Superintendents and Chiefs of the Army Nurse Corps

Fifth ANC Superintendent
30 December 1919 through 31 May 1934
Received a B.A., Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York in 1901
Graduated from New York Hospital School of Nursing, New York in 1908.
Received a M.A., Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri in 1917
She was among the most prominent American nursing leaders of her era. After joining the Army Nurse Corps (ANC) in World War I, she became Chief Nurse of the American Red Cross in France before becoming Director, Nursing Services, Army Expeditionary Forces. She directed Activities of 10,000 Army nurses during the final days of the war, and through the difficult post-war demobilization period. She received the Distinguished Service Medal, among several awards and decorations in recognition of her services. She became the Superintendent of the ANC in December 1919 and served in the office until her retirement in 1937. When Army nurses were given relative rank in 1920, she became a major. During World War II, she was recalled to active service for six months to help in recruiting nurses for the Army. After Army nurses were given full commissioned rank in 1947, she was promoted to the rank of colonel shortly before her death in 1948.