Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (SSI):
Symbolism: Maroon and white are the colors traditionally associated with the Medical Corps. The cross alludes to medical care and service while the inverted fleam, an ancient surgical implement, simulates the numeral "2," representing the unit's numerical designation. Gold is for honor and excellence.
Background: The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 20 Oct 1992.
Lineage and Honors:
Constituted 1 March 1976 in the Army Reserve as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 2d Hospital Center
Activated 15 April 1976 at Hamilton Air Force Base, California
Reorganized and redesignated 17 September 1992 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2d Medical Brigade
Location changed 1 December 1993 to San Pablo, California
Campaign Participation Credit: