Activities of Medical Consultants
Consultants in Medicine in the Various Commands of the U.S. Army in World War II
Service Commands
Col. George P. Denny, MC
Col. HerrmanL. Blumgart, MC
Col. Garfield G. Duncan, MC
Col. Thomas Fitz-Hugh, Jr., MC
Col. John Minor, MC
Col. Roy H. Turner, MC
?? Fourth:
Col. F. DennetteAdams, MC</>
Col. Henry M. Thomas, Jr., MC
Lt. Col. Richard P. Stetson, MC
Col. F. DennetteAdams, MC
Col. Walter B. Martin, MC
Col. Johnson McGuire, MC
Col. Irving S. Wright, MC
Col. Alexander Marble, MC
Lt. Col. Myles P. Baker, MC
Col. Edgar van Nuys Allen, MC
Col. Walter Bauer, MC
Col. Alexander Marble, MC
Col. Roger O. Egeberg,MC
Col. Verne R. Mason, MC
Col. Irving S. Wright, MC
Mediterranean Theater of Operations:
Col. Perrin H. Long, MC
European Theater of Operations:
Col. William S. Middleton, MC, Chief Medical Consultant
Col. Yale Kneeland, Jr., MC
Col. Donald M. Pillsbury, MC
Col. Lloyd J. Thompson, MC
Lt. Col. Theodore L. Badger, MC
Lt. Col. Gordon E. Hein, MC
Base Sections:
Col. O. Currier McEwen, MC
Delta:</>? ?
Lt. Col. Frederick W. Fitz,MC
Lt. Col. Theodore L. Badger,MC
Col. Richard M.McKean, MC
Lt. Col. Putnam C.Lloyd, MC
United Kingdom:
Col. Vale Kneeland, Jr., MC
Lt. Col. LaurenceB. Ellis, MC
Hospital Centers:
Lt. Col. Arthur D.Nichol, MC
Lt. Col. Linn F.Cooper, MC
Lt. Cot. Donald T.Chamberlain, MC
Lt. Col. Elton H. Blaisdell, MC
Lt. Col. Henry P. Colmore, MC
Lt. Col. Donald T.Chamberlain, MC
Lt. Col. Carl H.Wise, MC
Lt. Col. FrederickKellogg, MC
Lt. Col. Herbert W.Rathe, MC
Lt. Col. LaurenceB. Ellis, MC
Lt. Col. Carl H.Fortune
Lt. Col. Elbert L.Persons, MC
Lt. Col. Bernard A.Watson, MC
Capt. Phillip W.Morgan, MC
Lt. Col. Robert S.Baldwin, MC
Lt. Col. James S. Strang, MC
Lt. Col. Stanley C.W. Fahlstrom, MC
Lt. Col. BenjaminI. Ashe, MC
Lt. Col. BenjaminH. Rutledge, MC
Lt. Col. James S. Strang, MC
Lt. Cot. Putnam C.Lloyd, MC
Southwest Pacific Area:
Col. Maurice C. Pincoffs, MC
Col. Benjamin M. Baker, MC
Col. Henry M. Thomas, Jr., MC
Col. Roy H. Turner, MC
Col. Eugene C. Eppinger, MC
Col. Joseph M. Hayman, Jr., MC
Lt. Col. John V. Ambler, MC
Lt. Col. Myles P. Baker, MC
Lt. Col. Frederick T. Billings, Jr., MC
Lt. Col. Maurice A. Schnitker,MC
South Pacific Area:
Col. Benjamin M. Baker, MC
Col. Edward G. Billings, MC
Central Pacific Area:
Col. Verne H. Mason, MC
India-Burma theater:
Col. Herrman L. Blumgart, MC
Field Armies:
First U.S. Army, European theater:
Col. Neil L. Crone, MC
Third U.S. Army, European theater:
Lt. Col. Nathan Weil, Jr., MC
Fifth U.S. Army, Mediterranean theater:
Lt. Col. Douglas Donald, MC
Sixth U.S. Army, 1 Pacific:
Col. Garfield G. Duncan, MC
Col. Harrison J. Shull, MC
Seventh U. S. Army, Mediterranean and European theaters:
Lt. Col. Guy H. Gowen,MC
Eighth U.S. Army, Pacific:
Col. Worth B. Daniels, MC
Lt. Col. Robert C. Kimbrough, Jr., MC
Ninth U.S. Army, European theater:
Lt. Col. John B. McKee, MC
Tenth U.S. Army, Pacific:
Col. Walter B. Martin, MC
Fifteenth U.S. Army, European theater
Lt. Col. Carter Smith, MC
1 Col. Henry M. Thomas, Jr .,M C, on permanentduty with U.S. Army Forces, Services of Supply, Southwest Pacific Area, as Consultant inMedicine, spent much time on a temporary duty status serving with the Sixth,U.S. Army between the tenures of Colonels Duncan and Shull.
