralHospital at Ledo. See U.S. Army Medical Service, Environmental Hygiene,pp. 29, 219; Malaria, pp. 7-11, 35, and chapter VII; InfectiousDiseases, chapters XIV-XVIII. The report of the experiments with Atabrine--asdecisive in the war in their way as those of the Manhattan Project--islisted in the bibliography under the name of the principal investigator,N. Hamilton Fairley.
      91151st Medical Battalion, Aid Station 4.


    here at 11:30, had dinner and went on to Ledo at 1300. At 1500 a notefrom Station Number One saying a Lt. [Donald O.] Hartburg and a Pvt. [Victor]Krolick92 was coming up, & going through. They arrived at1800. It rained the best part of the day. Retired about 2230. For the pastweek we have been drinking boiled rain water, for two days prior to thiswe drank boiled river water as the spring where we got our water beforethis was covered by the river.

    [July] 4. Lt. Hartburg and party left around 07:30. At0700 Savage had a Temp. of 101.4o. It droped to 99.4oin an hour after taking quinine. Today was Martins birthday so thismorning as he walked in, shouting and waking us up we greeted him with,"Happy Birthday Martin," instead of the threats that usuallygreet this human (?) alarm clock. These we said under our breath. Todaybeing Independence Day in our country (the good ol' USA.) Russ bakeda cake and brother it was really good. We had a very good meal. (honorsto Russ) Part of the cake was for Martens birthday and therest for our holiday. The Chinese provided the sound effects for the daywith rifle fire and hand grenades. At 20:00 the gang had coco and cake,but I, feeling too ill, remained in bed and dozed off to sleep soon after.The others following around 22:00.

    [July] 5. It is known now that I have Benign Tertian Malariaand I have hopes that I won't have to leave here for a place in the hospital.Early this morning Lt. Sonnenberg and Nick went in to thecompany. That left Russ, Booth, and myself here. I felt rathersick all day. Nothing of interest happened.

    [July] 6. Today Nick and the Lt. came backat 1330. Prior to that nothing out of the ordenary took place. With themthey brought some G.I. candy, books, mail and some replaced clothes. Theyhad taken Bob a piece of Russ's cake and said that he's feelingbetter. Lt. [Shy Seymour] Greenspan,93 who is replacing Lt.Ducey at the Chinese camp, and Maj. Chow came over to talk to the Lt.I felt much better today.

    [July] 7. Booth left at 0500 for the company toget his teeth fixed. Nothing else happened until 1800 when Nick returningfrom a visit to the Chinese camp brought company in the form of Lt. Greenspan,Lt. Clancy Topp and Sgt Nick Lycesko. Lt Topp & Sgt Lycesko are goingto take pictures and write a story of the cabin for the "CBI Roundup."94They slept here.

    [July] 8. Today we all had pictures taken. We're gettinginto the higher class. Booth got back at 1530 and then the pictureswere taken. The Lt. even let me get out of bed to have some taken. WishBob was here. So that he wouldn't be let [left] out we faked a pictureof him with Lt Greenspan.

    [July] 9. Today the last of the pictures were taken andLt Topp and the Sgt. left. About 10:00 a English Capt. T. Maston came throughgoing to GHQ at Lickapanie. An hour later a Maj. Leedham also English95came up

      92From the 679th Signal Air Warning Companyen route to the air-warning station in the Ujon-Rema area.
      93An Engineer officer from Chinese Army in India Headquarters.
      94The U.S. Army weekly troop newspaper. See Chinese LiaisonDetail, p. 111, n. 112.
      95Apparently neither Capt. Needham (English) nor Lt.Col. Leedham, commander of the 48th Evacuation Hospital.


    and stayed overnight. Marten reported a Chinaman hanging to atree above Tema. Around 1900, Art Seith came in96 with the coloredboy, who came up with Lt. Ashbrook, taking him to the hospital with a laceratedknee. Lt. Sonnenberg made a diagnosis and said that nothing wasradically wrong with him, but sent him down for observation.

    [July] 10. Art and his patient left at 0800. About 1100a Lt. [William J.] Smith and a Lt. [William F.] Cox with Maj Chow and twoother Chinese97 stoped for dinner on their way to investigatethe hanging Chinaman. They came back about 1900. Lt. Smith had went backfor a jeep and returned with it about 1800. At 1730 Lt. O'dahl, Sgt [HowardA.] Woods98 and Sgt Boughter came up and stayed overnight. Wealso had Majors Wu and Chow from the Chinese camp over for supper. Aftersupper everyone went down on the bridge and fired at cans in the river.We used about 100 round of 30.30 and a lot of cal. .45. Lots of fun. Ilost Rs 20 when Lt. O'dahl hit a can in the air twice. We haven't had anyrain for the past four days, and we're back to drinking spring water.

    [July] 11. It's a wonderful day out today. The sun isshining and everything looks bright and cheerful. We got up at 0830. Maj.Chow came over bringing shells over to replace those that we fired lastnight. Lt. O'dahl and party left about 14:15. Lt. Sonnenberg andNick made the usually trip to the Chinese camp. Nothing else tookplace today.

    [July] 12. Today was another day without rain. Duncanand Piens came in about 1400. The're returning to the company and are takingall of their rations in.99 Majors Chow and Wu where [were] overfor a farewell supper tonight. Maj Wu and his command is leaving the 14th.Martin has another young fellow working with him100 namedHalladay who we met last night. We sat on the porch and talked for a whilethen retired.

    [July] 13. Today as yesterday Nick, Booth andRuss went across the river and cut logs for firewood. The Lt[Sonnenberg] even went over and cut some for and [an] hour.At 1020 Art Seith came in, going back.101 With him he had twocolored fellows named [Leonard R.] Slaughter and [Carl F.] Cummings102also going up to Punyang. Piens and Duncan had left at 1000 this morning.

    [July] 14. Starting around 1000 today the fellows fromstations three and four started drifting in following the advanced guardof Piens and Duncan who had carried on yesterday. It wasn't a very orderlyretreat but a successful one. It came to an end at 1400 with Sgts. Montgomeryand Shaw bringing up the rear (as all good Sgts. should). The entire groupstayed overnight.

    [July] 15. At 0600 everyone had allready left. Those remainingwere R. Price and Sgts. Montgomery and Shaw. Corp. Paul "Doc"Lotze is staying

      96From Aid Station 5. Ashbrook and the soldiercame through on 22 June.
      97From the nearby jungle training camp. Smith and Cox were officersfrom Headquarters Chinese Army in India.
      98151st Medical Battalion.
      99Aid Stations 3 and 4 at Ujon and Rema were closed on 12-13June; so also was Station 1 at Tipang.
      100Supervising porters.
      101No. 5, Punyang.
      10221st Quartermaster Group.


    with us until Bob returns and Pvt. Rorabeck is to remainhere in place of Phillips. I had the cramps the entire day due to the reactionof quinine. Around 1030 Major [John T.] Smiley103 and Capt Shortarrived and stayed until 1400. Also the new Chinese officers from the campdown the trail came over. There was Major Chang the interpreter and Capt.Wong the commander.

    [July] 16. Today "Doc" Lotze and Cobby[Rorabeck] went to Ledo and the company. I felt much bettertoday but just took things easy (I love it.) At 1615 a Corp. [Roland H.]Rosinsky from the 679 Sig. Bn. and a Corp. whose name is unknown, fromthe 51 Fighter com[e].104 They stayed over night.

    [July] 17. Rosey [Rosinsky] and his friend left at 1000this morning and not[h]ing else of interest took place until 1300 when"Doc" and Cobby came back with Lt. O'dahl, Corp.[William] Bradbury105 and porters with our canteen supplys andthe Lt. brought our pay. (What a happy day) This is the first time I'veever had money in India without someone yelling Baksheesh at me all day.Incidently, Lt. O'dahl had me put the R/20/ in a fund for the use of thecabin. Our beer ration also came in and we sat on the porch this eveningdrinking our brew, smoking and talking.

    [July] 18. Today it rained for the best part of the day.About 1145 two fellows by the name of [Owen B.] Lockridge and [Joseph F.]Sutto droped in. Lockridge left around 1300 going back while the otherfellow who is going up the trail stayed here. It has always been knownthat Russ is really sharp at cooking and has proved it many timesbut today was really the end of any doubt that may have existed when fordinner he had creamed chicken, mashed spuds, chicken and rice soup, chocolatepudding, fruit cocktail, and a few other odds and ends that make up a goodmeal. Lt. O'dahl and the boys brought the chicken up with them yesterday.At 1715 Art Seith came in. It was really a surprise because he had justwent up [to Punyang] last Wed. the 14th. He certainly must like to walk.

    [July] 19. Lt. O'dahl and Bradbury left around 1000. About1100 a Capt and S/Sgt whose names slips my mind drop[ped] in for lunchbefore going on to Tipang. Today we did our Spring house cleaning eventhough it's the middle of the summer. Better late than never. Art leftthis afternoon with the Capt. and party.

    [July] 20. Today we received a great surprise when whoshould walk in but S/Sgts [Herbert] Thomas and [Carlo] Guinto.106This makes the 16th successive day that we have had visitors. Tirap shouldby now be a well known place.

    [July] 21. Today is the day I've been waiting for. Bobreturned home bringing Sgt. Evrett who is going to stay for a visit.Thomas and Guinto left at 1400. Some Chinese troops slept in the coolieshead and I slept in the dispensary for safe keeping. And so ending withthis, I once more return the

      103The 151st Medical Battalion Executive Officer,an especially able man who later became Surgeon of Base Section 3 at Ledo.See Chinese Liaison Detail, p. 112.
      104En route to the air-warning station at Ujon. The "51stFighter" may refer to the 51st Fighter Control Squadron or to the51st Pursuit Group, Tenth Air Force.
      105151st Medical Battalion.
      106151st Medical Battalion.


    keeping of the book back to Bob and shall try to recover frommy writers cramps. Adio.[s]!

    [July] 22. I again take my pen in hand for the purposeof "Keeping the Books" as my able bodied assistant put it. Thereis no need to write of the happiness brought about by my return to "MonsoonLodge" as it is obvious to anyone who has had the fortune to havevisited the cabin of Assam. My one hope is that I never receive anotherbite from our insect enemy. It wasn't such a good thing to have & ittook me away from this paradise. The order for the station was that Cpl.Lotz[e] was to remain as our medical tech and Rorabeck returnto the company, so Rorabeck went back with Sgt Everett early this morning.Yesterday we started placing the burlap ceiling107 on the cabinand finished it this morning. This afternoon for an hour or so Nick &myself started the chicken coop. Lt. Sonnenberg, "Doc",and Booth did a fine job in the dispensary with the mesh that wassent up. The fellows took good care of the cabin during my absence andbesides keeping it clean, they added a few improvements. The crew is reallya fine one and have a lot of pride about the place called home. About 1600a Lt. [Kenneth D. Harris], from "Seagraves" arrived and is stayingover nite.108 He is going to the base at Tagap. After supperwe all congregated on the porch, the subject being: "sex and how welike it and would like it." The Lt. from Seagraves took the standwith a few of his tales about his stay in Calcutta. We retired at 2300.The weather was very hot all day.

    [July] 23. Breakfast was served at 0700 and the Lt. [Harris]left shortly after. It was raining when we arose and continued for aboutan hour when the sun came out terrifically hot remaining so for the restof the day. The only work for the day was a little cleaning of the area.We were expecting Col. Pitkin & Capt Schwartz today and we were readyfor them with a nice chicken dinner ready for preparation, but they neverarrived. Art [Seith] arrived about 1500 from the company with cigarettes& supplies. He had a note from Capt. Schwartz explaining about notarriving. Lt. & Doc109 went to theChinese camp this afternoon.

    [July] 24. The roosters did a fine job of awakening everyoneat 0500, but the chow was not served until 0830. The main event of importancefor the day was the visit of General [Haydon L.] Boettner [Boatner]110to the famed "Lodge." The General & Lt Greenspan arrivedabout 1000 and after a tour of the area and dinner, they left. His presenceat dinner made the last link of rank that has eaten here. To date we havehad every rank at some time or other for a meal. The General was the typeof man we have heard all the Generals in this theater are. He was definitelynot a brass hat, had a bit of

      107As a barrier to prevent dirt and chaff fromsifting down from the bamboo roof.
      108Kenneth D. Harris, 1st Lt., MAC, had a great reputation asa rapid hiker. He was the "walking link" between the three Seagravehospitals. Tagap, on the East Axis trail, was the site of the principalSeagrave medical station in the summer of 1943. See Seagrave, BurmaSurgeon.
      109Lotze became a well-trained technician who later took overSonnenberg's duties, and still later, served as a noncommissioned liaisonofficer with the British 36th Division.
      110Brig. Gen. Haydon L. Boatner was Stilwell's chief of staffand deputy commander of the Chinese Army in India. At this time he wasin charge of the Forward Echelon of the CAI Headquarters.


    humor, and was very much concerned about his age. He commented [complimented]the group on the station and said he has heard of the good work we aredoing. Russ also received a compliment on his dinner. One thingthat went over big with all of us was the fact that the General wantedto wash his own dishes, but the water was not ready. The work was verylittle today because it was so darned hot. Marten was down for aboutan hour today.

    [July] 25. When we arose this morning we found to oursurprise that Col Pitkin & Capt Schwartz was here. They had startedearly from camp but do [due] to an obstacle in the road, they had to leavethe peep and walk about a mile. They arrived in time for breakfast. Whenthe General was here his last remark was "I am going to send about20 men up tomorrow and don't give them a damn thing to eat. They have beensitting on their ass too long." We thought he was kidding but about1000 the men started arriving and everyone was in sad shape. Among themwas a Major, 3 1st Lt., and 2nd Lt., several grades of non-coms and somePvts. Most of their stay here was spent in the water cooling off and theystarted back about 1300. The Col & Capt left about 1400 stopping atthe Chinese camp on their way down. Lt Sonnenberg arrived from thecamp with two Lt's. who just arrived from the States & who had bigideas for repairing the road. They stayed only a short time. The weatherwas very hot. The Capt. brought Savage a box that contained hiscamera; he will now become camera happy.

    [July] 26. Art [Seith] had left by the time most of usgot up, which was about 0800. About 0915 Nick & I started forTema arriving there at 1100. We had dinner and rested an hour or so westarted back arriving here at 1430. Today was the first day for severalthat we have not had visitors although we did offer our most humble hospitalityto a Naga fellow and five women who stayed for almost an hour. Savagewas very fortunate in getting five pictures of them after a cost ofcigarettes and biscuits. The weather was again very hot but tonite it lookslike rain.

    [July] 27. In last nite's log I mentioned that it lookedlike rain and not only did it look like rain, but it did rain plenty hard.One could class it as a cloudburst. The rain brought two small leaks toour attention. After a 0900 breakfast Savage, "Doc,"Nick & I went to the woods with the saw and cut 32 logs. Wereturned to the cabin and the work for the rest of the day was sweepingout the joint and lowering the big table. The only visitor today was "BadEye"111 who only stayed a few minutes after he backsheeshedus for some biscuits. We had a short rain, the rest of the day being cloudyuntil about 1500 when the sun came out. Today makes the second we havenot seen Martens Dakwalla.112 He went through Sundayto Tipang and hasn't been back yet. Booth feels some better today.The Tirap chicken farm is not doing so well, two more are struggling fortheir last breath and Russ is tearing his hair out trying to keepthe mortality rate down. Things have come to a pretty pass when vitaminpills won't work, so the latest medication is the well known drug Sulfanilimide.Fingers are crossed.

    [July] 28. Lt. Sonnenberg made an orderthat no one is allowed to sleep

      111A Naga villager. "Baksheesh"--agratuity to a beggar.
      112Mail carrier.


    after 0800 regardless of what time we go to bed, so breakfast will neverbe later than 0830. Nick was sent to bed today with malaria. Boothis feeling much better. There was no work and the visitors were Capt.[Benjamin F.] Gerhardt113 & Capt. Walters.114Capt Gerhardt met Capt. Walters in Kalak [Hkalak Ga] and they made thetrip together. Capt. Gerhardt started his journey from "Hell's Gate"[Hellgate]115 taking seven weeks to get here. They stayed longenough for a bite to eat, then headed for Tipang. Capt Walters was stifflegged when he arrived but was determined to make camp. Both men startedfrom Ranglum116 at 0530 and were here at 1510. A good days walk."Funeral director" Lotz performed another burial today,but the other chicken is hanging on for dear life. Maybe we had bettergive up raising chickens. The sun broke thru the clouds several times tomake the day miserable.

    [July] 29. The main event for the day was Lt. Sonnenbergsdangling personality being stung by an insect larger than a mosquitoe,possibly by a yellow jacket. The insect not only stung him but left thestinger in and while getting it out he kept saying: "Gee it feelsfunny." There were no visitors to the abode which is very unusual.The day was hot most of the day with threatening rain tonite. The rationswere due two days ago.

    [July] 30. The arrival of the rations constitutes themain event of the day and of course we all welcomed them with open arms.Booth was up & around some today but Romeo was runninga higher temperature and consequently he was feeling bad. He should feelbetter tomorrow as today is his last for quinine. I felt ambitious todayand tried my hand at baking. With Russ aiding me in the measurements,I managed to throw together material enough for two pies & an appleturnover. The pie was "Ambrosial Apple Pie," and it wasn't halfbad at all if Russ & I do say so ourselves. We will know thecomplete results tomorrow. Halliday stopped here for the nite on his wayto Tipang. The chicken mortality rate has been increased one more as of0730. Russ has failed as a fowl doctor and we have decided to havechicken Sunday (if they last that long). The weather was cloudy most ofthe day with occasional rays of sun.

    [July] 31. Today is not only the last of the month, butthe day of celebration. Some years ago, Mr. & Mrs. C. B. Fromant wasblessed with a most wonderful child and today we dedicated the whole dayto that great happening. If you haven't guessed it by now, its my birthday.I practically broke my arm on that one. Halliday bid us goodbye & goodluck this morning. He has been given a new job and probably won't be thruagain.117 About 1100, the colored fellow, who assisted Capt.Walters up to Kalak,118 arrived and left shortly after dinner.He had seen Stoney [Craig] & Price [at Pebu] and said they were fine;they had awfully long beards. He told us

      113Gerhart, Chinese Army in India Headquarters.
      114See entry of 28 June.
      115East of Ledo on the road trace. Gerhart had gone out on thenew road trace, down to the Chinese Army stations at Hkalak Ga, acrossto the West Axis Trail, and thus on to Tirap.
      116Below Punyang.
      117See entry of 12 July.
      118See entries of 28 June and 28 July.


    Capt. Needham was straggling down and straggling he meant. The Capt.arrived about 1400 in bad shape. He stayed for a half an hour then startedfor Tipang figuring 3 hours to make it. He said he would never take thetrip again and remarked that his guides were responsible for bringing himin because several times he gave up hope and was going to quit. He didfine for a 50 yr old man. We had Naga company today for about 2 hours.The fellows gave me a party about 2030 tonite. I really appreciated itand thank them a lot. It goes to show that fun & gatherings can behad under any circumstances. I don't believe I could have felt happierat the moment because I knew they were all sincere. We had lemonade anda swell cake baked by Russ. Russ is certainly doing a grandjob here. I can also say that for all the fellows here. I have an itemthat was very funny to us but not to Doc. It seems that T-5 PaulE. Lotze, medical tech, has been bothered for some time with the "jockeyitch" and figured that Gentian Violet, the medication for days, wasn'tdoing very good. So tonite before going to bed, he put [on] 4% iodine sayinghe would cure it for good. Russ was up late writing letters whenhe saw Doc in bed applying wet handkerchiefs to his testicles. Whenthat failed, he went outside and between jumps he would pour buckets ofwater on them. Finally Russ awakened the Lt. and they appliedBoric Acid & Phenol ointment to his lower extremities. T-5 Lotzewent to bed, but he was in too much pain and Lt. Sonnenberg hadto give him a shot of morphine. He finally went to sleep. The diagnosisis 2nd degree burn of the testicles and surrounding territory.

    August 1. We were surprised this morning during breakfast bythe arrival of Sgt. Everett & Earl Palmer119 who are stayinguntil Tuesday. Palmer said it wasn't a bad trip and later today he saidhis feet hurt. It wasn't but about an hour before another group from Gen.Boettners Hq's started arriving. These men were the ones who were on dutylast Sunday and couldn't come. From what they say, the Gen. is going tosend a group out every Sunday. I was very surprised to see a boy from Bedford[Ohio] who is a Tech. Sgt. in their unit [5303d Combat Troops (Prov)].We finally solved the chicken problem today by snuffing out the light ofsix chickens lives leaving "Corky" to roam Tirap by himself.Russ prepared another delicious dinner which was thoroughly enjoyedby everyone. The afternoon was spent reading by some and swimming by others.Booth's condition is very satisfactory today and Romeo'salso. Nicks temperature was normal for the first time today andhe felt like whipping wildcats, until he stood up. Marten stoppedin this morning and had quite a chat with Lt. Sonnenberg. I mustnot forget to mention that today is Nicks lst yr. wedding anniversary.The day was comfortable all day.

    [August] 2. The news for today is very little. Russ& I started for Tipang at 0715 to see Capt. Cunningham120about Jit being our bearer. Capt Schwartz had seen Cunningham prior toour visit, so it was a matter of formality. We will see Marten tomorrowand have him send Jit down. We went to the bazaar at Ledo and returnedto Tirap at 1800. There had been

      119151st Medical Battalion.
      120British officer in charge of the porter camp at Tipang.


    no visitors other than the usual Naga's. The sun broke thru the cloudsenough to make it a hot day. Nick was up for a while today.

    [August] 3. Sgt. Everett & Palmer were gone when we arose.They left about 0700. Marten arrived while we were eating breakfastand stayed until shortly after dinner. He has his new assignments and willleave in a few days. About the only work done today was the making of curtainsfor two windows by seamstress Booth. She, I mean, he will finishthe job tomorrow. Another Naga girl stopped today, escorted by six men,to excite our passion. The sky was quite cloudy making it comfortable allday except for a few minutes of hot sun.

    [August] 4. It rained most of the day today. It wasn't a hardrain, but a slow steady one. The Dakwalla didn't stop for the mail thismorning and [I] found out that he will tomorrow. We had more Naga companytoday. Lt. Sonnenbergs thyroid treatment seems to have spread allover the village because new ones are coming every day. They were learyof the medicine at first until they learned it was a cure for goiter. Doc& I left for Tema at 1335 to get Jit. Marten was not therebut we brought Jit back anyway. I might inform the log that T-5Paul E. Lotze found a new but painful cure for "jockey itch."Apparently it is working fine as the burned skin is peeling, showing newskin. It is still a pitiful looking mess.


    5 August-5 October 1943

    Sickness became more common. Trail traffic declined. Boredom alternatedwith worry and loneliness. Then Sergeant Fromant took a trip up trail simplyto occupy his time, and left the Log with his cheerful assistant,"Doc" Lotze. There was a stir when two nurses from the 22d FieldHospital walked out and stayed the night. But the trend of events was clear.To the east, road work progressed and the Chinese infantry assembled abovethe Hukawng Valley. The West Axis Trail, now off to the side of the mainline of advance, became somnolent. At the base, the 151st was preparingto move into Burma along the road. Massarra returned to the company. LieutenantSonnenberg went on to a more active station. By October the team had shrunkto half its former size.121 "The weather was cloudy withoccasional rays of sunshine."

    [August] 5. Something is radically wrong someplace because wehave had no visitors for the past few days. Furthermore, we haven't hadany excitement to give me a subject for the log. Today was Jitsfirst day and we can't figure

      121 Pvt. Armand V. Gentile replaced Massarraon 6 September. Lieutenant Sonnenberg, Savage, and Booth went up trailon 26 September. Then Gentile was pulled out, leaving only Fromant, Lotze,and a new man, T5c. John P. Goodall.


    out whether he likes his job or whether its just his nature. We willfind out in a week or so probably. The Dakwalla didn't show up again todayand here our mail sits as it has been for two days. The sun shone on &off all day and about 1500 it started lightening and thundering in theEast. The Chinese camp changed units again, the new group arrived yesterday& today.

    [August] 6. The Dakwalla didn't show up again this morning soSavage & Russ started for Tipang with the mail. They returnedabout 1900 with two V-letters,122 every bit of mail there was.Their trip is the extent of the news for todays log. The Lt. & Docmade their daily visit to the Chinese camp and the Naga's were theonly visitors. We had quite a bit of rain today.

    [August] 7. Among the many surprises we have had during our stayhere was the arrival of Sgt. [John M.] Drusso with Sgt. Guinto.123The nature of their visit was supplies both medical & canteen.The medical supplies took a back seat today because the canteen suppliesconsisted of our first American Beer ration124 and cigarettes.The two are only going to stay until tomorrow because a vehicle is comingafter them. Drusso tried to pursuade Sgt. Guinto to stay but to no avail.The evening naturally was spent drinking beer and shooting the familiarbull. Their arrival is all of importance today. We had just a little rain.

    [August] 8. The Sgts. were on their way by 0800 much tothe disappoint[ment] of Sgt. Drusso. There is something about this placeof attraction because everyone wants to come back. Could it be the goodlooking & husky men who run the lodge? I know its not the fact thatits a perfect rest set-up. We were looking for another group from Gen.Boettner's Hq. today, but evidently he is giving them a rest. From thelooks of some of the fellows, they will have to rest a few weeks beforecoming up again. You could tell, by a not too close an examination, whowas the desk sitters & who wasn't. We were blessed by an all day raintoday.

    [August] 9. The Lt. sent Savage to the hospitalfor an x-ray today and he left rather early. The time is unknown by mebecause I, along with a couple others, slept a few extra winks.He is to come back Wed. We had plenty of rain again today, which has beena relief the last few days from the previous hot days. Our only visitorswere the familiar Naga's who frequent our abode quite a bit for the thyroidmedicine.

    [August] 10. Our rations arrived but were the poorest we havereceived yet. It seems that the QM had a "S.N.A.F.U." somewherealong the line and was shorted 70% on the ration delivery. We hope rationsfor the next ten days will be better. The weather was cloudy with a slightrain in the early morning. Russ & I left for Tipang for thepurpose of a visit to Tinsukia.125 Wed. I am listing the happeningsfrom the 10-12 inclusive. The fellows said nothing of importance took placeduring my absence, so we jump to today, the 12th. Russ & I returnedabout 1330 after a hot walk and shortly after our return, Russ wassent to bed with a Temp. of 102°. The Lt. is undeter-

      122Letters written on special forms, photocopied,and reduced in size.
      123151st Medical Battalion.
      124Fromant was in the hospital away from the station when beerfirst arrived--see entry of 17 July.
      125West of Ledo.


    mined as to whether he has Malaria or a tropical fever. Savage wentto bed again with a reoccurance of his malaria. "Doc"was up today feeling fit as a fiddle. Russ's job was taken overby Romeo, who does a fine job of "throwing it together."When we returned, we found, to our surprise, a pineapple cobbler made byRomeo. No kidding it was good. So closes the log for tonite.

    [August] 13. Today is the day for all superstitious people, butas far as we were concerned, it was just another day. Nick put outa good breakfast of pancakes & sausage and in fact all three mealswere good. He makes a fine assistant to Russ. Russ does havemalaria but felt good all day. Savage's temperature went down considerablysince yesterday afternoon. About 1400 a Lt. [Edwin P.] Massoth126arrived with coolies. He is on his way to Pebu to relieve Lt. Robbins [HarryRobinson Jr.] there. The sun was out most of the day and tonite the moonis beautiful. Oh for home, a car, & freedom. Three Chinese were upfrom the camp this morning. Nick wishes to report to the log thathe caught his eighth rat tonite.

    [August] 14. Lt. Massoth didn't leave till after breakfast whichwas about 0830. He was rather a nice fellow and we enjoyed his stay. Wehad rain the better part of the day. I tried my hand at baking again todayand I will leave it to the opinion of the fellows as to how it tasted.My opinion is that it wasn't bad but--. Lt. Sonnenberg is havingquite a time with his bed patients. There is no more news for today. Amen.

    [August] 15. Another Sunday and no visitors from General BoettnersHq. He has probably called off his plans to send them up weekly. Nickis doing a fine job at cooking and put out three more good meals. About1100 a fellow from Ujan station stopped on his way to Ledo followed byRosensky who is going down after parts. They both stayed for dinner andleft shortly after. The weather was a slight drizzle all morning with occasionaldrops in the afternoon. We had some twenty Nagas stop for treatment today.Jit came down with a fever of a 104° today and was sent to bed.He will probably be back to work in a day or two.

    [August] 16. Russ & Savage were allowed up for their firsttime today since their illness started. Lt. Sonnenberg went to bedtoday with a temperature of a 102°. His coming down with it makes asum total of seven [new] cases of malaria and one reoccurance among theseven enlisted personnel at N. Tirap. We have all had it now. The Lt.tried to keep it from us, but had to tell when "On the ball Lotze"checked the thermometer. Booth & I stuck to the Monday characteristicand did a little washing. This afternoon Romeo made some right finenoodles that set off the vegetable soup we had for supper. Jit's temperaturehas been normal all day. Outside of the Lt., everyone is feelingfine. We had a little sun today and just a slight sprinkle of rain in theearly afternoon.

