Organizational Histories > Health Services Command, Commanders
Major General, Dental Corps
Deputy Surgeon General, U.S. Army
Chief, Army Dental Corps
John James Cuddy was born in South Dakota. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology fromLoras College in 1964. Major General Cuddy graduated from Marquette UniversityDental School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1969 and was given a direct appointmentas a Dental Corps Officer. In 1979, he received a Masters' Degree in Health CareFacilities from Webster College, St. Louis, Missouri. His military educationincludes the AMEDD Officers' Advanced Course, the United States Army Command andGeneral Staff College, and Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
General Cuddy has held a wide variety of importantpositions culminating in his appointment as Deputy Surgeon General, U.S. Army,on 8 March 1996; and appointed as Chief, Army Dental Corps on 1 December 1994.Other key assignments were: Deputy Commander, U.S. Army Medical Command,Commander, U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School, and InstallationCommander, Fort Sam Houston; Deputy Commander, Health Care Operations, U.S. ArmyMEDCOM (Prow) and Deputy Commander, U.S. Army Health Services Command, Fort SamHouston, Texas; Deputy Commander, 7th Medical Command/Assistant Chief Surgeon,U.S. Army Europe in Heidelberg, Germany; Assistant Chief of Staff, DentalService, HQ 7th MEDCOM, Heidelberg, Germany; Dental Corps Education Officer,U.S. Army Medical Personnel Center, Washington, D.C.; Commander, Vicenza DENTAC/102ndMedical Detachment (Dental Service), Vicenza, Italy; Instructor, Dental ScienceDivision, Academy of Health Sciences, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; and Commander,U.S. Army Dental Activity, Tehran, Iran. Other assignments include: GeneralDental Practice and Instructor, Darnall Army Hospital, Fort Hood, Texas; andGeneral Dentistry Resident, Silas B. Hays Army Hospital, Fort Ord, California.
General Cuddy is a member ofthe American Dental Association, American College of Dentists, InternationalCollege of Dentists, USA Chapter of Academy of General Dentistry, and the PierreFauchard Academy. He became a Diplomate of the Army Board of General Dentistryin 1978 and awarded Mastership in the American Academy of General Dentistry in1981. In 1985, he was awarded the "A" Designator, The SurgeonGeneral's highest award for professional achievement.
Awards and decorations whichGeneral Cuddy has received include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion ofMerit (with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster), Meritorious Service Medal (with 3 Oak LeafClusters), Army Commendation Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, National DefenseService Medal, Expert Field Medical Badge, Army Service Ribbon, and Order ofMilitary Medical Merit.