Programs of Conferences of MedicalConsultants in the Zone of Interior 1943, 1944, and 1945
25 and 26 October 1943
9:00 am., jointmeeting, room 826
1. Meeting opened by - Brig. Gen,.Hugh J. Morgan, Chief Consultant in Medicine, presiding
2. Greetings - Maj. Gen. Norman T. Kirk, The Surgeon General
??? ?3. Introduction ofMaj. Gen. George F. Lull, the Deputy Surgeon General
Maj. Gen. David N. W. Grant, the AirSurgeon</>
Maj. Gen. Albert W. Kenner, Assistantto The Surgeon General
Brig. Gen. Charles C. Hillman, Chief,Professional Service
Brig. Gen. Fred W. Rankin, ChiefConsultant in Surgery
Brig. Gen. James S. Simmons, Director,Preventive Medicine Division
Brig. Gen. Raymond W. Bliss, Chief,Operations Service
Col. James H. Hudnall,MC, Chief, Personnel Service
Col. William E. Shambora,MC, Surgeon, Army Ground Forces
Col. Arden Freer, MC, Director,Medical Division
10:30 am.
The first 5 minutes ofdiscussion of each of the following special topics will be devoted to a generalstatement, after which free discussion by members of the group is invited.
4. Reconditioning of patients
Discussion - Maj. Walter E. Barton, MC, Director,Reconditioning Division
Lt. Col. Howard A. Husk, MC, Chief,Convalescent and Rehabilitation Branch, Office of the Air Surgeon
Col. Derrick T. Vail, MC, ChiefConsultant in Ophthalmology, European Theater of Operations
Col. Rex L. Diveley, MC, Chief Consultant inOrthopedic Surgery, European Theater of Operations
5. Psychological preparation of the patient for return to duty or fordischarge to civil life
Discussion - Col. Franklin C. Ebaugh,MC, Consultant in Neuropsychiatry, Eighth Service Command
12:00 noon, adjournment for lunch
1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m-separate meetings
Meeting of consultants in medicine, room 826
Meeting of consultants in neuropsychiatry, room 1125
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, separate meetings
Meeting of consultants in medicine, room 826
Meeting of consultants in neuropsychiatry, room 1125
12:00 noon, adjournment for lunch
1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., joint meeting, room 826
1. Meeting opened by Cot. Roy D. Holloran,MC, Chief Consultant in Neuropsychiatry, presiding
The first 5 minutes of discussion of each of the following special topics will be devoted to a general statement, after which free discussion by members of the group is invited.
2. Functions of the service command consultant; hisrelationship to the Surgeon General\u0019 s Office, to the Ground Forces, to the AirForces, and to the ports of embarkation
Discussion - Brig. Gen. Charles C. Hillman, ChiefProfessional Service
3. Disposition of patients
Discussion - Col. Arden Freer, MC, Director, MedicalDivision
a. Return to duty
b. Retirement
c. Certificate of Disability forDischarge
d. Section VIII
e.Section X
4. Medical Department personnel
Discussion - Lt. Col. William C. Menninger, MC, ChiefConsultant in Neuropsychiatry, Fourth Service Command
a. Relationship of consultants toassignment of medical officer personnel
b. Camp surgeons
c. Assignment of personnel to oversea units
d. Medical officers; chiefs ofservices and sections
e. Enlisted men
f. Nurses
g. MAC officers and civiliansecretaries
h. Promotions
i. Duty hours for medical personnel
5. Education
Discussion - Col. Walter Bauer, MC, Consultant inMedicine, Eighth Service Command
a. Libraries
b. Educational exercises
c. Ward rounds
d. Clinical pathological conferences
e. Journal climbs
???????? ?f. X-ray andlaboratory conferences
6. Collection and exchange of medical information within the MedicalDepartment
Discussion - Lt. Col. Harrison J. Shull, MC, MedicineBranch, Office of the Surgeon General
a. Formal and informal reports of consultants
b. Overseas reports
c. Surgeon General\u0019 s Office circularletters and War Department Circulars
d. The Bulletin of the U.S. ArmyMedical Department
e. Meeting of chiefs of serviceswithin service commands
f.Medical statistics and nomenclature of diseases
7. Induction station problems
Discussion - Lt. Col. Esmond H.Long, MC, Chief, Medicine Branch, Office of the Surgeon General
a. Qualifications of examiningpersonnel
b. Evaluation of efficiency ofexamination
c. Differences in service commands
d. Relation of C.D.D.\u0019 s to induction
e. Special difficult medical problems
The first 5 minutes of each special topic listed on theseround table discussions will be devoted to a general statement, after whichfree discussion by members of the group is invited.
1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., room 826
Brig. Gen. Hugh J. Morgan, Chief Consultant in Medicine,presiding
1:30 p.m.
1. Professional service in Army hospitals
Discussion - Col. Walter Bauer, MC, Consultant in Medicine,Eighth Service Command
a. Adequacy of personnel
b. Histories; physical examinations;use of laboratory and X-ray facilities and their interpretation; records
c. Therapy, including sulfonamides
d. Dietetics
e. Psychological aspects of thepatient\u0019 s illness
f. Lengthof hospitalization
3:00 p.m.
2. Methods used in carrying out duties of service command consultants
Discussion - Lt. Col. E. V. Allen, MC, Consultant inMedicine, Seventh Service Command
a. Present difficulties
b.Suggestions for improvement
4:00 p.m.
3. Tropical diseases
Discussion - Lt. Col. Francis R. Dieuaide, MC, Medicine Branch, Office of the SurgeonGeneral
a. Malaria: Treatment; epidemiology;policies; studies
b. Filariasis: Policies; studies
4:30 p.m.
4. Clinical investigation in Army Medical Department
Discussion - Lt. Col. Herrman L. Blumgart, MC, Consultant in Medicine, Second ServiceCommand
a. Opportunities; policies
b. Penicillin: What medical diseasesneed further investigation in the Army? Present status of its distribution anduse in Army hospitals
c. War prisoners: Studies of diseasesin this group
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, room 826
Brig. Gen. Hugh J. Morgan, Chief Consultant in Medicine,presiding
9:00 a.m.
1. Epidemiological aspects of certain diseases as they relate to medicalpractice
Discussion - Lt. Col. Verne R. Mason, MC, Consultant inMedicine, Ninth Service Command
a. Rheumatic fever
b. Upper respiratory infections
c. Diphtheria
d. Streptococcal infections; scarletfever
e. Meningococcal infections;sulfonamide prophylaxis
f. Malaria
g. Rickettsialdiseases
h. Filariasis
10:00 a.m.
2. Laboratory and X-ray services
Discussion - Lt. Col. F. DennetteAdams, MC, Consultant in Medicine, Fourth Service Command
a. Equipment
b. Adequacy of personnel
c. Rh serum
11:00 a.m.
3. Venereal diseases
Discussion - Lt. Col. T. B. Turner, MC, Venereal DiseaseControl Branch, Office of the Surgeon General
11:30 a.m.
4. The use of outpatient departments, receivingwards, and Army dispensaries
Discussion - Col. Walter B. Martin, MC, Consultant inMedicine, Fifth Service Command
Col. Roy D. Halloran, MC, Chief Consultant inNeuropsychiatry, presiding
1:30 p.m. - Plans and policies of the Neuropsychiatry Branch.
Visit of Brigadier Rees; division neuropsychiatrists; office policy regarding specialsubjects; personnel; training; reports of inspections.? Lt. Col. Malcolm J. Farrell, MC
2:00 p.m. - Induction problems.
Plansof Selective Service System; report of special committee; special problems,personnel; role of psychologist. Lt. Col. Douglas A. Thom, MC, and Maj.Wilfred Bloomberg, MC
2:30 p.m. - Preventive psychiatry.
Screening;mental hygiene units; morale; ideology; malingering; statistics. 1st Lt.John W. Appel, MC
3:15 p.m. - Neurology.
????? Need forsupervision; coordination between other sections; personnel; greater stress onimportance; need for neuropsychiatric officers to be more neurologicallyastute; diagnostic procedures; management. Maj. William H. Everts,MC
4:00 p.m. - Treatment.