    [August] 17. I surprised the little garrison this morning byarising at 0500. Of course there was a reason for it. Booth &I started for Tipang at 0530. We wanted to take the mail down and, too,we needed some things from

      12621st Quartermaster Group.


    the bazaar. We returned at 1800. A fellow by the name of Tims127was here for supper. He is on his way to Punyang to take charge of 500porters who will porter from Punyang to Kalak [Hkalak Ga.] Lt. Sonnenbergwas in a bad shape today, he is going through his toughest days which isno fun. It rained most of the morning but the afternoon was very hot. Booth& I heard from Tipang that more beer was coming. That suits usvery well.

    [August] 18. Tims left very early this morning as no one seenhim go. Today proved another bad one for the Lt., he should feelsome better tomorrow. Nothing unusual happened which makes tonites newsfor the log very skimpy. The day was cloudy with a little rain after supper.The traps held the ninth rat this morning when Romeo went into thekitchen. Tirap should be rid of them for awhile.

    [August] 19. Everyone spent a dreary day today because therewas nothing brewing. We all spent the afternoon reading except Nickwho spent his time making potatoe raviola's for supper. There [they]were my first and really tasted good. The fellows went for them in a bigway leaving none for the garbage pit. We had a hard rain in the afternoonfor about an hour and a half. We had the usual Naga visitors today. WhenNick went to the garbage, he found to his surprise that a lonelyrat had fallen into the can and at the time was well covered with grease.We took measures and after igniting a kerosene soaked piece of cotton therat found it very hot and finally gave in to the heat. This morning Nickfound the 10th rat in a trap and the garbage can made the 11th.

    [August] 20. There is two events for todays entry, the firstbeing arrival of our rations which were four days earlier than we expected.The rations were pretty fair this time. The next more important event wasnot the arrival of Tom Weeks & [Luis A.] Marchion,128 whichwas a surprise, but our second beer ration which arrived on the backs ofporters. Along with beer came 1 carton of cigarettes per man, plus candy& gum. These canteen supplies were extra super and we all appreciatedthem very much. The boys arrived about 1100. We had no rain today, buta very hot sun. The Lt.'s temperature was normal all day and hefelt very good.

    [August] 21. Another dreadful hot day was spent by the personnelat N. Tirap. This morning, while all of us we[re] killing time in variousways, Romeo was sweating in the kitchen over a batch of noodle dough.He made another batch of good noodles for vegetable soup. This afternoon,yours truly made three more apple pies for supper. N. Tirap is really producingsome fine meals, thanks to Nick. We are holding true to the Sat.nite tradition by drinking beer and throwing the bull. The Lt. hadanother fine day today.

    [August] 22. Today was another day of company. About 1100 anothergroup from the Gen's Hq arrived. Most of these fellows had been here beforeand we learned that General Boettner definitely has not stopped the Sundayhikes. One Sunday they go in one direction and the next they come here.One of the fellows took some more pictures for the "Roundup"and for use in

      127A civilian with the porter corps.
      128151st Medical Battalion.


    the States. We also heard that the pictures taken some time ago of thecabin will appear in the next issue of the "Roundup." Tom &Marchion left about 1400 with the rest of the fellows. Shortly after everyoneleft, three fellows arrived who are taking some needed supplies to Ujan.They are staying over nite. N. Tirap was a busy place today. The weatherwas partly cloudy with occasional rays of sun.

    [August] 23. A very quiet & restful day was spent today withno visitors and no excitement. The log is short of news. The weather wasa steady downpour of rain all day and half the nite.

    [August] 24. It was still raining when we arose. Booth hadplanned to take the mail to Tipang and was able to start about 1000 whenthe rain slowed down to a slight drizzle. Around 1400 several Bengalese& Assamese arrived. They have come to repair the bridge.129 Boothreturned with several letters at 1700. He said the trail was in worseshape than when we went to Ledo. Two more rats met with death during thenite. The rain stayed with us all day.

    [August] 25. Today was another rainy, dreary, boring, & uneventfulday. This was one of the longest days I have ever spent here and I believethe rest will say the same. We all wish the rumor would come true or somethinghappen to enliven our spirits. This Godforsaken country. The Assamese formanclaims the bamboo around here is not the right kind for the bridge, sohe went to Ledo for wood. Later in the afternoon some of the workers left,bag & baggage. They claim the climate & mosquitoes are too badand they won't stay here; poor fellows. We had rain about half of the day.No visitors.

    [August] 26. We had two surprises today which was the arrivalof Sgt. [Seawood L.] Richardson130 and Bob McFarlin.131Sgt. Richardson had returned from Kalak where he had been for some time.He assisted Capt. Walters on his trip and contracted malaria while at Kalak.He received treatment from Col. Seagraves personnel and after recovery,started his return. We had quite a chat with him and learned a few thingsthat is happening up there. About an hour after his arrival, Bob McFarlinarrived looking like a hermit. He had started from Ujan this morning. Bothfellows are staying over nite. Nothing else outside of the usual happenedtoday. We had a little rain and the day was cloudy.

    [August] 27. Today was one of the biggest & best we havehad. Everything good happened and our moral[e] was stepped up 100%. Savagehas been running an unusual temperature, so Lt. Sonnenberg senthim to the hospital for observation. Leaving with him was the Sgt. [Richardson]and these two were followed shortly by Booth and McFarlin who wentto the company for a walk. After they left we watched the Lt. seta coolies broken arm which to me was very interesting. No sooner was thatover when a coolie arrived who had a finger that was paining him becausethe finger had swollen tight to a ring. The Lt. removed that witha slight cut to the finger. Romeo & I heard a deer close byand went after it, but to no avail. We returned to find a few

      129See entry of 7 May, when two officers inspectedthe bridge.
      13021st Quartermaster Group; see entries of 28 June and 28 and31 July.
      131151st Medical Battalion, Aid Station 5 at Punyang.


    Naga visitors. This concluded the morning. Early afternoon brought aLt. Col. Lee, his interpreter, and three enlisted men. They had two packhorses and are going to Hapache [Hpachet] Hi. They left after a short rest.The next visitors were a Lt. Col. American attached to the Chinese andhis assistant Chinese Major Chen. They stopped for a rest and were invitedfor supper. They were here only a short time when Major [Newman R.] Burns& Capt. [George G.] Bonnaman [Bonnyman]132 arrived. TheMajor & Capt. are going to Kalak. With the Capt. came a package fromSgt. Girand133 containing the "Roundups" of our pictures.We were extra glad to see them and we are very pleased and proud to haveour pictures in the paper. We had nine for supper. After supper the Lt.Col. & Chinese Maj. returned to camp. At 2000 who should arrive butBooth & McFarlin. We never expected them to return and withthem came a lot of mail & two quarts of "Seagrams VO" forLt. Sonnenberg. A very enjoyous evening was spent reading lettersdrinking & talking. A very busy day for N. Tirap was brought to a closearound 2300.

    [August] 28. Major Burns & Capt. Bonnaman left this morningabout 0830. McFarlin left with them. As we were eating dinner Sgt. Drussoe& Corp. [William] Bradbury arrived with four porters carrying canteen& medical supplies. They finished dinner and opened the supplies. Toour surprise was more cigarettes, loads of candy & soap. We certainlyreceived a good supply this time. Around 1530 a Col. [James E.] Darby134and Capt. [Frederick B.] Zombro135 arrived followed afew hours later by a Corp. & Tech Sgt. with 24 Garrow [Garo] porters.The party was completing a "loop around the hoop," in plain words,from Hells Gate to here. They had been out 31 days and that is nothingto sneeze at. Capt. Zombro was very anxious to reach "home" beforedark, but when the Col. saw the noodles Nick was making he decidedthen & there to stay. After a very good supper an interesting talkwas enjoyed by the Col. and all. He made a trip thats worth a thousanddollars and I envy him in spite of its roughness. Today is the seventhconsecutive day of rain.

    [August] 29. We arose this morning to be greeted by a very nicesurprise, it was raining. The Col., men & porters were on their wayby 0800, a little later than expected. Russ & I baked threepeach pies this morning and they were pretty good, by jove. We had a finedinner which was followed by a card game, reading, and writing. Everyoneenjoyed the afternoon relaxing except Nick again who spent his preparingthe good Italian dish "Niocoli." We had one of the best supperstonite. We started off with a toast by the

      132Chinese Army in India officers. "Bonnaman"should be Bonnyman. The identification of Lee, mentioned just before, isconjectural. A Capt. Thomas C. Lee was with CAI at that time. The mentionof an interpreter suggests that the Lieutenant Colonel may have been aChinese officer, however.
      133Staff member of CBI Roundup.
      13421st Quartermaster Group.
      135Of the 73d Evacuation Hospital, but temporarily assignedat the time to S-2 (Intelligence) in Ledo. The 73d and 48th EvacuationHospitals, as well as the 20th General Hospital and the 151st Medical Battalion,reached the Ledo area in April. The 73d was originally an affiliate ofthe Los Angeles County Hospital. The trip which Zombro is contemplating,like that noted in the Log on 28 July, began near Ledo on the newroad trace, turned south, then west, and so back up the West Axis Trailto the starting point.


    Lt. of Seagrams V.O., note. Then a big dish of deliciousNiocoli followed by pie & coffee. Everyone got up from the table stuffed& satisfied. Tonite a rugged game of pinochle is being played for thechampionship of N. Tirap.

    [August] 30. The feature for the day was the arrival of the rations.The ration was very good and a fine selection. Sgt. Drusoe & Cpl. Bradburyleft shortly after dinner. About 1000 Sgt. Webb & Corp. [Willie L.]Beasley,136 two colored boys from Punyang arrived. They aregoing to base and left after an hours rest. At 1600 we met again with YenChang who has returned from Hpachi Hi. He came thru May 20 with Major Chen'sunit and is now returning to his Hq. After supper we enjoyed a very interestingsession with Yen Chang at the bat. He translated various names into Chinesemeaning. Tomorrow we lose the Lt. & Doc who are going to Punyangfor the walk. The Tirap personnel is retiring early tonite.

    [August] 31. Lt. Sonnenberg & "Doc" finallygot under way for the trip to Punyang by 0730 and much to our surprisethey didn't return after being out a half a day. We all feel that if nothingelse the Lt. will make it on sure determination. Yen Chang leftabout 0900. Around 1100 who should surprise us but Capt. [Harold F.] Zwick,Del [Delbert D.] Zehnder, [John M.] Gregel, and W. [Wilbur] Cox.137You could have pushed us over with a pin because they were the last oneswe ever expected to see. Shortly after dinner we went to the river andupon our return we found Capt. Zwick preparing to leave. He said he wouldlike to stay over nite, but had to get back. He started at 1615. We haven'thad rain for two days but the weather man will make up for it. After supperwe shot the bull until 2230.

    [September] 1. Russ left for the company this morningabout 0730 and with him went Romeo and Gregel. Cox and Zehnder decidedto stay until later. About 1100 Art Seith138 arrived on hisway to the Company. After dinner the three left leaving Booth &myself to guard the haven of bliss. It was very quite all afternoon andit was a job to keep ourselves occupied. Then tonite it was even worse.The place can certainly be desolate and to be stationed alone would beslow death. We talked until about 2100 and retired.

    [September] 2. There is very little news for the log on todaysactivities. Booth & I slept until 0800 and had a late breakfast.The only work done was a hole started by me followed by the laundryingof 16 pairs of socks. Booth made up a batch of medicine which hetook to the [Chinese] camp this afternoon. Russ & Romeo wassupposed to return yesterday and it is now 2000 and still no sign of them.I can't imagine what is holding them up, but evidently something is. Wehad several light showers throughout the day. The only visitors were afew Nagas and porters for medicine.

    [September] 3. This morning we had another late breakfast andaccomplished nothing for the day. After hours of patient waiting, Russ& Nick

      13621st Quartermaster Group.
      137151st Medical Battalion. Captain Zwick commanded CompanyA, and organized the East Axis Trail aid stations. He later succeeded LieutenantColonel Smiley as the Battalion Executive Officer when the latter becameServices of Supply Surgeon for Base Section 3, at Ledo. Zwick's successorwas Capt. Bernard G. Schaffer, MC. See Chinese Liaison Detail, p.110.
      138From Aid Station 5, Punyang.


    arrived but not until 1730. They explained their delay as having towait for the gasoline lantern that was purchased for Lt. Sonnenberg.They brought with them a lot of mail and several "Bedford Blabbers,"139so the evening was spent reading. About 2030 we heard shouts comingfrom the direction of Rema and in answer to our calls, we heard the wordChinese. In a few minutes two Chinese soldiers, drenched with rain, arrivedto the cabin. They had started from Rema at 1400 and had to walk part wayin darkness because their flashlight burned out. Russ fixed themsome supper and they stayed for the nite.

    [September] 4. Russ being back, we had breakfast on time.After breakfast Russ, Booth, & I went laundrying at the river.While we were down there, Nick broke a part of the lantern and startedfor Tipang to get it fixed. He had been gone only a few minutes when Sgt.Gumps [Montgomery], [John] Cisek, and Joe Joe [Joseph J. Joseph] arrivedwith red but beaming faces. Cisek & Gumps said they had to carry JoeJoe half way but of course Joe denies it. The fellows went swimming andafter dinner a pinochle game was started and has been almost continuoussince except for long enough to eat meals and a little sleep. Russ& Cisek are trying their best to beat Gumps & Joe, but to no avail.A bull session, the standard entertainment at Tirap, concluded the day.Nick arrived back about 1800.

    [September] 5. After a good breakfast, the foursome began theirgame. Yours truly started making peach pies and after throwing away onebatch of dough I succeeded in getting the pies finished. The afternoonwas leisurely spent by all. 1600 brought action to the kitchen once morewhen Nick & Russ dove into dough & "Corn Willie"with the results being another meal of Niocoli. After supper, the cardgame changed to a small stake poker game. The weather man brought forthanother day of rain.

    [September] 6. Breakfast had been over only a short time whenthe foursome again took to cards and after a few games we went swimming.While we were down at the river, Russ brought the news that Lt.Sonnenberg & Doc had just returned. When we returned we foundthem in fine shape except for being wet & muddy. This was about 1130.Around 1200 who should arrive but Tom Weeks, [Armand V.] Gentile,140& [Joseph A.] Susich.141 Gentile came to replaceRuss who is finally leaving the outpost after 5 mo of darned goodservice to the station. I hated to see him go, but maybe he had enoughof the hills. Russ certainly did his share during his stay. MonsoonLodge was full of company until 1500 when Gumps, Cisek, Russ, &Joe Joe started for the company. A fellow from Ujan [warning] Station arrivedwith the Lt. & Doc and is staying over nite. We had one of thehardest rains yet which started about noon and lasted about two hours.

    [September] 7. The fellow from Ujan left with his coolies beforebreakfast. Dr. Salo142 arrived from up trail and had dinnerwith us before leaving. The porters being pulled off the trail has forcedthe Dr. to leave his station at

      139The local newspaper from Fromant's home,Bedford, Ohio.
      140151st Medical Battalion.
      141151st Medical Battalion.
      142An Indian civilian on duty with the porter station at Rema.


    Rema. Nick left with Tom [Weeks] & Susich at 1300. Nickis going to the company for Gentiles lantern and a generatorfor the Lt's. Doc, Lt. and I returned from the Chinese camp andshortly after our return, we saw a transport circle the camp. The Chinesewere practicing panel work and the plane dropped a chute for practice.143There is no other news for the days entry.

    [September] 8. The important entry for today's log was the drowningof a Chinese soldier at a spot in front of the cabin. His accident wasn'texplained to us very well, but we know he had on an improvised life belt.The onlookers did nothing to remove him and we tried, but to no avail becauseof a lot of tree limbs in the water. To our knowledge his [he] is stillthere unless the current flowed him down stream. The camp gave a 3 hourceremony this evening. Nick returned about 1900 with mail and nothingnew in the line of rumors. We had a little rain again today.

    [September] 9. The news for today is very scarce. The only visitorwas Mr. Oliver144 who came a little after breakfast and stayedonly a short time. Today was a very long day. It seems very strange notto see coolies coming thru as was the daily sight until a very few daysago. We have had no information as to our rations as yet and they are wayoverdue. Here's to "Corn Willie" & stew for a while.

    [September] 10. We were expecting Drusoe with medical & canteensupplies today but he never arrived. In his place, Clancy Price arrivedwhich was quite a surprise. He & four colored boys are headed for theirrespective Hq. Again Monsoon Lodge has company. We get more company forbeing a jungle outpost as described by the C.B.I. Roundup. Booth &I are planning to go back with Clancy on his return. About 15 porters passedthru today with up trail loads. The first in days. Yesterday it rainedpractically the whole day and today there was occasional showers. We have11 beds up tonite the most we have ever had. The cabin is really crowded.

    [September] 11. The Lt. left about 0700 with Price &the colored boys. They started in the rain which was an all day rain. About1100, Cpl. Mikulka & [Alfred O.] Herwick145 arrived soakedto the skin. It was Al's first hike since the States and he said he feltfine. I'll let [sic] the rest to your opinion. Al had the payroll and itwas the thing that brought him up not the exercise. There wasn't any activityand a small poker game ended the evening.

    [September] 12. The last mantel burned out last night, so Docand I started for Marghareta at 0700 with Mikulka and Herwick. We alsostarted in the rain & returned in the rain. On our way down we meetArt Seith who is returning to Punyang. Also to our surprise we passed tenloads of ration for Tirap. It wasn't a very good variety, but it was thebest they could do because most of the food was packed in the cars. TheTipang QM has definitely moved and the last man leaves tomorrow. TheLt. is going to see

      143Signal panels displayed at a dropping fieldidentified the target for the cargo planes.
      144With the porter corps.
      145151st Medical Battalion.


    about our future rations. We are sweating out the length of our stayhere and can find no facts about it. Doc & I returned at 1900.

    [September] 13. Art was supposed to leave this morning, but noone awakened until after 0800. He figured it was too late, so he stayedand is leaving tomorrow. There is very little news for todays log. Oliverstopped for a few minutes this morning on his way up trail. He went downjust a few days ago, but was sent right back up to operate another portercamp. Today was the third consecutive day of rain and I mean rain. It hasn'tlet up the least bit since it started.

    [September] 14. Art was gone when I awoke. Breakfast was laterthan usual but didn't make a lot of difference. Sgt. Montgomery broughta 1st Lt. and Sgt from the 303rd [330th] Eng. to look over the bridge onceagain. They arrived about 1030. We are through looking for an improvementon the bridge because this is the 10th party who has examined it and itis still as bad as ever. The three of them are staying over nite. Anotherporter convoy came thru today with loads for Punyang. No other news. Theweather was changed today only a half a day of rain. Finding myself becominga bit fat around the "Buttox" and in need of a walk, Booth& myself decided to take a small trip to Pebu and do a little visiting.While I was gone, my able bodied assistant "Doctor Paul E. Lotze,"alias T-5 Lotze, accepted the job of keeping the station log intactand might I say he will do a wonderful job as you will read as you continue.My hat is off to "Doc" and many thanks.

    [September] 15. Today Lt. Sonnenberg returned home aftera four day vacation in the big city of Marghareta. C. Price & [WarrenG.] Welch146 arrived a little later. Welch is to replace ArtSeith [at Aid Station No. 6, Pebu] who is coming down "Out of thosethar hills" after a five months stay. The Lt. brought our latestissue of beer together with some late news flashes. (We really have a Lt.that is on the ball). The night was spent drinking that good old "PabstBlue Ribbon" with Lt. and Price still trying to find out whois the best chess player.

    [September] 16. This morning old Station #1 [2] looked like GrandCentral station with all the boys cots and bed rolls laying around readyto be moved. C. Price, Welch, Fromant, and "Robin Hood"Booth started for Pebu. (The bets are 100 to 1 they won't make it) but the old trail jockeys say they will. Gentile left for thecompany on a little business trip. Now the little garrison at Tirap consistsof three personnel, Lt. Sonnenberg, Romeo, & Lotze. But we thinkwe can hold it from the Japs till the other boys get back. Again it wasvisitors day at Tirap. Lt. Ashbrook & Brown147 from Punyangrolled in about noon after walking all night. They were the first Americanswe ever heard of walking the trail at night. So its "hats off"to the young Lt. & his comrade. Today Tirap opened its clinic for women.A Naga girl had an abcess of the breast. The Lt. had a little minoroperation fixing it up. Late in the afternoon a plane circled our campand we thought maybe it was rations so we waited and waited (we are stillwaiting the time is 8:00 PM).

      146151st Medical Battalion.
      14721st Quartermaster Group. There were five men named Brownin the 3304th QM Truck Company, 21st QM Group, and three Browns in the21st QM Regiment.


    Thats all the news from Station B-1 [2] for today. P. S. Romeo &Lotze, who know very little about panel work, had a little panel practicetrying to tell the pilot that this was an American camp. He got our signalas we saw his green light flash on. We think the rations were for the Chinese.If anyone should see any American rations laying along the trail, kindlyforward them to Tirap. You have our permission to eat all the corned beef,but spare the rest for the Tirap boys. (Aren't we generous). Thats allfolks for today.

    [September] 17. Today we here at Station #1 [2] are opening upa hotel. All we are asking in the way of rent is that all guests bringhis own ration. Romeo went to Rema after rations and in the meantimerations came. They were really the best rations we have had so we willhave to throw a few orchids to the QM outfit and to the Lt. forgetting them "on the ball." Lt. Sonnenberg & Lotzehave been given a new name "Sourkraut Face" as it seems theyhave an awful hard on148 for raw sourkraut. The weatherman hasbeen good to the boys here at Tirap. He has shut off the water supply fora few days and we really appreciate that big bundle of sunshine he is supplyingus with. Tirap B-1 [2] signing off for today. More tomorrow.

    [September] 18. Lots of news from little old Station #1 [2] today.Nick returned from Rema about noon with lots of ration, so now wecan take off our sweatshirts (sweating it out) as we have plenty of food.This actually happened in India. Time: Today. Place: Tirap. Two Americannurses (did you get that American nurses) walked to Tirap from Ledo. Saythese Americans are great people male or female. Well the nurses made itin fine shape and here are the names (get out those date books) Lt. [Alice]Gunlugson & Lt. [Rose] Oser149 and I might add they arereally good lookers. Say what have those boys in New Delhi got over ushere at Tirap. We [have] American Nurses. Don't you guys in Ledo envy us?Sgt. Hibbard150 also paid us a visit and is going to spend thenight with us. Gentile and [Pvt. Edwin H.] Garl151 broughtthe nurses up so its a full house here tonight. Lt. Gunlugson A.N.C. wishesto say that, "Two nurses, bonefide Amer. nurses from the second generation,showed us what the U.S. Army nurse is made of.["] In closing todaysnews we take time out and all say, "Its hats off to Uncle Sam's Nurses."Lt. Gunlugson, ANC & Lt. Oser, A.N.C. are the trail blazers. We areexpecting more to follow. Thats all folks. Station #1 [2] signing off.More news tomorrow night.

    [September] 19. Sgt. Hibbard left early this morning. The boysgot up without the Lt. having to call us. The girls, who spent thenight here, were the last ones up. The old cookie (Romeo) had hotcakes and they were really good. I may add that the nurses of the U.S.Army also have big appetites. For dinner Romeo came thru with hisold specialty "Niocoli," and it made a hit with all. The nursesleft Tirap at 1300 for Ledo. First stopping in at the Chinese camp. TheChinese treated them like ladys and the gals thought

      148Male ardor.
      149Of the 22d Field Hospital, on duty at Margherita with the73d Evacuation Hospital while their own unit was waiting to be flown toChina.
      150151st Medical Battalion.
      151151st Medical Battalion.


    a lot of the Chinese camp. Then they took off for Ledo G.I. shoes &all. Garl took them back (the lucky guy). Pvt. Rozensky152 camethru about noon and left after dinner. The nurses paid us a complimentbefore leaving. They said they really appreciated their short stay hereand hoped to pay us a visit again (we're hoping so). We had a little improvementtoday. Gentile turned carpenter and fixed up our sidewalk. He donea good job. The nurses gained the title "Sweethearts of Tirap,"bestowed upon them by the personel. Lt. Sonnenberg wishes to takethe floor at this time for a few words. Come in Lt. "I wishto say that the boys at Tirap haven't forgot their manners; they actedlike gentlemen all the time the nurses were here." The above statementis not a believe it or not question, its actually true. In closing todaysnews, if you guys see any nurses out walking around Ledo show them to Tirapas we know they are headed this way. (I prefer blonds.)

    [September] 20. Visitors day at Camp Tirap again today. Lt. Ashbrookbetter known to Tirap log readers as "Night Walker"153 andtwo of his body guards [Riligh] Dorsey & Brown are spending the nightwith us on their way home (Punyang) after a brief visit to the big cityat Ledo. The Lt. brought a few cans of beer with him and said "Letsdrink boys" and you know these Tirap boys they never refuse anything(Nice Guys). Not much news today so will give you the weather report. Theweatherman came through with a little rain which lasted all night long.Today he threw a bundle of sunshine our way. He figured we were gettinga little hot so thought we ought to have a shower last night. Thats allfrom Tirap today. Keep your dial set for tomorrows news.

    [September] 21. Today was construction day at little old Tirap.Ground was broken for our new mess hall, which is going to be the bestin the Tirap area. Our native foreman "Bad Eye" is in charge,and the supervision is none other than Nick Romeo who used to putcars together back in Bedford, O. He is going to try his hand at puttingup a mess shack. (We're hoping for the best). Lt. & Lotze tookoff bright & early for the company on a little business trip. Lt. Ashbrook& party also left this morning. Savage returned to Camp Tirapafter a vacation at the 20th Gen Hosp.154 (Poor guy had to lookat those nurses all day). Well its Jack Savage Day at Tirap. Weare all glad to have Jack back with us again, but we hope he hasforgotten some of those corney jokes and stories. Thats all folks.

    [September] 22. The boys had a lot of sleep last night as breakfastwas not served until 9:30 A.M. the reason being the "Green Hornet"was absent. Lt. and Lotze arrived about noon with odds andends of the news reports and a few rumors. The contractor "Bad Eye"stated that the dining room would be completed tomorrow. So we will puton our Sunday Best and use Emily Posts Etiquette at least for one day.The weatherman threw us a few drops today. [Salvedor F.] Ponce,155from Ujan, is staying overnite on

      152Rosinsky, from the Ujon air-warning station,was listed as a corporal on 16 July.
      153See entry of 16 September.
      154Savage had been sent to the hospital on 27 August.
      155679th Signal AW Company.


    his way back to his unit. More news tomorrow. Buy War Bonds in the meantime.

    [September] 23. Our mess hall was completed today. We ate ourfirst meal in it tonight. Gentile christened it by spilling a cupof coffee on the table. Ponce, who stayed overnite with us left this morningfor Ledo. The boys named the new mess hall "Tirap Cafe." Tiraphad its first night work when a Chinese soldier had to have a piece ofshrapnel removed from his neck. The Lt. did a fine job of sewingwith a kerosene lamp as the only light. The Chinese really appreciatedthe Lt's. coming and think he is really "Ting How" ["good"].156The weather was fine today. No rain and plenty of that good healthy sunshine.In closing todays news we all say, "We at Tirap are doing our partto spell the word Victory and we hope the home front is doing their partalso!"

    [September] 24. Visitors again at Tirap. Capt [Floyd T., Jr.]Romberger157 and Cpl. Weeks arrived about noon today. It wasthe first time we have seen our new C.O. since way back there in the goodold States. The Capt. brought us a little bad news. The Tirap station isgoing to spilt up.158 Lt. Sonnenberg, Savage, & Boothare going to Hpachi Hi to start a new station. Gentile is goingback to the Co. leaving Fromant, Romeo, & Lotze at "YeOld Tirap." We know the Lt. and the boys will make a good namefor themselves in Burma. We hate to see them go but this is war and dutycalls them. Mr. Oliver159 & Art Seith, formally of Punyang,dropped in on their way to that big city of Ledo. They are going to spendthe night with us, so its "full house" again at Tirap. In closingtodays log we at Tirap ask these good old civilians back home for a littlefavor, for Christmas we wish Old Santa Claus would send us a "JukeBox" [phonograph].

    [September] 25. Capt. Romberger, Cpl. Weeks, Art Seith, &Mr. Oliver left early this morning. Nick fixed a special meal forthe Lt. today of that awful stuff Soya Links. The rest of us hadfish & beans. It was the first time he had ever tasted them and hesaid, "I love them." He also likes Corn Willie anotherawful dish. He said he could live on Corn Beef & Soya Links the restof his time in the army (I think it's a Section VIII case).160Savage & C. [Clell C.] Norris161 surprised us bydropping in on us tonight, we thought they were Japs. Before going to bedtonight the Lt. is going to read us the Articles of War. This makesthe 100000056 time we have heard them (Boring isn't it). So in closingtodays news we are going to bed and dream of Court Martials.

    [September] 26. Lt., Savage & C. Norris left early this morning.We hate to see the "Looie" and Savage go. We willalways remember the Lt. as a

      156"Good"--a phrase which (with itsopposite, "Bu hao") most soldiers in Burma learned.
      157Company B, 151st Medical Battalion. He was the original editorof the Log.
      158To relieve a Seagrave hospital station, which would soonmove forward with the Chinese, as the Second Burma Campaign commenced.
      159Civilian porter supervisor.
      160Section VIII of the Army Regulations concerning medical mattersand the discharge of troops; it covered cases which were psychologicallyor morally unfit for retention.
      161151st Medical Battalion. Savage had returned to duty 4 daysbefore, but Lotze apparently failed to note his departure.


    right guy. Tirap has a new song entitled "We Three" Gentile,Romeo, & me. Nick had "Niocoli" for supper tolift our moral[e] to A-1, it was really good. The weatherman threw rainat us all day.

    [September] 27. Romeo left early this morning for the Co. leavingGentile & Lotze to hold down the fort. We kept ourselves busydoing little repair jobs which were well needed. Gentile tried hishand at baking pies and did a fine job. We had cherry pie for supper; incidently,is there a war going on? Weather was bad, rain all day. We are watchingthe trail every day for that "Juke Box." Hasn't anyone an oldrusty Juke Box they could let the Tirap boys use? Thats all for today.

    [September] 28. Breakfast was served at 9:00 AM. A few Chineseofficers dropped in about 9:30, so we had coffee and crackers with them.Romeo arrived back about noon bringing with him books & cigarettesas a moral[e] builder. Gentile, our sub cook, again had a fieldday baking two peach pies. Rained off & on all day. Closing for today.

    [September] 29. We here at Tirap have become, as Emily Post wouldsay, late sleepers because breakfast was served at 10:45 A.M. (Really,we are still in the Army). We are definitely getting our share of the MonsoonSeason; again it rained off & on all day. We have been very busy thelast few days with patients who consist of natives, porters, & Chinese.Well its time we say goodnight as its time all good soldiers are in bedand of course we are good soldiers.

    [September] 30. Today was Nicks birthday so as a presentwe gave him the day off. Gentile baked a cake which was very goodand he even put trimmings on mind you to the tune of Happy Birthday Nick.Just like downtown. Gentile has the title of Camp baker. Lt. Sonnenberg& party arrived this afternoon on their way to Burma. They are goingto spend the night with us. The weatherman was very good to us today. Norain fell on little old Camp Tirap today, just plain good old sunshinelike those lucky civilians are having back in the good old U.S.A. Todaywas also payday, oh Happy day. In closing todays news, we all made a wishwhen Nick cut his cake. You are not supposed to reve[a]l ones wishesto the public but we will just this one time. We all wished that Nickwould celebrate his next birthday back in the States. We hope our wishcomes true, don't you?

    [October] 1. The Lt. & party left early this morning. Theyhave a big job ahead of them, but we know they will do a good job and makea good name for themselves. We wish them the best of luck that can be had.A political officer [Johnny Walker] was our only visitor for the day. Hestayed about an hour. He had just returned from the Naga villages wherehe had been paying them for work done. Now they are the Rajas for a change.Good weather all day. Closing for today, its bedtime.

    [October] 2. Today was very slow, nothing happened. In the placeof news which is little, we will dedicate todays date to our bearer. Hisname is Jit Bahardu and his home is Shillong. He is Nepalese andas close as we can figure he is in the late twenties or early thirties.Before working for us, he was a porter on a regular run. We have knownJit ever since coming


    to the hills and everyone holds high regards for him. He has been ourbearer for the past three months and is a very good worker. He can understand& talk enough English to get along; therefore, releiving us of thesign language that has to be used in regards to other porters. He alsoacts as our interpreter when treating porters and can also interpret theNaga language for us. He is very reliable and knows what is to be doneand how. We would part with him only under absolute necessary circumstancesand everyone will hate to see him leave when the time comes to break station.All in all, Jit is "Teek Hi"162 with us asyou can plainly see. No rain today and again we were blessed with thatgood sunshine.

    [October] 3. The news is very slight again for today. Gentile& Lotze went to the company this morning and are due back tomorrow.The went to the company this morning and are due back tomorrow. The usrain. There were no visitors so until tomorrow evening its cheerio.

    [October] 4. Lots of news for todays log entry. Guests again,Corp. John (Jeeter) Goodall and Corp. Harry [Donald C.] Everingham, betterknown as "City Folks," arrived with Gentile & Lotze about1030. Then who should walk in but old "Trail Blazer" none otherthan Fromant. After a seventeen day vacation he thought he wouldcome home and give us a break, or is it a break, we wonder. Rations alsoarrived today, so again we eat. We at this time take time out to pausefor one (1) minute and pay respect to Hq 151st Med. Bn. for the good rationsthey sent us. Its orchids again to the 151 boys. Goodall is replacingRomeo as chief cook & bottle washer. It is rumored that he isa good cook but we will submit our report later after we see how he throwsour chow together. The weatherman again showered us with rain, but onlyfor a short time. I, Paul E Lotze, at this time turn this job oflog entries over to the Sgt. [Fromant] who will resume all responsibility.I am glad to wash my hands of it all.

    [October] 5. Harry [Everingham] was supposed to return to thecompany yesterday but decided to stay overnite, so this morning he startedback taking Romeo and Gentile with him. It was ordered that Romeo &Gentile return to the company immediately upon my arrival as there wassome changes made and they are wanted at the company. The personnel nowat Monsoon Lodge is three and from all reports it will remain three untilsuch time when it will be broken up. The station is going to be lonelynow with only three of us, but we will try to keep each other from bustingour skulls against the wall. Booth, who accompanied me on the trip, returnedas far as Ujan and was taken back over the same trail with Lt. Sonnenbergon his way to Hapachi Hi. I was sorry to learn that most of the boys wereleaving the station because we really had fun in their presence but theywere called on to do another job and of course there was no alternative.We will miss them and hope it won't be long before we are altogether on"F" deck of some transport, sail boat, or tug heading for thatland of lands. The weather was cloudy with occasional rays of sunshine.

      162 "OK."--about the limit of theAmerican soldier's command of Indian languages.



    6 October-21 December 1943

    Time dragged at the aid station although the autumn was not withoutnovel incidents. Then an emergency at one of the up-trail posts requiredFromant to leave North Tirap temporarily. This time he turned the Logover to his substitute, T5c. Donald C. Everingham. With ears accustomedto a duller tone at the Ledo base, Everingham heard a jungle sound whichmay well have helped sustain the equanimity so typical of earlier daysat North Tirap: the sound of freedom. Yet symptoms of cabin fever increased.

    The command to Fromant to close the station came just before Christmas.His mood changed instantly, and he regained the optimism with which hebegan the Log 8 months before. Was it that, like Stephen Crane'smen in the open boat, within the same ironic limits and with the same transcendenceof literal actuality by moral truth--was it that the soldiers of NorthTirap silently acknowledged that they had had the best experience of theirlives?

    [October] 6. Visitors again today. One would think this placewas a museum because of so many visitors but we don't mind as long as thefood holds out. The visitors were Lt. Baumgarten, Corp Weeks & Don[Donald E.] McKay.163 They puffed & grunted and after nottoo much exertion arrived here about 1100. We have our idea as to who grunted& puffed but we wish to keep our opinions to ourselves. While Docmade his trip to the [Chinese] camp, the rest of us busily engaged ourselvesin some sound sleep. The evening was spent in a bull session about everythingand if you have ever attended a session in which there was a doctor &soldiers, you know what was the main subject and it wasn't food. Everyonehit the pad about 2300.

    [October] 7. The Lt. and fellows left [for Ledo] about 0900 andI went with them to see Capt. Romberger. I was there until Sunday morning,therefore, I was unable to note any events that happened here and accordingto "Doc" the only visitor during my absence was a fellowfrom the Ujan [warning] station. He is the trail walker in my estimationand can really make dust, if any is to be found. He was on his way to hisHq.

    [October] 10. I returned to the happy garrison about 1330 todayand brought with me Sgt. Herb Thomas, who decided he needed a rest. Itseems when some one needs a rest or change of scenery they come to Tirapbecause its the only place besides Shillong164 that any oneknows where peace & quiet can be had. And it definitely can be hadhere. Jeeter [Goodall] & I did a little work in the kitchenbut we were both too sick and decided to leave it go until tomorrow. Ourmotto here is: Always put off until tomorrow that

      163151st Medical Battalion.
      164Site of a military rest camp.


    which you are too tired to do today. It is a good motto for here butit would soon change if we were at the company. When I returned "Doc"was in bed; he was down with malaria for his second time. Thank gosh themalaria season will be over soon. This is all for now.

    [October] 11. Herb [Thomas] was supposed to return today butit was raining and then too we all slept a little longer than usual (hewasn't in favor of returning anyway). Jeeter & I felt bettertoday, so we started on the kitchen again. Our last cook must have becomelazy because the place was a mess. After about three hours work, we finallywere able to stop with the results being a clean kitchen once again. Ican certainly say for Russ's sake that the kitchen was never a mess whenhe was here. The fellow from Ujan stopped for a few minutes on his wayup trail. We had just finished breakfast when Mr. Timms arrived on hisway to Tipang. He received a message to report to his Hq. and he was puzzledas to what is coming off. I seriously beleive we won't be at this stationmuch longer. After a "spot of tea" he left. We had rain againtoday.

    [October] 12. Herb left this morning about 0900. He said he wishedit was possible to stay a month to give him emmunity so he could [go] backto the company and take the S.N.A.F.U.'s that are so prominent there. Ifeel we will go thru hell when we have to go back to regular duty. Todaywas really the first time the three of us have been alone and I believewe will be able to manage if its not too long. We all had a lost feelingbecause we are used to seeing seven faces and it makes a difference whensomeone leaves. Porters came thru today from up trail, the first in severalweeks. They were carrying chutes to Tipang. Doc made his daily tripto the Chinese camp today. A new unit came in and he is having the usualtrouble getting the hospital organized. More rain today but not steady.

    [October] 13. We three were not alone long today. About 1600Harry Everingham & Al Herwick came bouncing in with no other reasonthan just the walk. They made good time which I believe is about the bestanyone has made who is not used to walking the trail. The one and onlyamusement we have here is a game called "Bull Session" whichwe played until about 2200 over a cup of coffee. I'll bet we have toldthe same stories over several times but its always to someone new. We liketo have strangers stop because we can hear new stories and then tell oursover again. We have each told each other our life history from childhoodto present and its coming to the point where we'll have to start over againto keep from sitting in silence. There is going to have to be some changessoon or the Company will have to write papers for three Section VIII case[s].We talk on the darndest subjects just to have something to say. It rainedhard just after Harry & Al arrived and then later in the evening therain was accompanied by a strong wind. Oh yes, we also had to sit in thedark because we are out and have been out of kerosene. I would like toknow why the civilians are griping.

    [October] 14. Al & Harry had intentions of going back thismorning, but postponed their leave until the afternoon. About 1100 whoshould bestow his presence upon our humble abode but Bob McFarlin. He hadjourneyed from Rema and was planning to continue to the company. His reasonfor


    coming was legal, he had no home. It seems while he was accompanyingLt. Sonnenberg to Hpachi Hi his partner Welch became cold and as a result,burned the Basha down. He tried to find out what happened, but all mouthsremained closed. Someone managed to salvage a few personal items but itwas all a complete loss. Everything including medical supplies & allmade a dandy fire so they told him. He has his suspicions but no proof.The fellows were ready to leave about 1500 when Harry called Al chickenfor not wanting to stay over and the result was six for supper insteadof three. Harry said his cold was too bad to walk anyway. Everingham wason the ball all evening and had us laughing until we went to bed. Someonesaid the monsoon season was over. It looks as tho it has just started,rain again today.

    [October] 15. The fellows had planned to leave at 0500 but itwas too dark at that time and they finally left at 0600. We had guestsfor dinner in the form of a Col., Major, Chinese Major and 2nd Lt. The2nd Lt. was Greenspan, who was stationed at the camp a few months ago.Greenspan had brought the officers up to look over the Tirap area. I believethey are planning to put troops here. God help us if they do. They leftshortly after dinner. Old Doc decided to go to the company aftertalking to Greenspan and there was nothing going to stop him so he wentdown from the Chinese Camp about 1400. Jeeter & I are holdingthe fort until he returns. Surprise today no rain. The sun managed to shinea few minutes during the day but the clouds were too thick.

    [October] 16. The station was rather quiet today having onlytwo of us here. Jeeter & I managed to remain occupied the wholeday. The sun sent forth its warm & welcomed rays most of the day andI took advantage of them for about two hours. It's the first sun bath Ihave been able to take for several weeks. A few Nagas were our only visitors.Jeeter & I managed to think of a few life stories that werenot told as yet, so we talked until about 2100. Very little news for todaybut maybe more tomorrow when Doc returns.

    [October] 17. Doc returned today about 1400 empty handed andwe were about to knife him for not bringing mail when he told us threeporters were coming. He had very little news of interest and found outlater that most of what he did say was "Bull." We did manageto learn that Capt. Romberger is coming up Tuesday. The porters arrivedshortly after with mail, clothing, and medical supplies, and three (3)cans of beer apiece. This beer is supposed to be our monthly beer rationand what a ration. I'm afraid we'll get drunk drinking so much. They tellus another S.N.A.F.U. is the cause of the shortage and that the 151 wasone of the unfortunate units who received only (3) per man. I wonder ifit could be another lend lease stunt pulled by our allied friends. Docalso said to give up hopes of our transfer because the odds againstus are too high. We'll have to sit tight I guess and wait as we have beenfor years. This ends the gossip for today.

    [October] 18. More company came today than was expected and thenews they brought wasn't any too good in my concern. The company was inthe form of Capt Romberger, Sgt Everett, and guess who again, Corp. H.as in Harry E as in Everingham but he came this time to stayfor awhile.


    He brought the sad news that I am to go to Punyang and he is going totake over. While at the Co., McFarlin received a cholera shot that settledin his neck muscles and he was sent to the hospital, so I have to run thisstation until he is released for duty. The trip is not to my liking butthen who am I to disagree. Harry is going to run Monsoon Lodge forabout two weeks and I hope I am not gone any longer. As for him, he wishesme no bad luck but he hopes I have to stay there several months. It wouldappear that he likes this place. Shortly after the Capt. arrived, a groupof 10 Americans arrived and who should be in charge but Trail Blazing Skiddmorefrom way back. It has been several months since he was thru here. He istaking this party to Kalak Ga to set up a station once more and lets hopethey are not run out again.165 The Sgt. & men rested abouttwo hours then left from Tima where they are staying for the nite. Mr.Timms accompanied the Capt. He is going back to Punyang and will eventuallyland in a camp on the other axis [East Trail] to carry on operations. Maybethis bomb will explode soon; we all hope so or at least something to stopthis idleness. Nite flying has been very prominent the past week, lookslike the sky is relatively safe.166

    [October] 19.167 The Capt. left early this morning.Mr. Tims also left this morning. Sgt. Everett stayed over for a day. Alittle work was done around the camp. The rest of the day we had some wellearned "bunk fatigue." It is getting quite cool up here it lookslike winter is just around the corner.

    [October] 20. We had breakfast at the early hour of 0700. Thenhad a little gun cleaning followed by a little swimming than a little rest.The night was spent "shooting the Bull." We had a little raintoday.

    [October] 21. Sgt. Fromant left for Punyang this morning.Sgt. Everett left for the company so now their is only three of us to runCamp Tirap. Cpl. Goodall made some bread which was really good.We are living like Kings up here (in fact they tell us their is a war goingon) The weatherman was good to us today. Had plenty of that good old Indiansunshine. Bedtime came early for the Tirap boys. Everyone was in by 2100.(See, we are trying to be good soldiers).

    [October] 22. Today was awful slow, but life came to our stationwhen Major [Herbert V.] Traywick and Major [Joseph] Rockis dropped in onus. They are in charge of the new Chinese camp which is going to be builtin our back yard. Major Traywick brought some beer out of his bag so wedrank to his health. In closing todays news we say "bottoms up."

    [October] 23. Today Camp China Town has been set up. Those littlesons of China were as busy as a bee all day long. And they really havesomething

      165Soon after an air-warning station had beenestablished at Hkalak Ga in early spring, the Japanese moved in its direction.Alerted to their danger by native informers, the signalmen escaped afterburying their equipment. The episode occurred in March. By the time ofthis entry the area had been entirely secure for several months: Romanusand Sunderland, I, pp. 308-309: and Craven and Cate, IV, pp. 463-465.
      166The Japanese air force became more active when the monsoonlifted, and its fighters began to harass the cargo aircraft flying theHump. Attacks occurred frequently from the 13th to the end of October,and sporadically until the end of the year. The field at Dinjan was bombedon 13 December. Limited countermeasures had some success: Romanus and Sunderland,II, pp. 66, 85-86; and Craven and Cate, IV, pp. 467-468.
      167The author now is Everingham.


    to show for their work. We hope that the officers of the 151st readthis article. The two Majors rolled up their sleeves and cooked a verygood supper. Why don't some of the 151 officers try their hand at it sometimeand give the enlisted men a break to see an officer work. Major Rockispulled something out of his bag and guess what it was. Good old Americanwiskey. We then had a mixed drink made up of grapefruit juice and wiskey.And it was really good. Just like a Tom Collins we use to know in civiliandays. These Majors are nice people to know. In closing todays log we say"Khan Bay" (Meaning Bottoms Up). See we are even learning Chinese.

    [October] 24. Today Camp China Town was completed. It reallyis a good looking camp. We now have Chinese guards watching over us whilewe sleep. Major Traywick put out some fine biscuits (just like mother useto make). Boy it is really swell the way those Majors can cook. We hadsix American visitors yesterday. They were from Gen. Boltner's Hqs. Aboutten Nagas slept on our front porch last night so we are now running a NagaHotel. No Rain today "Thats all folks."

    [October] 25. Not much news today. Sunshine all day. It is reallygetting cold here at night. The two Majors have been busy making out atraining program for the Chinese (It reminds us of our 13-weeks trainingperiod wich we had about ten times) Remember those good old days back in"Rookie" time. Thats all for today folks.

    [October] 26. A little news from Camp Tirap today. The big eventwas that Cpl. Everingham (Malaria can't get me down) was bit bya mosquito and now has a hot forehead and is shaking in bed as though hehas the palsey. India will get the best of men down. Cpl. Goodall& Cpl. Lotze took a sick patient down to Lido. They walked mostof the trail in the dark. The Chinese carried the patient down and it onlytook two and a half hours. So in closing todays log we say "Hats offto the Chinese."

    [October] 27. Cpl. Goodhall & Lotze rode back fromDipang on Chinese horses they got back about noon. The two Majors cookeddinner to give Goodall a rest. They turned out a good meal. TheChinese started their training program. The two Majors gave them a "pep"talk and told them what their program would be for the next ten days. Cpl.Everingham is much better today. No rain all day. Lots of Indiassunshine has been coming our way. But we are not complaining. Thats allthe news from station T-i-r-a-p.

    [October] 28. Today the two Majors moved to their new home acrossthe field from us. They are still going to eat with us so we will see themoften they are really swell guys. Today a searching party came through.A Zero plane was shot down about seven miles from here and they were goingup to find out what the score is.168 The searching party consistsof three officers and ten enlisted men and a small detail of Gurkia soldiers.One man is to stay with us and watch their supplys. Cpl. Goodall& Mr. Wormington [Wilmington]169 are also going on the littleparty. We are really busy here with Chinese patients. We are now operatingtwo (2) Chinese hospital. We are now play-

      168See n. 166, p. 50.
      169Superintendent of the Tipang Colliery.


    ing a part in this war. (At least we feel we are.) The weather was finetoday. That's all for today

    [October] 29. Cpl. Goodall & Mr. Wormington arrivedback this morning with a little news. The Jap piolet is dead and theirwere about six bullet holes in the plane. (Good shooting you Americans).The piolet was a very small man and very young. But he is a dead cookienow. We toasted cheese sandwiches tonight around a bonfire with some goodold "Jungle Pani" to wash it down. We had a little singing sessionand "then hit the hay." Good weather today. In closing todaysnews we know that their is one less Jap in the war.

    [October] 30. Lots of visitors today. The searching party camethrough. They had all sort of Jap belongings. They got two .50 calb. guns,motor, radio and a few odds and ends. They buried the Jap pilot who wasfound dead on their arrival. A group of soldiers came up from Lido on ahike so we really had the visitors today. Cpl. Weeks came up and broughtsome medical supplys with him. He brought enough supplys to run a Gen.Hosp. Last night the Chinese had a night manuvers so we had a little warat Camp Tirap. The weather was fine today. Station B-#2 signing off.

    [October] 31. Company again at Tirap. Two Capts and one Sgt.stopped in on their way to Punyang. An American airplane crashed up atPunyang. These officers are going up to see what the trouble was. One ofthe officers was a piolet. He told us a few of his experiences in a plane.The Chinese were on the firing range all day so we had to put up with thenoise all day. That is all for today. More news tomorrow (we hope)

    [November] 1. Lt. Baumgartner [Baumgarten] and Cpl. Weeks arrivedtoday. Major Rockes went on a little hike this morning and on his returnhe was carrying something on his solders [shoulders] on a close look itwas a deer leg. The Major said "He shot it with his gun" No onecan doubt his word as he is an expert with a pistol and he has the deerfor proof. So it was deer steak for supper for the boys at Tirap. Theytell us their is a war going on. Well let us know when its over so we cango home. Lt. Baumgartner & Weeks are going to stay over for a day.No Rain again today just good old Indian sunshine. As we bring todays logto a close. We all say "Hats off to Major Rockes for bringing themeat home."

    [November] 2. Cpl. Weeks and Everingham took a littlehike today. They went up to see the Jap. plane. They returned about nooncarrying with them parts of the plane. They also brought back blisterswith them. We now have two patients with blisters. The Chinese had a littlenight practice so again we had war at Tirap. Two soldiers from Punyangstopped on their way to Lido. They had dinner with us then took off forLido. No rain again today.

    [November] 3. Major Rockes went hunting and brought back a squriell.(I can see why he got an experts medal). We gave the squrriel to the Chineseas their wasn't enough for all of us to eat. Cpl. Weeks and the Lt. leftfor the company right after breakfast. Nice weather again today. We haven'tseen a drop of rain for over a week. We are not complaining about it either.That's all the news for today. Will be on the air at the same time tomorrownight. Keep your dial set for station B-#1 [2].


    [November] 4. Not much news from little old Station #1 [2] today.Harry & Goodall went fishing the result was nothing no fish,no bites so they are giving up fishing as a bad job. No visitors for thepast few days so everything is peacefull expect [except] the Chinese. NoRain today. Our Crops are going to spoil as the farmers back home say butover here it doesn't worry us as we have no garden. Old Uncle Sam makessure we eat rain or shine. Well its bedtime so I guess I will say goodnight.

    [November] 5. Today it was very peaceful at Tirap. The Chinesewent on a hike all day. Lt. O'dall [Odahl] & Sgt. "Gumps"arrived at 1800 last night we thought the[y] were "Jap Snipers"They are going up to the Jap plane tomorrow. Jit is going with them.No rain again today. It looks like the old weatherman is on our side. Thatall the news for today.

    [November] 6. Lt. O'Dall and "Gumps" left for the Japplane this morning. Two men stopped in on their way to Punyang. McFarlinand Joseph arrived this afternoon on their way to Punyang. They broughttheir "Juke Box" with them so we had a little music tonight.Boy it was really "solid." The old "Hep Cats" of Tirapreally enjoyed it. Lt. O'Dall and Gumps returned about 2000 with half ofthe Jap plane. In closing todays log we have one question to ask. Why don'twe have a "Juke Box" Our only wish for Xmas is for Santa to bringus a "Juke Box."

    [November] 7. Lt. O'Dall and Gumps left for the company thismorning. McFarlin and Joseph left for Punyang. Slatter [Slaughter] andDorsey170 (from Punyang) dropped in on us about noon. They aregoing to stay overnight. Late in the afternoon, the two Capts. and theSgt. who went up to Punyang to find out about the air plane accident droppedin. They also are going to spend the night. So its "full house"again at Tirap. Lotze was guest at a Chinese supper today. He reportsthat the food was very good and he had a swell time. He ate with chop sticksand all. So we expect he will be using chop sticks in place of the knife,fork and spoon from now on. Still no rain today. "Its lights out atTirap" so we will sign off.

    [November] 8. Well not much happened at Tirap today. Three Americanofficers from Chinese Hqt. came up today to look over the Chinese camp.He told the two Majors to come back to Lido tomorrow and the Chinese troopsto move out and come back on the 10th. So we are going to be alone again.Had Rain today for a couple of hours. Just enough to cool us off. That'sall for today.

    [November] 9. Major Traywick and Major Rockes left early thismorning. They hated to leave and we hated to see them leave. Boy they weretwo swell guys. All of us here including the Chinese thought they were"Tops." The Chinese were busy packing to leave tomorrow. Theyworked like bees all day. No Rain again today. In closing todays log wetake our hats off to Majors Traywick & Rockes and give them a 21 gunsalute. We hope we meet them again whether in Burma, China or the goodU.S.A.

    [November] 10. The Chinese left early this morning. Everythingis so silent it doesn't seem like the same place. We all will miss theChinese as

      17021st Quartermaster Group.


    this outfit was a swell group. About 1500 two Nagas came down and theyhad two men which they said were Japs. One looked like a Jap. We triedtalking Chinese to them (a few words we picked up from the Chinese). Theydid not answer us. They wouldn't say a word. So Goodall and Lotzetook them down to Tipang and called the M.P.s. It came out that theywere Japs or Chinese deserters. So it may be that the boys at Tirap havegot two Japs to their credit. We are really in this war after all. No rainagain today. Closing for today.

    [November] 11. Slater [Slaughter] and Dorsey stoped in on theirway back to Punyang. They are going to stay over night. Lotze andGoodall arrived about 1700 from Dipang bringing mail so we werehappy again. Today is Lotze's Birthday so we all had "JunglePani" and got quite high. Slatter had a bottle of gin so it was someparty with jokes (Dirty ones) songs and storys. The weather was fine today.It is starting to get cold up here in the evening it won't be long beforewe have to install a heating system of some kind. Well its about bedtimeso we will close for tonight.

    [November] 12. Slatter and Dorsey left for Punyang this morning.About noon Brown and Welch and another fellow from Punyang dropped in ontheir way down to Ledo. Welch is going to stay here a few days till hisporters come in Brown and this other fellow from Punyang brought a Nagadog with them. We talked them into giving it to us so now we have a dog.Her name is Dot and it's a swell pet. No rain again today. As we bringthe log to a close for today our little dog is barking which in the doglingo is bedtime.

    [November] 13. Not much news today. No visitors (except Welchwho is staying here till his porters come in) The day was spent readingand the night with the "bull session["] in full swing and a little"Jungle Pani" to wash it down. No Rain again today. More newstomorrow we hope.

    [November] 14. Goodall, Welch and Lotze went toa Naga Busattee [bustee] to treat a few patients. Welch left for the companythis afternoon. Leaving the little garrison with three men. Everingham,Goodall, and Lotze. Our song will be "We Three" fora while now, till visitors come or some new changes are made. Everythingis peaceful at Tirap. Our mascot Dot is doing fine, she really likes hernew home. No Rain again today its getting nice and cool up here. This isa grand way to win a war. We are living like natives up here not a worryin the world. Lets hope we stay like this. Well as the Nagas say its timeto say "Sala[a]m" til tomorrow.

    [November] 15. Today was a big day at Camp Tirap. The Chinesemoved in about 1300. Now we have a little noise again. It was getting deadhere but now life has returned again. About 1600 Col. [Robert P., or WilliamV.] Thompson and Major Rockes arrived Major Rockes brought some rationswith him so now we will eat like Kings. The Colonel and Major are goingto live with us so we now have a full house. With the Chinese coming backit makes our stay at Tirap longer and we are really happy about that. Norain again today. "30"

    [November] 16. Lotze left early this morning for the companyto get some milk and pick up some mail. He returned this afternoon withmilk and lots of mail. The Chinese moved in the other camp today so nowwe are


    servicing two Battalions. Lots of work again. No Rain again today. Inclosing todays log we all say, "You send the supplys and will [we'll]do the work."

    [November] 17. The Major & Col. moved to their own Bashatoday. The hospital is moved back to its old place again. Everyone seemsto be busy around here. The Chinese have started on their training program.And we have started operating our hospitals. So Tirap is a busy place thesedays. No Rain again today. It is really getting cold up here at night andearly in the morning. Our rations are getting low again so we will haveto put on the old sweatshirt (sweating it out) before long. Well its closingtime hear at Tirap. See you tomorrow in the meantime "Buy War Bondsand Stamps and help us lick the Japs."

    [November] 18. Not much brewing at Tirap today. "Bat Eye"came down today and brought us some "Jungle Pani" beans and afew odds & ends. The Major & Col. ate with the Chinese this evening.The Major shot a fish so he and the Col. were invited to supper. Goodall,Everingham & Lotze had a "Jungle Pani" party last night.(Thank God we are not rationed on "Jungle Pani" over here yet.)Our cigarettes are runing low we will soon have to turn Naga and roll ourown. But we can see a cig. & beer ration coming. Old Uncle Sam takesgood care of his boys (We hope). No Rain again today. Well its time allgood soldiers got to bed (F.M. 000-0)171 See you tomorrow.

    [November] 19. The Col. & Major left for Lido this afternoon.They had to go back to Hqts. They will be down their for a few days. TheChinese were on the firing range all day. So we had plenty of noise aroundhere. It sounded like the fourth of July. It was cloudy all day but norain. Old man sunshine stayed in all day. Well its time to say goodnight.

    [November] 20. Goodall woke up and he is moaning with pain inhis chest. Lotze took Goodall to the hospital for an Ex-ray.They left about 1100. Maj. Rockes and Col. Thompson returned about 1500from Lido. They were a little tired so everyone is going to bed early.No Rain again today.

