Medical Detachment, 395th Infantry
A. P. O. 449, U.S. ARMY
15 January 1945
SUBJECT: History of Medical Detachment, 395th Infantry Regiment, 1 December to 31 December 1944.
TO: Division Surgeon, 99th Infantry Division
I. Mission of the 395th Infantry Regiment
For the period 1 to 31 December, 19144 the 395th Infantry Regiment continued to defend the sector from Monschau, Germany to Elsenborn, Belgium. The weather was cloudy with sporatic [sic] snow and rain falling every other day. The regiment maintained active patrols to the front, and liaison with units to the right and left.
On 12 December 1944, during a snow storm, the 395th Infantry Regiment, minus the 3rd battalion and Company F, moved from the vicinity of Kalterherberg, Germany, to a new location north of Rocherath, Belgium (K-985074). An attack was launched at 0830 on 13 December 1944, in conjunction with the 2nd Division. The mission of the Regiment was to advance abreast of the 2nd Division and protect their right flank.
On the morning of the 17th, the enemy launched an all out attack, with tanks and infantry from the Southeast toward the towns Krinkelt and Rocherath, Germany. The enemy was held until the general withdrawal of the regiment to positions in the vicinity of Elsenborn which began at 0730 on 19 December 1944.
Re-organization took place on 20 December 1944. The regiment launched counter-attacks and a successful stand as made. The German counter-offensive was checked and stopped.
II. Medical Situation
From 1 to 12 December, there were no active medical problems and casualties were few.
a. The 1st Battalion Aid section maintained one rear station at Elsenborn, Belgium, and two advanced stations at Rocherath, Germany, supporting a front of 6.4 kilometers, from. K954114 F009060. This arrangement enhanced medical care. Evacuation was accomplished by ambulance and ambulance-jeep. The 2nd Battalion Aid Station was located at Kalterherberg, Germany operated a rear and one advanced aid station. The latter was in immediate support of defensive positions of a sector approximately 3.2 kilometers wide, from K954114 to K948145. The litter haul was long and tedious because of enemy observation. Lives and well-being of injured men can be attributed to the excellent efforts of litter teams. The 3rd Battalion Aid Station located at Hofen, Germany supported its unit covering a sector approximately three (3) kilometers from K944183 to K948145. The evacuation to the aid station from advanced posts was
accomplished by litter squads and ambulance jeep. The aid station received two direct hits, no casualties sustained. Most of the time, this section operated under enemy observation and fire. They functioned with distinction under the handicap. The Regimental Aid Station, located at Kuchelscheid, Belgium, supported the special units not employed and the regimental reserve. Here dental service was offered daily for emergency care. Dental surveys and physical examinations were accomplished at a rest center.
b. On 12 December 1944, all the aid stations commenced to function immediately upon arrival at their new locations, The 3d Battalion Aid Section remained in Hofen, Germany, and was evacuating direct to the clearing station by three supporting ambulances from the 324th Medical Battalion.
c. On the 13th of December 1944, at 0830, the lst Battalion advanced at right flank and abreast of the 2d Division, astride a road running generally on an azimuth of 20?, and the 2d Battalion to the right and rear of the 1st Battalion.
1. The 1st Battalion Aid Section advanced immediately behind its unit. They were not allowed to use their vehicles because of heavily mined reads. The station equipment was loaded on the back of the men and they advanced approximately 3000 yards. The personnel were fatigued; nevertheless, the aid station was dug in and the men dug their fox holes. The aid station functioned immediately upon ass rival for evacuation and treatment of numerous casualties from Company B. The terrain consisted of hills avenging 500 yards in length and. slopes of an avenge of 50?, covered by snow, and under enemy observation and artillery fire. A call was sent to the Division Surgeon for litter teams and five were immediately dispatched from the 324th Medical Battalion to this section to assist with evacuation. By 1900 the road bed was cleared of mines by the Engineers and a lane opened. An advanced ambulance loading post was formed, ambulances were brought to the aid station and evacuation began during the late afternoon. Evacuation was completed in early evening. The nation evacuated directly to Collecting Company C, 324th Medical Battalion with the many severely wounded men suffering a minimum of shock. The following day the vehicles were brought up. Because of the difficult terrain, however, it was impossible to use the ambulance Jeeps to assist with evacuation. The litter bearers performed excellently under the hardships and evacuated all casualties. The company aid men performed their duties gallantly, never once shrinking under the terrific strain and danger. The command of this section was excellent.
2. The 2d Battalion wee committed on 14 December 1944, at the left of the 1st Battalion. Casualties were light; however, evacuation was difficult because of the hardships mentioned for the 1st Battalion. Five litter squads from 324th Medical Battalion were dispatched to assist the section, On 15 and 16 December 1944, no further problems were encountered.