Psychotherapy; shocktherapy; occupational therapy; management of cases; rehahilitatioms;responsibilities of section officers. Lt. Col. William C. Menninger, MC
4:30 p.m. - General discussion.
9:00 a.m. - Special neuropsychiatric problems in the service command.
What types do well in Army;consultations; advisability of a second screening; educational methods;nomenclature. Col. Franklin G. Ebaugh, MC
10:00 a.m. - Meeting with Maj. Gen. F. H. Osborn, Director, SpecialService Division.
11:30 a.m. - General discussion.
</>30 and 31 October 1944
7:30 p.m. - The Use of Specialized Personnel on Medical Services ofArmy Hospitals. - Brig. Gen. Hugh J. Morgan, Chief Consultant in Medicine
Are personnel allotments of specialized personnel inmedicine in Army hospitals adequate?
Classification of professional personnel(War Department Circular 232 (1944) and War Department Technical Manual12-406).
Role of service command consultant inassignment of specialized personnel.
Exchange of information regardingspecialized personnel between service command consultants and the MedicalConsultants Division.
What are the specialized personnel needs in the servicecommands?
Exchange of personnel within the servicecommands.
How can qualified personnel returning from overseas be mosteffectively assigned to service command installations?
Comments in consultants\u0019 reports regardingprofessional classification and performance of specialized personnel.
8:30 a.m. - Greetings - Maj. Gen. Norman T. Kirk, TheSurgeon General
Hospital functions in the Zone of Interior (Dispensaries;station hospitals; regional hospitals; named general hospitals; convalescentfacilities ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? -Brig. Gen. Raymond W. Bliss, Chief of Operations Service, SGO (30 min.)
9:15 a.m. - Problems of hospitalization_- Dr. Eli Ginzberg,Special Assistant to Director, Hospital Division, SGO (30 min.)
Transfer of patients between hospitals inthe Zone of Interior.
What kind of medical service is needed at hospitals where the workis predominantly surgical?
Anticipated bed needs in hospitals designated for medicine.
Diagnoses, sorting anddistribution of patients from debarkation hospitals.
Specialized general hospitals.
What can the consultants do to help?
Discussion(60 min.)
10:45 a.m. - Recess
11:00 a.m. - Economy of Hospitalization
Most effective use of dispensaries_Col.Walter Bauer, MC, Consultant in Medicine, Eighth Service Command (10 min.)
The O\u0019 Reilly General Plan - Col. E. V.Allen, MC, Consultant in Medicine, Seventh Service Command (10 min.)
Discussion(20 min.)
12:00 noon - Lunch
1:00 p.m. - Organization of the Reconditioning and Rehabilitation Program_Col. Augustus Thorndike, MC, Director,Reconditioning Division, SGO (15 min.)
Flow of patients - Class IV, III, II, I.
Supplementary report of reconditioning in WeeklyHealth Report.
Special reconditioning program at rheumaticfever center and tropical disease center.
Convalescent hospital program.
Relationship of the consultants in medicine tothe reconditioning program.
Discussion(30 min.)
1:45 p.m. - The Venereal Disease Program of the Army - Lt. Col.Thomas H. Sternberg, MC, Director, Venereal Disease Control Division, SGO (15min.)
Discussion(30 min.)
2:30 p.m. - Recess
2:45 p.m. - Sulfadiazine Prophylaxis in Upper Respiratory Infections
Experiences in Army Air Forces - Col. W. P. Holbrook, MC, Chief ofProfessional Service, AAF, Office of the Air Surgeon (20 min.)
Medical Departmentpolicy. - Lt. Col. Thomas G. Ward, MC, Director, Epidemiology Division,SGO (10 min.)
Discussion(30 min.)
6:00 p.m. - Dinner
8:30 a.m. - Rheumatic Fever
Present policies - Lt. Col. Roy H. Turner, MC, Chief, CommunicableDisease Treatment Branch, SGO (15 min.)
Results of research inrheumatic fever in the Army Air Forces - Col. W. P. Holbrook, MC, Chief ofProfessional Service, AAF (15 min.)
Discussion(30 min.)
9:30 a.m. - Skin Diseases in the Army
Experience in the European Theater of Operations. - Col. Donald M. Pillsbury, MC, Consultant in Dermatology, EuropeanTheater of Operations (15 min.)
A lichen planus-likesyndrome - Dr. John H. Stokes, Consultant in Dermatology to The Surgeon General(15 min.)