    [November] 21. Nothing much happened today. Goodall &Lotze returned late this afternoon. Goodall is feeling muchbetter. He is going to take his treatment here. We are glad to have "Jeeter"back with us. No Rain again today. In closing todays log, we all say "thisGoodall lad is a rugged boy." (That goes for all the Tirapboys.) Station T-I-R-A-P signing off.

    [November] 22. [Thomas M.] Collins & Kitzberger paid a littlevisit to Camp Tirap today. They said it was a tough hike but it was worthit. Our dog is missing. We can't figure out what happened to him. May bethe Chinese ate him as they really like dog meat. If anyone should seea brown dog who answers to the name Dot, kindly contact the boys at Tirap.As a reward we will offer one can of good old Corned Beef. In the meantimewe will be listening for the Chinese to bark. Thats all for today.

    [November] 23. Fromant & two fellows from Punyang dropedin on us today. Collins & Kitzberger left for the Co. this afternoon.Goodall took Jit down to the Co., to have Capt. Denez [Denys]look him over. Jit has a sore

      171F.M.-Field Manual.


    back. We all hope it is nothing serious. Major Rockes was called backto Lido today and is going to stay down there for awhile. We hate to seehim go. But as the old timers say "Duty calls him." Slatter &[Staff Sgt. Homer R.] Castle dropped in after coming from Punyang (walkingover 40 miles in one day.) They are going to spend the night with us. Wehad a little rain today for a change. In closing todays log we are celebrating"Fromant Day." We are glad to have Sgt. Fromant backwith us. He has done a good job up at Punyang and deserves a lot of praise.Its bedtime at Tirap. Will drop a few lines tomorrow to you.

    [November] 24. Once again172 resume my duties of enteringthe daily happenings around Tirap in the log. For today we have the newsthat Slaughter & Castle, much against the trip, started for the base.They were rather stiff naturally from the hike they made yesterday butthey thought it best to go today. Jeeter returned about noon withJit who he found had no serious illness. We all liked that newsbut we didn't like the news that John [Goodall] is supposedto return to the company. I was hoping that he would remain with us, butwhen a man is good, he is put where he will do best. I would certainlylike to keep the group I now have but the company needs them worse thanI do. Jeeter also reported that Capt. Romberger is supposed to comeSat. Just before we sat down for dinner, three suspicious looking Naga'sarrived on their way up trail. When we began to question them we foundthey could not understand Hindustani or the Naga language spoken aroundhere. We all had intentions of sending them to Base Hq for questioningbut could not find enough proof to do so. We sent them on their way andI still believe they are connected with the Japanese.

    [November] 25. Thanksgiving Day, and how well we remember wherewe were last year at this time. We tried to make our day as close to homecelebration as possible and succeeded fairly well. All the fowl we wereable to buy was one fairly large rooster and one small hen, so Jeeterfried the chicken and made a chicken rice soup. Along with that wehad mashed potatoes (dehydrated) and coffee. We were planning on only sixfor dinner but a few minutes before it was ready to consume, Lt. [Robert]Waldon173 & two colored boys from Hpachi Hi arrived on theirway to the base. So it was nine mouths to feed with two little chickens.We made out so everyone got a taste of Thanksgiving. All the boys consideredthemselves lucky because we at least had fowl and probably a lot of soldiershad "Corned Willie." The evening was spent, guess how, in a bullsession. Yes, sir, in a good old session; we haven't had a bull sessionfor a long time--all of 12 hours I'll bet.

    [November] 26. A lot of activity today, at least this morning.The Chinese received orders to move out which is just two days before theirscheduled time. They were on their way about 0800, but before they left,they had to give us a salute which was in the form of about 50 mortar shellsover the hill. This was not a salute really, but today was the scheduledday for mortar practice and they had to do it before they moved. The partwe liked was

      172 Fromant.
      17321st Quartermaster Group.


    their shooting at 0600--a fine state of affairs, waking us up at suchan early hour. Col Thompson paid his respect and left after breakfast.Lt. Waldon & men left about 1000 as they waited for their porters tocome from Tima. Jeeter was leary about staying over as he was toldto return when I arrived, so as much as he hated to and we hated to seehim go, he left about 1400. It wasn't bad enough that Jeeter left,but Harry decided to go also because he was told to return alsowhen I arrived. We wanted the fellows to stay at least until the Capt.came, but they knew Co. "B" and thought it best to return. Afterthey left it became lonely as hell around here for Doc & mewho are the only ones left at the garrison in the hills. We are hopinganother group of Chinese come soon so as to put life into this place. Notonly are we alone, but we are here without a cook and heaven help our poorstomachs.

    [November] 27. Capt. Romberger, Capt. [Cobb G.] Laslie174& Capt. [Harold] Cohen175 arrived this morning about 1100.They came bag and baggage as they plan to stay until Monday. Shortly aftertheir arrival, a few Americans arrived and after some questioning we foundthat they were part of a group of some 30 men on their way to Kalak Ga.Kalak Ga is not going to be their destination and we know something. Amongthis group was some old timers of way back one of whom was Joe Gasbarrothe talkative guy who used to be stationed here. Lt. Hartberg176is in charge of the men. Nothing outside of these men happened and theday was spent "gassing." After supper, Lt. Hartberg came overand related some of his experiences in India which were very interestingto us. The Lt. has been here over a year and has seen a lot.

    [November] 28. The Lt. and men started early and I can't sayhow early because I was deep in a dream when they left. Capt. Rombergerhad deer on his mind so he & Capt. Cohen went hunting before breakfast.Do you want to know what they brought back? Why they brought back themselves.After breakfast the three officers and myself started our trip to the Japplane for souveniers. I was literally dragged, against my best wishes torecline on the bed. We returned to the garrison about 1730 and who shouldbe there but Major Rockis. I was glad to see him but found to my disappointmentthat he is not to stay here. He and his band of Sons of China are takingover Hapachi Hi for an indefinite period of time. After supper everyonebecame interested in conversation, but I became interested in the bed asI had a sick headache. The conversation lasted only a short time becausesome officers were tired.

    [November] 29. Breakfast was awfully early this morning 0800after which Major Rockis started on his journey carrying his own fieldbag, toilet article kit, and another bag. He is sure a grand fellow andthe kind of a man all Majors should be. The three Capts left shortly afterthe Major and we were again thrown into loneliness, but who cares. If thingsget tough we

      174151st Medical Battalion.
      17573d Evacuation Hospital.
      176679th Signal AW Company. In October, Staff Sergeant Skidmoreled a party to Hkalak Ga. There a warning station was established, partlyas a base site from which other posts would be developed in support ofthe Chinese Army in India, as it advanced in the Hukawng Valley: "Historyof the 679th," Stilwell Papers.


    can always start talking to the birds & flies & grasshoppers,and ants, and monkies, and even to ourselves. It appears that I am gettingthat way already. Til tomorrow--Oh yes rations came today.

    [November] 30. Well, I can say we got up today, ate three mealsand shot the breeze, but as far as any news, there is none. Doc& I are sure having fun preparing the meals. This morning it took usso long to prepare the main course for breakfast that when we sat downto eat, the coffee was cold, Jits tea water had boiled away andthe mess kit water had just about boiled away. God what cooks. I sure hopethe Capt. sends one soon. So ends another month and I add one more crossto my calendar. Gee, the crosses are adding up.

    [December] 1. The log entry for the first day of the month isn'tvery good and I am hoping that something happens during the month so theremaining days enteries won't be blank. Today was a replica of yesterdayonly we didn't have the tough luck of cooking that we had. Doc &I are learning slow but sure thru sheer necessity and hoping every daythat a cook arrives.

    [December] 2. We received quite a surprise today when Castle,Beasly, Slaughter, and Cummins arrived on their way back to Punyang. Afterinquiring we found that a misunderstanding of orders had been taken andthe boys were not supposed to return to base. As soon as they arrived Docasked if they wouldn't stay overnite so as to give us company but theirplans were to go to Rema and they were going to go until two Nagas arrivedcarrying a deer (animal) yes, that's right, a barking deer. When the fellowssaw that, moving orders were changed and changed fast. After a little bargaining,incidentally, it cost us approximately $8.00, Slaughter wasted no timewhat so ever and returned from the river with a bucket full of Venison.Supper tonite consisted of Venison, mashed potatoes, Venison, coffee, hotbiscuits and Venison, we also had some Venison. Man, but it was good. Everyonerose from the table stuffed. We will say that everyone gave a thought tothe home folks while he was munching on a delicious piece of meat. It wasall we would do to make it from mess hall to cabin where we digested supperover a card game and bull session.

    [December] 3. Slaughter & myself were the first ones up thismorning, early too. We had the meat cut and was frying it when the restof the fellows forced themselves out of their warm beds. Breakfast thismorning was venison again with coffee & oatmeal as the side dishes.The Punyang gang left shortly after breakfast leaving Doc, Jit &myself with a half bucket of meat. There was too much meat for three ofus and knowing it would not last, we decided to cut up the best piece.Neither one of us knew a tinkers damn about butchering but we started inand literally mutilated the poor deer. Had a butcher witnessed the ceremonyhe would have gone into hysterics, but at any rate we cut enough meat fordinner and had ribs for supper. We were sorry to see the day end becauseit brought our venison to an end. About 1600 we heard a call from the hilland recognized the voice to be Clancy Price's. We were quite surprisedto see him and learned that he was returning to be admitted to the hospital.He has contracted some kind


    of a disease and from the symptoms, he may have ulcers. He is goingto stay here tomorrow and I plan to go to the company with him Sunday.

    [December] 4. Breakfast was little later than usual, 0900. About1030 Sgt. LaGrand arrived with a company of recruits who were sent up herefor a conditioning hike. The last month we have seen several men who weresent up & back the same day for conditioning. It seems to be a habitwith the signal unit. LaGrand stayed for dinner and left about 1500. Nothingoutside of the usual routine happened.

    [December] 5. Clancey and I left for the company the morningof the 5th and on our way down we met Sgt. Boughter, [Alton B.] Wolf[e],& [John] Tychan.177 Tychan is to be our cook andwas I happy to see him. I was at the company until the 8th and accordingto Doc Paul E. Lotze, T/5, nothing of importance to the log happened.I can now skip to the 8th and save some writing.

    [December] 8. Sgt. Guinto, Drusoe, and myself arrived today about1100 and found everything in tip-top shape, Guinto & Drusoe decidedthey needed a rest and of course N. Tirap is the logical place to havepeace & quiet. The two staffs nursed a basket all the way up becauseit contained 90 eggs, so it would seem we are going to eat eggs for thenext two days. The remainder of the day was spent loafing, something, wehave been unable to do much of since our arrival to N. Tirap 8 mos ago.Boy can I tell the fibs. Something of importance just came to my mind.While [I was] at the company, Jit our bearer, left us. I certainlyhated to see him go. He served us faithfully for 5½ mo. and we hadgrown so attached to him that he was a necessity to the station, but his6 mo term was up and he was anxious to go home. He told us he would comeback but I'm afraid he will come back to a vacant cabin. Maybe not.

    [December] 9. While Jack [Drusso] & Carlo [Guinto] went hunting,Doc & I closed the garbage pit and washed out the garbage cans.Later this morning Carlo & Drusoe took pictures of everything theycould see. After a dinner snack four of us went to the river and racedeach other, on rafts, up stream. It was the only way we know to pass timeand any way it was fun. After a good supper, a game of hearts was enjoyedand the evening was ended rather early.

    [December] 10. The two staffs [Drusso and Guinto] left about1000 against their wishes. The day was very unexciting as if very manydays are exciting. A few porters passed thru on their way to Punyang. Ilearned while at the company that the porter camp at Tipang is definitelyclosed and we are wondering what is going to become of us. We are willingto sweat out the duration here at Tirap tho.

    [December] 11. We half expected Sgt. Thomas today but he nevershowed his face. Another bunch of men from the signal came today and spentseveral hours in the woods. LeGrand wasn't with them today which was asurprise because he has always had to go out on these so-called conditioninghikes. Maybe they are giving him a rest. We had a large group of Naga'stoday and

      177151st Medical Battalion.


    among them was "Bad Eye." He brought six men with him andthey are going to start the supply house tomorrow. The crew has moved intothe wood house and we will undoubtedly be kept awake half the nite. Earlythis afternoon, some 50 porters arrived from up trail. They are from Peboand from what the porter commander said, Pebo is definitely closed andthe [Aid Station] boys have gone to Tagap.178 Todays news isfinished Sahibs & Mem-Sahibs.

    [December] 12. "Bad Eye" and his crew started buildingthis morning. This house building is quite the thing All one has to dois mark off a plot of ground, make hand motions in the form of a building,and let the natives do the rest. It is surprising what these people cando with bamboo. The buildings they erect contain no nails or wire yet theyare strong and last a long time. The cost of labor is cheap and one canusually bargain with a few rupee's plus some corned beef. Good ole "CornWillie." We were surprised to no end today when Jeeter walked in.No one had seen him coming and of all people, we never expected to seehim. He is staying until tomorrow. We had several women visitors todaywho come to watch their husbands work. It is probably so seldom that themen work and when they do, everyone comes to watch them. Two deer camevery close tonight, but when hunters, Fromant & Tychan wentafter them, they ran for almighty.

    [December] 13. The crew finished the warehouse this morning andmade a few changes in the kitchen. This afternoon Jack & myselfplus the Naga's moved the supplies into place and it really made a differencein the kitchen. Tychan has room to move around now. The change hasalso made a difference in the rats concern because the usual noise fromthe kitchen is not there. But it won't be quiet long, they will soon findtheir way around and continue the racket & mess. Tom Weeks & Ed[Edward J.] Krakora179 found their way to Monsoon lodge todayarriving about 1100. They brought the payroll, plus mail and the companymascot "Gestapo." They stayed for dinner and left shortly afteras they could not receive permission to stay over. Jeeter went with them.The station has one more member for quarters & ration. The member is"B" Co's dog "Gestapo." He is to remain indefinitely.The moon is certainly shining on N. Tirap tonite, makes a person homesick.To date there is no Chinese here and from the looks of things, there willbe no more. The scheduled day was over three weeks ago. We don't care tho'because we are perfectly contented in our cabin in the hills.

    [December] 14. Doc felt pretty bad this morning and hecame to the conclusion that he doesn't have malaria because his temperatureis not running according to a malaria temp. He became worried and wantedto go to the company, so we started about 1300. After quite an effort,he made it to the porter camp where he picked up a ride to Lakhipani. Threedays ago, while taking a bath in the river, Doc was bitten on theleg and we believe he was poisoned. I left the porter camp at 1600 andwas back here at exactly 1720

      178Below Shingbwiyang, at the head of the HukawngValley, the Chinese bogged down soon after they first encountered the enemy.The 151st was replacing Seagrave units on the main line of communicationbehind the front.
      179151st Medical Battalion.


    making the best time yet from Tipang to Tirap. I was a crazy fool fordoing it and will probably suffer for it later, but then who doesn't becomecrazy at times. Jack had supper ready when I returned. When I returnedI found that some 50 porters were here on their way to Punyang for loads.

