Army Nurse Corps History Home > Army Nursing Historyin Pictures
Spanish American War
The New York nurses, Sternberg General Hospital, Camp Thomas, Chickamauga, Georgia.
In 1898, nurses served at the Yellow Fever Hospital,Franklin, Lousiana.
Duty in the Philippines
These nurses were stationed at the Army Hospital in Iliolo, Philippines. 1901
OR nurses serving in the 1st Reserve Hospital,Manila, Philippine Islands.
World War I
During World War I, 18 African-American nursesentered the Army nurse corps but never served overseas due to the logisticalproblems of establishing separate quarters and work areas. They all leftthe Corps at the end of the war.
Nurses were required to take gas defenseinstruction.
Nurse provides care in the American Red CrossEvacuation Hospital, July, 1918.
An operating room scene at Base Hospital #52,Haute Marne, France.
Colonel Julia Stimson leads a group of Red Cross Nurses down a street named in honor of President Woodrow Wilson in Paris, France, 1918.
Nurses did their laundry when their was lullin patient activity.
Between the Wars
Nurses enrolled in a dietetics class at the WalterReed General Hospital, Army School of Nursing in 1923.
Graduating nurses are taking exercises infront of the nurses' quarters, Walter Reed General Hospital, in 1924.
World War II
Army nurses traveling through Dhubri, Indiain March 1943.
Before going on duty, Army nurses stand in front of the 13thStation Hospital, Australia, 1943.
Nurses boarding ship prior to the Normandy Invasion in 1944 and returning home after victory in Europe in 1945.
Nurses area, 118th General Hospital, Leyte, Philippinesin 1945.
African-American nurse providing care toan enemy prisoner of war in 1945.
Army nurses providing care in a field tent during World War II.
The Korean War
Nurses caring for patients in a MASH unit.
Nurse assisting in an operating room during theKorean War.
Nurses conduct training and maintain a HermanNelson tent heater during OPERATION LONG HORN, Fort Hood, Texas 1942.
The Vietnam War
Nurses prepare at the 18th Surgical Hospital inVietman.
Nurses care for a patient at the 24th Evacuation Hospital,Long Binh, Vietnam.
Nurses assisted in MEDCAP operations and supportedorphanages during the Vietnam War.
Male nurses surved proudly in Vietnam.
Operation Restore Hope
From December 1992 to March 1995, three hospitals, the86th Evacuation Hospital, the 42nd Mobile Army SurgicalHospital, and 46th Combat Support Hospital, provided humanitarianrelief in Somalia. The 62nd Medical Group also deployed.
86th Log Support, Airport Mogadishu,Somalia, 1993
86th Evac at airport, Somalia, 1993
86th Evac Hospital tents, Somalia, 1993
SSG Dale F. Merrill, Jr., NCOIC formedical maintenance, 86th Evac Hospital, Somalia, 1993
Hauling mermite containers, 86th EvacHospital, Somalia, 1993
Homemade picnic table and hospital tents,86th Evac Hospital, Somalia, 1993
Unpacking Conex's, 86th Evac Hospital,Somalia, 1993
Security Force, 86th Evac Hospital,Somalia, 1993
Vehicles of the 62d Med Gp HQ at theUniversity Compound, Somalia, 1993
Medical evac to triage, 86th EvacHospital, Somalia, 1993
Sp Brown, respiratory therapist, workingwith patient, 86th Evac Hospital, Somalia, 1993
1LT Keplinger, ANC, working with multiplechest wound patient, 86th Evac Hospital, Somalia, 1993
1st patient, Operation Restore Hope, 86thEvac Hospital, Somalia, 1993
Looking into ER, 86th Evac Hospital,Somalia, 1993
Operating Room, 86th Evac Hospital,Somalia, 1993
1LT Patricia Hall with Charlton Heston andpatient, 86th Evac Hospital, Somalia, 1993
Traction Frame, 86th Evac Hospital,Somalia, 1993
Holding Ward, 86th Evac Hospital, Somalia,1993
Change over from 86th Evac to Replacement42d, Somalia, 1993
Treasures from home, 86th Evac Hospital,Somalia, 1993
Organization Day, 86th Evac Hospital,Somalia, 1993
Church services, 86th Evac Hospital,Somalia, 1993
CSM Edward Jiru doing laundry, 62d Med Gp,Somalia, 1993
Mayoral Race Results, Winner - LTC LeonardSly, 62nd Med Gp, Somalia, 1993
LTC Leonard Sly, Executive Officer for62nd Medical Group, Somalia, 1993
Homemade furniture, 62d Med Gp, Somalia,1993
Clint Black entertains staff at 86th EvacHospital, Somalia, 1993
Children digging in trash near MogadishuAirport, 86th Evac Hospital, Somalia, 1993
Nomad living, near 86th Evac Hospital,Somalia, 1993