Consultants in dermatology within service commands - Lt. Col.Harrison J. Shull, MC, Chief, General Medicine Branch, SGO (10 min.)
Discussion(30 min.)
10:30 a.m. - Recess
10:45 a.m. - What can be done in the Way of Clinical Investigatioms in Army Hospitals - ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Lt.Col. Herrman L. Blumgart,MC, Consultant in Medicine, Second Service Command (15 min.)
Discussion(15 min.)
11:15 a.m. - Problems of C.D.D. and Retirement -Col. Arden Freer, MC, Chief, Professional Administrative Service, SGO (30 min.)
(Disability separations from the service; retirementproceedings in general; retirement proceedings, medical officers; CDDproceedings,
general;CDD proceedings in connection with WD Circular 370; CDD proceedings atseparation centers; redistribution stations)
Discussion(30 min.)
12:15 p.m. - Lunch
1:15 p.m. - Tropical Diseases in the Army - Lt.Col. Francis R. Dieuaide, MC, Chief, Tropical DiseaseTreatment Branch, SGO (20 min.)
The Tropical Disease Center - Lt. Col. Joseph M. Hayman, Jr., MC,Chief of Medical Service, Moore General Hospital, Swannanoa, N.C. (10 min.)
Discussion(30 min.)
2:15 p.m. - Followup Reports of PatientsTransferred from one Hospital to another - Col. Walter Bauer, MC, Consultant inMedicine, Eighth Service Command (5 min.)
Discussion(15 min.)
2:35 p.m. - A Statement Relative to the history (Medical Department)of World War II - Brig. Gen. Hugh J. Morgan (15 min.)
Discussion(30 min.)
3:20 p.m. - Recess
3:30 p.m. - Other Professional or Administrative Problems (opendiscussion)
3 and 4 August 1945
Morning Session
9:00 a.m. Introductory remarks - Maj. Gen.Norman T. Kirk, The Surgeon General
Welcome - Brig. Gen. Charles M. Walson, Surgeon,Second Service Command
Col. Sidney L. Chappell, MC, Commanding Officer, England General Hospital
Problems of internal medicine in convalescent hospitals and hospital centers -Col. Alexander Marble, MC, Consultant in Medicine, Sixth Service Command
TheOperations Service, Office of the Surgeon General - Brig. Gen. Raymond W.Bliss, Chief
The Resources Analysis Division, Office of the Surgeon General - Dr. Eli Ginzberg, Director
Afternoon Session
1:00 p.m. - The Professional Administrative Service, Office of theSurgeon General- Col. Arden Freer, MC, Chief
The correlation of laboratories with medical services - Brig. Gen.J. S. Simmons, Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, SGO
Chemoprophylaxis - Brig. Gen. S. Bayne-Jones, Deputy Chief,Preventive Medicine Service, SGO
The relationship of veterinary medicine to Army medical problems -Brig. Gen. R. A. Kelser, Chief Consultant inVeterinary Medicine
Penicillin (present status of therapy with remarks on new methodsof administration, - Col. John Minor, MC, Consultant in Medicine, Third ServiceCommand
Streptomycin - Brig. Gen. Hugh J. Morgan, Chief Consultant inMedicine
Evening Session
General discussion of medical problems of interest tomilitary and civilian consultants
Morning Session
8:30 a.m. - Tropical diseases, introductory comments (malaria, schistosomiasis, filariasis,amebic dysentery, cutaneous diphtheria, etc.) - Lt. Col.Francis R. Dieuaide, MC,Chief,
Tropical Disease Treatment Branch, Medical Consultants Division,SGO
???? ?????????General discussion of each topic
Afternoon. Session
1:00 p.m. - Lichen planus - Maj. Clarenice S. Livingood, MC,Consultant in Dermatology, Medical Consultants Division, SGO
The hepatitis problem - Maj. Richard B. Capps, MC, Chief of MedicalService, DeWitt General Hospital
Methods for followup of medicaldeaths - Cot. Walter Bauer, MC, Consultant in Medicine, Eighth ServiceCommand
Psychosomatic medicine on general medical wards- Col. William C. Menninger, MC, Chief Consultant in Neuropsychiatry
Concluding remarks - Brig. Gen. Hugh J. Morgan
Civilian Consultants in Medicine During World War II
Name | Civilian position. | Specialty |
Amberson, J. Burns, M.D. | Professor of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. N.Y. | Tuberculosis |
Boyd, Mark F., M.D. | Staff, International Health Division, Rockefeller Foundation, New York, N.Y. | Tropical diseases. |
Brown, Harold W., M.D. | Professor of Parasitotogy, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N.Y.</> | Tropical diseases. |
Burch, George E., M.D. | Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, La. | Peripheral vascular diseases. |
Cooke, Robert A., M.D. | Consultant Physician and Director, Institute of Allergy, Roosevelt Hospital, New York, N.Y. | Allergy. |
Frazier, Chester N., M.D. | Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology University of Texas School of Medicine, </>Galveston, Tex. | Dermatology. |
Hoagland, Charles L., M.D. | Associate, Rockefeller Institute, The Hospital of the Rockefeller Institute Medical Research, New York, N.Y. | Hepatic diseases. |
Hopkins, J. Gardner, M.D. | Professor of Dermatology, Columbia University College of Physicians Surgeons, New York, N.Y. | Dermatology. |
Jones, Chester M., M.D. | Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. | Gastroenterology</>. |
Keefer, Chester S., M.D. | Wade Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Mass., and Medical Administrative Officer Committee on Medical Research, Office of Scientific Research and Development. | Chemotherapy. |
Levy, Rogert L., M.D. | Professor of Clinical Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N.Y. | Cardiovascular diseases. |
MacLeod, Colin M., M.D. | Professor of Bacteriology, New York University College of Medicine, New York, N.Y. | Infectious diseases. |
Meleney, Henry E., M.D. | Hermann M. Biggs, Professor of Preventive Medicine, New York University, College of Medicine, New York, N.Y.</> | Tropical diseases. |
Palmer, Walter L., M.D. | Professor of Medicine, The School of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. | Gastroenterology. |
Rackemann, Francis M., M.D. | Lecturer in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. | Allergy. |
Shannon, James A., M.D. | Assistant Professor of Medicine, New York University College of Medicine, New York, N.Y. | Tropical diseases. |
Smith, Charles E., M.D. | Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Stanford University, School of Medicine, San Francisco, Calif. | Infectious diseases. |
Stokes, John H., M.D. | Director, Institute for Control of Syphilis, and Professor, Emeritus, Cutaneous, Medicine and Syphitology, University of Pennsylvania </>School of Medicine and Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. | Dermatology. |
Thomas, Caroline B., M.D. | Associate in Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md. | Infectious diseases. |
Tillett, William S., M.D. | Professor of Medicine, New York University, College of Medicine, New York, N.Y. | Reconditioning. |
Waring, James J., M.D. | Professor of Medicine, Emeritus, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Col. | Tuberculosis. |
Watson, Cecil J., M.D. | Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota College, of Medicine and Surgery, Minneapolis, Minn.</> | Hepatic diseases. |
Watson, Robert B., M.D. | Principal Malariologist, Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, Tenn., and Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, University of Tennessee College of Medicine,</> Memphis, Tenn. | Tropical diseases. |
White, Paul D., M.D. | Lecturer in Medicine, Harvard Medical Cardiovascular School, Boston, Mass. | Cardiovascular diseases. |
Wood, W. Barry, Jr., M.D. | Professor of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo. | Infectious diseases. |
Program ofConference on Internal Medicine in the Ninth Service Command, Letterman GeneralHospital, San Francisco, Calif., 7 and8 November 1945
Wednesday, 7 November 1945
Presiding - Col. Irving S. Wright, MC, Consultantin Medicine, Ninth Service Command
0815 Address of Welcome -
Brig. Gen. Charles C.Hillman, Comnmamsding General, Letterman GeneralHospital
<> TheSignificance of Medical Services in the Hospitals of the Ninth Service Command- Col. Luther H. Moore, MC, Surgeon, Ninth Service Command </><>
The Plan and Objective of This Conference - Col. Irving S.Wright, MC
</>0930 Panel Discussion on Hepatitis -
Dr. Cecil J. Watson, Professorof Medicine, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, and Consultant inHepatic Diseases to The Surgeon General, Chairman
Col. F. DennetteAdams, MC, Consultant in Medicine, Fourth Service Command
Capt. Albert M. Snell, MC,USNR, Chief, Medical Service, Oak Knoll Naval Hospital
Lt. Col. Frank B. Queen, MC,Chief, Laboratory Service, Bushnell General Hospital
Maj. Richard B. Capps, MC,Chief, Medical Service, DeWitt General Hospital
Maj. Roger W. Robinson, MC,Chief, Medical Service, Bushnell General Hospital
1200 Luncheon
Presiding - Col. Edgar Durbiis,MC, Chief, Medical Service, Madigan General Hospital
1315 PanelDiscussioms on Diphtheria - Skin, Facial and Postdiphtheritic Paralyses,Diphtheritic Myocarditis - Maj. Clarence S. Livingood,MC, Consultant in Dermatology, Office of the Surgeon General, Chairman</>
Lt. Col. William C. Spalding, MC, Chief, Medical Branch, LettermanGeneral Hospital
Maj. James M. Bazemore,MC, Medical Service, Moore General Hospital
Maj. Herbert S. Gaskill, MC,Neuropsychiatric Consultants Division, Office of the Surgeon General
Maj. John J. Sampson, MC, Chief, Medical Service, Baxter GeneralHospital
Maj.Calvin F. Kay, MC, Chief, Medical Section, ASF Regional Hospital, Fort Benning, Ga.
1445 Panel Discussion on Rheumatic Fever -
Maj.Ephraim P. Engleman, MC, Chief, Medical Service, Torney General Hospital, Chairman
Lt. Col.George H. Houck, MC, Air Force Regional Consultant in Medicine
Lt. Comdr.G. C. Griffith, MC, USNR, Assistant Director of Cardiology, Graduate School ofMedicine, University of Pennsylvania
Capt. Jules C. Welch, MC, RheumaticFever Section, Birmingham General Hospital
1700 Dedication of Letterman Swimming Pool
1715 Aquacade, Featuring Ann Curtis, Swimming Champion of the Year and Winnerof the A.A.U. Medal as Outstanding Athlete for the Year 1945
1830 Dinner, Letterman Club
Thursday, 8 November 1945
Presiding - Lt. Cob. Orlando B. Mayer, MC,Chief, Medical Service, Barnes General Hospital
0815 Panel Discussion on Coccidioidomycosis-
Dr.Charles E. Smith, Professor, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, StanfordUniversity School of Medicine, Chairman
Maj.Norman Nixon, MC, Chief, Medical Service, AAF Regional and ConvalescentHospital, Santa Ana Army Air Base
Maj.David M. Goldstein, MC, Chief, Communicable Diseases Section, Letterman GeneralHospital
Maj.Edward J. Denenholz, MC, Chief, Medical Service,Hammond General Hospital
Capt. Edward G. Whiting, MC,Chief, Medical Service, Lemoore Army Air Field
0930 Panel Discussion on Lichenoidand Allied Skin Diseases -
Maj.Clarence S. Livingood, MC, Consultant in Dermatology,Office of the Surgeon General, Chairman
Maj.Thomas W. Nisbet, MC, Chief, Dermatology Section,Letterman General Hospital
Maj.John A. Hookey, MC, Chief, Dermatology Section, Torney General Hospital
Maj. James M. Bazemore, MC, Medical Service, Moore GeneratHospital
1045 Discussion of the Role and a Tour of theDebarkation Hospital -
Brig. Gen. Charles C. Hiltman
1200 Luncheon
Presiding - Lt. Col. E. Richmond Ware, MC,Chief, Medical Service, Oakland Regional Hospital
1315 The Health Survey of Repatriated AmericanPrisoners of War From the Far East -
Col. Irving S. Wright, MC,Coordinating Officer of Health Survey
1415 Panel Discussion on Psychotherapy as aTechnique in Internal Medicine -
Col.Lauren H. Smith, MC, Consultant in Neuropsychiatry, Ninth Service Command,Chairman
Maj.Clarence H. Godard, MC, Chief, Neuropsychiatric Service, Letterman GeneralHospital
Maj. Herbert S. Gaskill, MC, Neuropsychiatric Consultants Division, Officeof the Surgeon General
1515 Panel Discussion on Virus and Rickettsial Diseases -
Experience in the Ninth Service Command - Recent Advancements -
Col.Francis E. Council, MC, Chief, NSC Laboratory, Presidio of Monterey, Calif.,Chairman
Capt. Alfred L. Florman, MC, NSC Laboratory, Presidioof Monterey, Calif.
Dr.William MeD. Hammon,Consultant to Secretary of War on Neurotropic Virusesand Encephalitis
Maj.Stanley J. Carpenter, SnC, NSC Laboratory, Presidioof Monterey, Calif.
Concluding Remarks - Col. Irving S. Wright, MC