    [December] 15. Again the breakfast table seated only two. Weare hoping Doc isn't in serious danger and will be back soon. Weare going to miss him because he adds so much life to the station. Longabout 1100 the conditioning boys arrived again and without LaGrand. Theytell us he still has no shoes. I believe he's chicken. Jack &I have been watching "Gestapo" closely the last two days becausehe wants to leave and today when the fellows left he went with them. Wecalled and the fellows chased him back but he was bound in [and] determinedto go and wasn't going to be stopped. I imagine the fellows at the companywill be peeved at us but we had already chased across the river twice afterhim and wasn't about to do it again. Our new member for quarters &rations is now gone; too bad he didn't like his new home.

    [December] 16. Another dead day. The porters left early thismorning and after their departure the place became quiet and remained sofor the remainder of the day. This idea of two here alone is beginningto wear on me. A change has to be before long or we'll both be found somedaywith crushed skulls, the result being from beating our heads against thewall. Man, I almost forgot the main event of the day. We set both trapstonite and so far have four pesky individuals who were fools enough tothink they could eat the cheese without setting off the trap. If we keepthis up, maybe we can rid the place, for awhile.

    [December] 17. We arose, ate three meals, cleaned the place,shot the bull, and for tonights entertainment, we fixed our fingernails,oh gee. Certainly entered todays news in a hurry.

    [December] 18. Jack cleaned the kitchen this morning anddid a fine job. It looks the best it ever has. We also cleaned the backyard and tried to eliminate some of the million flies in the latrine. Alltold today we had about 15 Naga visitors including "Bad Eye"who was returning from Honju Busitee. The morning visitors came for theirusual iodine and started home about noon. I was half expecting Sgt Thomastoday but no one came. We are also hoping Doc returns in time forChristmas. Christmas, a fine one we'll have this year.

    [December] 19. News today and lots of it. Jack and I weretalking about how lonely it was here and we made the remark wondering whenthe station would be closed. Always speak of the devil and he will appearbecause we had just spoken the words when Sgt. Drusoe burst forth witha yell from atop the short cut and when he arrived he said "StartPacking." At first I thought he was joking in the usual manner butfound he wasn't when he said 35 porters were on their way. With him camethe new Corp. assigned to "B" Co. and after a short bull session,we started working. Most of the boxes were packed tonite and we have 22loads already not counting personal equipment; more porters will have tocome back I'm afraid. After supper we


    played a few games of "hearts," and now we are ready to crawlinto our beds for the last sleep in N. Tirap.

    [December] 20. Today is the winding-up of 8 wonderful monthsin a jungle haven. Having been here the longest, I have become so attachedto the N. Tirap that is almost like leaving home. Today or rather yesterdaymarks exactly 8 months for this station. April 19 we landed and startedan aid station expecting to stay only a short time, but fortune came ourway and gave us so much time. A lot of changes took place since the beginningand it has been interesting watching the progress and interesting fromthe standpoint of the various people I have met. I will miss the placeand my Naga friends as will Doc, but we have been told that we aregoing to rejoin Lt. Sonnenberg,180 which pleases both of usvery much. I will now close the station log of N. Tirap hoping it has beenof interest to you who have read it. It is a history that has given mea great pleasure and one that I will be proud to own.

    The remaining members:

    T-5 Paul E. Lotze
    Pvt. Jack Tychan
    Sgt. Bob Fromant


    Index of Names

    The original editor of the Log, Floyd T. Romberger,Jr., identified officers and men of the 151st Medical Battalion, as wellas many others who are mentioned. Approximately one-third of the nameswere incomplete, however. Clues as to probable unit assignments were givenby the present editor to the Military Personnel Records Center in St. Louis.Its Army World War II Section provided the missing information in all buta very few cases. The editor is indebted to Mr. Chapel Haines, Jr., ofthe Center for this assistance.

    Art-see Seith
    Ashbrook, Dexter N., 2d Lt., QMC, 3304th QM Truck Co., 21st QuartermasterGroup
    Bad-Eye, a Naga villager
    Bahardu, Jit, the favorite Nepalese camp servant
    Baumgarten, Oscar, 1st Lt., MC, Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Beasley, Willie L., Cpl., Co. D, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Beyth, John A., T. Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Boatner, Haydon L., Brig. Gen., Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ChineseArmy in India, and of Headquarters 5303d Provisional Combat Troops; laterCommander, Northern Combat Area Command
    Bob-see Fromant
    Bonnyman, George G., Capt., Inf, Headquarters, Chinese Army in India (5303dProv. Combat Troops)
    Booth, Donald F., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at North Tirapfrom 12 June to 26 September
    Boughter, James D., Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Bradbury, William, Cpl., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion

      180At Hkalak Ga, where a detachment from 151sthad taken over a Seagrave hospital.


    Brown: in the 3304th QM Truck Company, there were Joseph,Keith C., Nolan H. Jr., Rufus, and Warner A. Brown; in the 21st QM Regiment,there were Charles M., Govenor, and Robert C. Brown
    Burns, Newman R., Maj., Inf, Headquarters, Chinese Army in India (5303dProv. Combat Troops)
    Castle, Homer R., Staff Sgt., Co. D, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Chandra, one of the Nepalese camp servants
    Chang, ----, Major, Chinese Army in India
    Chen, ----, Major, Chinese Army in India
    Chin, ----, Colonel, Chinese Army in India
    Chow, ----, Major, Chinese Army in India
    Ciseck, John, Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Clancy-see Price
    Cobby-see Rorabeck
    Cohn, Harold A., Capt., MC, 73d Evacuation Hospital
    Collins, Thomas M., Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Cox, Wilbur F., T5c., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Cox, William F., 2d Lt., Sig.C, Headquarters, Chinese Army in India (5303dProv. Combat Troops)
    Craig, Stanley B. (Stoney), Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at NorthTirap from 19 April to 12 June
    Cummings, Carl F., Pfc., Co. D, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Cunningham, ----, Captain, British Army
    Darby, James E., Lt. Col., 21st Quartermaster Group
    Denys, Kenneth J., 1st Lt., MC, Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Dil, one of the Nepalese camp servants
    Doc-see Lotze
    Donnelson, Dudley M., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Dorsey, Riligh, T5c., Co. D, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Drusso, John M., Staff Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Ducey, Donald L., 1st Lt., Inf (?), Headquarters, Chinese Army in India(5303d Prov. Combat Troops)
    Duncan, Don W., Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Everett, Richard E., Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Everingham, Donald C. (Harry), T5c., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; atNorth Tirap from 18 October to 25 November, during most of which time hekept the Log
    Felix, Manuel B., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Flaten, Paul R., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Fromant, Robert W. (Bob), Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at NorthTirap from 19 April to 20 December; in charge of the station and chiefauthor of the Log
    Garl, Edwin H., Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Gasbarro, Joseph R. (Joe), T5c., 679th Signal Air Warning Company
    Gentile, Armand V., Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; served at NorthTirap from 6 September to 4 October
    Gerhart, Benjamin F., Capt., Inf (?), Headquarters, Chinese Army in India(5303d Prov. Combat Troops)
    Girand, ----, Sergeant, CBI Roundup staff
    Goodall, John P. (Jeeter), T5c., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; servedat North Tirap from 5 October to 25 November
    Goop, one of the Nepalese camp servants
    Greenspan, Shy Seymour, 2d Lt., CE, Headquarters, Chinese Army in India(5303d Prov. Combat Troops)
    Gregal, John M., Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Guinto, Carlo A., Staff Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Gumps-see Montgomery


    Gunlugson, Alice, 2d Lt., ANC, 22d Field Hospital, ontemporary duty with 73d Evacuation Hospital
    Guss-see Sonnenberg
    Halliday, ----, British civilian with porter corps
    Harris, Kenneth D., 1st Lt., MAC, Seagrave hospital
    Harry-see Everingham
    Hartburg, Donald O., 1st Lt., 679th Signal Air Warning Company
    Herb-see Thomas
    Herwick, Alfred O., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Hibbard, Luellen B., Staff Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Hyatt, ----, Sergeant, possibly Robert Wyatt, 679th Signal Air WarningCompany; otherwise not identified
    Jack-see Savage; also Tychan
    Jeeter-see Goodall
    Jit-see Bahardu
    Joe-see Gasbarro
    Joe Joe-see Joseph
    Joseph, Joseph J. (Joe Joe), Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Kitzberger, Frank, Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Krakora, Edward J., Cpl., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Krolick, Victor, Pvt., 679th Signal Air Warning Company
    LaGrand (LeGrand), ----, Sgt., Base Signal Headquarters? or 679th SignalAir Warning Company?
    LaMorticelle, Joseph J., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Langevin, ---- (Shorty), Ujon-Rema air-warning station
    Laslie, Cobb J., Capt., MC, Headquarters, 151st Medical Battalion
    Lee, ----, Lieutenant Colonel, Chinese Army in India
    Leedham, ----, Maj., English police officer
    Lockridge, Owen B., Sgt., 679th Signal Air Warning Company
    Lotze, Paul E. (Doc), T5c., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at North Tirapfrom 15 July to 20 December; a contributor to the Log
    Lycesko, Nicholas (Nick), Sgt., CBI Roundup photographer
    Mac-see McFarlin
    Marchion, Luis A., T5c., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Marlewski, Cyril B., Capt., MC, Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Marten, ----, civilian with porter corps; at North Tirap from 16 June throughJuly; last entry to mention him is 3 August
    Massarra, Russell A. (Russ), Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at NorthTirap from 19 April to 6 September
    Massoth, Edwin P., lst Lt., QMC, Co. E, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Maston, T., Capt., British Army
    McFarlin, Robert L. (Mac), Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    McKay, Donald E., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Mikulka, John F., Cpl., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Miller, ----, a British civilian in charge of a porter camp at Tipang
    Montgomery, Ivan B. (Gumps), Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Needham, ---- Captain, British Army
    Nick-see Romeo
    Norris, Clell C., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Odahl, William R., 2d Lt., MAC, Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Oliver, ----, civilian with porter corps
    Oser, Rose, 2d Lt., ANC, 22d Field Hospital, on temporary duty with 73dEvacuation Hospital
    Palmer, Earl, Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Phillips, Dean W., T5c., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at North Tirapfrom 19 April to 20 June
    Piens, Earl, Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion


    Pitkin, York N., Lt. Col., MC, Commanding Officer, 151stMedical Battalion
    Ponce, Salvedor F., T5c., 679th Signal Air Warning Company
    Pop (Pops), headman of Naga village near North Tirap
    Price, Clarence B. (Clancy), Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at NorthTirap from 19 April to 12 June
    Price, Ray B., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Richardson, Seawood L., Sgt., Co. A, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Robertson, William T., Pvt., 21st Quartermaster Group
    Robinson, Harry, Jr., lst Lt., QMC, Co. A, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Rockis, Joseph, Maj., Inf (?), Headquarters, Chinese Army in India (5303dProv. Combat Troops)
    Romberger, Floyd T. Jr., Capt., MC, Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; theoriginal editor of the Log and commanding officer of Co. B fromSeptember 1943 to January 1944
    Romeo, Nicholas (Nick), Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at NorthTirap from 12 June to 5 October
    Rorabeck, Donald G. (Cobby), Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at NorthTirap from 15 to 22 July
    Rosey-see Rosinsky
    Rosinsky, Roland H., Cpl., 679th Signal Air Warning Company
    Russ-see Massarra
    Salo, ----, a civilian doctor with the porter corps
    Savage, John L. (Jack), Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at NorthTirap from 12 June to 26 September; a contributor to the Log
    Schwartz, Edward N., Capt., MC, commanding officer of Co. B, 151stMedical Battalion until September 1943
    Seith, Arthur G. (Art), Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at NorthTirap from 19 April to 12 June
    Shaw, William H., Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Short, Hubert T., Capt., MAC, Headquarters, 151st Medical Battalion
    Shorty-see Langevin
    Skidmore, ----, Staff Sergeant, Ujon-Rema air warning station (679th SignalAir Warning Company)
    Slater, Vernon, Maj., Inf (?), Headquarters, Chinese Army in India (5303dProv. Combat Troops)
    Slaughter, Leonard R., Staff Sgt., Co. D, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Smiley, John T., Maj., MC, Headquarters, 151st Medical Battalion
    Smith, Clarence H., Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Smith, William J., 2d Lt., Sig. C., Headquarters, Chinese Army in India(5303d Prov. Combat Troops)
    Sonnenberg, Arthur, 1st Lt., MC, Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion; at NorthTirap from 18 June to 25 September
    Stoney-see Craig
    Susich, Joseph A., Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Sutto, Joseph F., Pvt., 679th Signal Air Warning Company
    Thomas, Herbert (Herb), Staff Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Thompson, Robert P. or William V., Lt. Col., F.A. or Inf, Chinese Armyin India (5303d Prov. Combat Troops)
    Tims (Timms), ----, civilian with porter corps
    Tom-see Weeks
    Topp, Clancy, Lt., CBI Roundup staff
    Traywick, Herbert V., Maj., Inf, Headquarters, Chinese Army in India (5303dProv. Combat Troops)
    Tychan, John (Jack), Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Vanderground, Ralph (Vandy), Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Waldon, Robert, 1st Lt., QMC, Co. B, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Walker, Johnny, British political officer in Assam


    Walters, William G., Capt., QMC, 21st Quartermaster Group
    Webb, Charlie M., Sgt., 21st Quartermaster Group
    Weeks, Thomas (Tom), T5c., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Welch, Warren G., Pvt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Wilmington, ----, superintendent of the Tipang Colliery
    Wolfe, Alton B., Pfc., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Wong, ----, Captain, Chinese Army in India
    Wood, Howard A., 1st Sgt., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Wu, ----, Major, Chinese Army in India
    Yen Chang, civilian interpreter with Chinese Army in India
    Zehnder, Delbert D., T5c., Co. B, 151st Medical Battalion
    Zombro, Frederick B., Capt., MC, 73d Evacuation Hospital
    Zwick, Harold F., Capt, MC, Co. A, 151st Medical Battalion

    The Men at North Tirap Aid Station Number 2

    19 April-12 June

    Fromant, Craig, Price, Massarra, Phillips, Seith

    12 June-21 July

    Fromant, Romeo, Savage, Booth, Phillips (reassigned on20 June), Sonnenberg (joined 18 June), Rorabeck (joined 15 July), Lotze(joined 15 July)

    22 July-25 September

    Fromant, Romeo, Savage, Booth, Sonnenberg, Lotze, Massarra(reassigned 6 September), Gentile (joined 6 September)

    26 September-25 November

    Fromant, Romeo, Lotze, Gentile (reassigned 4 October),Goodall (joined 5 October), Everingham (joined 18 October)

    26 November-20 December

    Fromant, Lotze, Tychan (joined 8 December)