List of Abbreviations
AAF Army Air Forces
AAR Association of American Railroads
AC Air Corps
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
Act Acting
Add Additional, addition
Admin Administration, administrative, administrator
AFPAC U. S. ArmyForces, Pacific
AG The Adjutant General, Files of
AGF Army Ground Forces; Army Ground Forces, Files of
AGO Adjutant General's Office
AGWAR Adjutant General, WarDepartment
Almt Allotment
Amb Ambulance
AML Army Medical Library
An Annual
Anal Analysis
AR Army Regulations
ASF Army Service Forces
Asgmt Assignment
ASO Air Surgeon's Office
ATC Air Transport Command; Air Transport Command, Files of
ATS Army Transport Service
Auth Authority, authorized, authorization
AWC ArmyWar College, Files of
Bd Board
Bn Battalion
BPE Boston Port of Embarkation
Br Branch
C Chief
CA Corps area
CASU Corps Area Service Unit
CBI China-Burma-India
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
CDD Certificateof disability for discharge
CE Chief of Engineers, Files of; Corps of Engineers
CG Commanding General
CinC Commander in Chief
Cir Circular
Civ Civilian
CMTC Combined Military TransportationCommittee
Cmtee Committee
CO Commanding Officer
Co Company
CofAC Chief of the Air Corps
CofEngrs Chief of Engineers
CofF Chief ofFinance
CofOrd Chief of Ordnance
CofSA Chief of Staff, U. S. Army
CofT Chief ofTransportation
Comd Command
ComZ Communications zone
Conf Conference
Cons Construction, constructing, consultant
Conv Convalescent, conversation, conversion
Co-ord Co-ordination
CPA CentralPacific Area
CPE Charleston Port of Embarkation
DAF Department of the Air Force
Def Defense
Dep Deputy
Det Detachment
Dev Development
DF Disposition form
Dir Directorate, director
Distr Distribution
Div Division
Dom Domestic
D/S Disposition slip
EM Enlisted men
Engr Engineer, engineering
Equip Equipment
Est Estimate
Estab Establish,establishment
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, U. S. Army
Evac Evacuation, evacuating
Fac Facility, facilities
Fld Field
FM Field manual
FY Fiscal year
Gen General
GHQ General Headquarters
GO General Order
HD Historical Unit, Army Medical Service, Walter Reed Army Medical Center (formerlyHistorical Division, Office of The Surgeon General)
Hist History
Hosp Hospital, hospitalization
Hq Headquarters
HRPE HamptonRoads Port of Embarkation
HRS Historical Records Section, Departmental Records Branch, Adjutant General'sOffice
IAS Informal action sheet
IG The Inspector General; The Inspector General, Files of
Incl Inclosure, inclosed
Ind Indorsement
Indiv Individual
Info Information
Init Initialed
Insp Inspection
Instl Installation
Interv Interview
JAG The Judge Advocate General
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JMTC Joint Military Transportation Committee
JPS Joint Staff Planners
Lab Laboratory
LAPE Los Angeles Port of Embarkation
Ltr Letter
MAC Medical Administrative Corps
Mar Comm Maritime Commission
Mat Material,Mat?riel
MC Medical Corps
MD Medical Department
MFSS Medical Field Service School
MHSP Medical hospital ship platoon
Mil Military
Min Minute
Misc Miscellaneous
Mob Mobilization
MOOB Mobilization and Overseas Operations Branch, Office of The SurgeonGeneral
MOOD Mobilization and Overseas Operations Division, Office of The Surgeon General
MPD Military Personnel Division
MR Mobilization Regulations
MRO Medical Regulating Officer
MRS Memo routing slip
MRU Medical Regulating Unit
M/S Memorandum sheet or slip
MSO Medical Supply Officer
MTOUSA Mediterranean Theater of Operations, U. S. Army
Mvmt Movement
NATOUSA North African Theater of Operations, U. S. Army
n d No date
NOPE New Orleans Port of Embarkation
NP Neuropsychiatric, neuropsychiatry
NYPE New York Port of Embarkation
OCE Office, Chief of Engineers
OCofAC Office, Chief of the Air Corps
OCS Office, Chief of Staff, U. S. Army
OCT Office of the Chief of Transportation
Off Office, officer
OO Office Order
OPD Operations Division, War Department General Staff
OPMG Office of The Provost Marshal General
Opr Operation
Ord Ordnance; Chief of Ordnance, Files of
Orgn Organization
OSW Office, Secretary of War, Files of
PE Port of embarkation
Pers Personnel, personal
Plat Platoon
PMG The Provost Marshal General
PMP Protective Mobilization Plan
Pnt Patient
POA Pacific Ocean Area
Procmt Procurement
Prov Provisional, provision
Ptbl Portable
PW Prisoner of war
QMG The Quartermaster General
Rad Radiogram
Recomd Recommendation
Reg Regulation, regulating
Regt Regiment
Repl Replacement
Req Required
Reqmt Requirement
Res Reservation, resolution, reserve
Rev Revision
Rpt Report
R&R Sheet Routing and record sheet
RR Railroad
Ry Railway
SCSU Service Command Service Unit
SecWar Secretary of War
Sep Separate
Serv Service
SFPE San Francisco Port of Embarkation
SG The Surgeon General; The Surgeon General, Files of
SGO Surgeon General's Office
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces
SOS Services of Supply
SPA South Pacific Area
SPE Seattle Port of Embarkation
S/S Summary sheet
Sta Station
Str Strength
Sup Supply
Supp Supplement
Surg Surgeon, surgical
Surv Survey
SvC Service command
SWPA Southwest Pacific Area
Syst System
TAG The Adjutant General
TAS The Air Surgeon's Historical Division, Files of
T/BA Table of basic allowances
TC Transportation Corps; Chief of Transportation, Files of
T/E Table of equipment
Tec Technical
Tel Telephone
Temp Temporary
Tfc Traffic
TM Technical manual
Tn Train
Tng Training
T/O Table of organization; theater of operations
T/O&E Table of organization and equipment
TofOpns Theater of Operations
Trans Transportation; transports
Trf Transfer
Trp Troop
T/S Transmittal sheet
USAF United States Air Forces
USAFBI U. S. Army Forces in the British Isles
USASOS U. S. Army, Services of Supply
USFET U. S. Forces, European Theater
Util Utilization, utilities
Veh Vehicle
WAAC Women's Army Auxiliary Corps
WAC Women's Army Corps
WD War Department
WDCSA Office, Chief of Staff, U. S. Army, Files of
WDGS War Department General Staff
WDMB War Department Manpower Board
WPB War Production Board
WRGH Walter Reed General Hospital
ZI Zone of interior