3. The 3d Battalion Section, which had supported its unit in Hofen, Germany, for eight weeks, received many casualties from an all out attack on 16 December 1944. Evacuation was particularly hazardous because of severe artillery shelling.
4. The Regimental Aid Section remained at 984063 an the north side of Rocherath, Germany, in support of special units and attached units. Casualties were light, and its men were used in supporting the 1st and 2d Battalion Sections.
D. On the morning of 17 December 1944, the enemy launched an all out attack with tanks, artillery, infantry, and air corps. The medical situation was normal until evening, at which time the Regimental supply route was out off, along with it, the evacuation route between Collecting Company C and the Clearing Company.
1. Units from the 2d Division moved south to support the 393d Infantry, in defense of Krinkelt and Rocherath. The Regimental Aid Station became extremely active with casualties, at this time, from the 9th mat 38th Infantry Regiments. Their casualties were cared for throughout the night. Ambulance loads of casualties were evacuated to Collecting Company C, 324th Medical Battalion. The route of evacuation was completely covered by artillery and small arms fire. Seriously wounded were evacuated immediately and slightly wounded were held until the Collecting Company supporting the units from the 2d Division began to function. During the night, one of the Battalion Aid station of the 38th Infantry moved in with Regimental aid of the 395th. The 38th Infantry was making a stand in Rocherath. All night long the vicinity of the aid station was shelled but no direct hits were sustained. At 0800, 18 December 1944, the order to move was received. All equipment and men were loaded on truck and jeep and a hasty withdrawal, amid enemy artillery and small arms fire, was made into the woods, in the vicinity of k985074. The Battalion Aid Station of the 38th was making a stand and remained with a handful of their own slightly wounded. All of our casualties were evacuated. The 1st ant 2d Battalions were withdrawn from the attack to form defensive positions astride the two routes running generally north and south in the vicinity of K992107 and K997088. Casualties were light and evacuation was direct, by routes which were still open, to Collecting Company C, 324th Medical Battalion. On 18 December 1944, the Regimental CP was moved from K985074along a fire break extending from K984074 to K968068, to a location at K970069. The Regimental Aid Station and Collecting Point was established near the CP and the Battalion Aid Sections then evacuated to the Regimental Aid from whence evacuation was completed by supporting units. Casualties were light.
2. An order was given the Regiment, on 19 December 1944, to move south from co-ordinates K984074 toward the town of Rocherath, Germany, to make contact with the 38th Infantry, and to repulse the enemy from the east. The positions were occupied and aid stations were set up with evacuation along the firebreak extending from coordinates K912044 K968068 to the Regimental Aid Station and Collecting Point which had move to Krinkelt at co-ordinate K912044 with the Regimental CP. The casualties were then evacuated by the supporting units of the 324th Medical Battalion. During 19 December 1944, positions were held. The 2d Battalion Section received. numerous casualties from other units which were disposed of readily through the above-mentioned chain. The ambulance jeep proved invaluable in this chain, particularly between the Battalion Sections and the Collecting Points.
e. At 1730, 19 December 1944, a general re-organization plan was ordered for the Regiment, in the vicinity of Elsenborn, in defensive sectors. The Battalion Aid Sections established stations in the basements of available houses. Supplies and equipment was reconstituted. They continued to give complete support to assigned units. Casualties were relatively light, resulting wholly from enemy artillery and patrol action. All were evacuated in spite of the rapidly changing positions and rough, muddy roads.
1. The 3d Battalion held the positions at Hofen, Germany, repulsing five German attacks. Casualties were moderate, the greatest difficulty encountered being from enemy artillery fire, causing evacuation to be very hazardous.
III. For the active file from 1 December 1944 to 1 January 1945.
a. The detachment has one man missing in action. Ten enlisted men ware evacuated because of wounds received in action and thirteen enlisted men were evacuated because of sickness and non-battle injuries. One officer was evacuated because of wounds received in action and two officers were evacuated because of sickness and non-battle injuries.
b. The detachment, thus far, for action during the month, have received two Silver Stars, fourteen Bronze Stars and two Certificates of Merit. They have also received commendations from all units in the regiment.
James H. Fyvie
Regimental Surgeon
Extracted from: Surgeon, 99th Infantry Division, "Medical History 99th Infantry Division for Calendar Year 1944," 29 January 1945
National Archives and Record Administration, College Park, MD
Record Group 112, Records of the US Army Surgeon General
World War II Administrative Histories, 99th Infantry Division, Box 305