Army Nurse Corps History Home > Army Nursing History in Pictures > History of the Army Nurse Corps,Slide Presentation with Narration
(Slide Presentation with Narration)
The 1950's was a period of varied international activities for the Army nurse. Army nurses continued to serve in Korea after the end of the hostilities providing instruction to the
Republic of Korea Army Nurses, student nurses and other corpsmen. Other activities during the 50's included "Operation Mercy", the care of Hungarian refugees during that country's uprising in Nov 56; and the support of American troops in Lebanon in 58. At this time, three Army nurses departed for Vietnam to assist the U.S. Military Advisory Group in Saigon. They were the first Army nurses to serve in Vietnam.
At home, the ANC emphasized educational preparation and professional development. Army Nurses became increasingly active in duties which included instructing enlisted medical personnel. Also, Army nurses took education on the road in Korea, Formosa, and elsewhere to assist in the development of nursing programs
in other countries. They established one of the first centers for nursing research in America with the Nursing Research Department at Walter Reed Institute of Research. Until the mid 50's, Public Law limited Army nursing to an all female Corps. In 1955, Public Law 294 authorized commissions
for male nurses. Many of the men who were then admitted to the Corps served as enlisted medics in Korea.
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