Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (SSI):
Symbolism: The white stars on a blue field refer to the State Flag of Tennessee, the unit's home area and the V-shape of the base alludes to the nickname, "Volunteer State." The scarlet cross is symbolic of medical care and the colors white and maroon are traditionally associated with the Army Medical Department. The outer shape is symbolic of medicine and surgery, the rounded top suggesting a capsule of medicine and the pointed bottom the edge of a scalpel.
Background: The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 5 Aug 1985.
Lineage and Honors:
Constituted 7 August 1942 in the Army of the United States as the 69th Medical Regiment
Activated 25 September 1942 at Camp Maxey, Texas
Reorganized and redesignated 4 September 1943 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 69th Medical Group
Inactivated 1 November 1945 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Reorganized and redesignated 5 October 1948 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 332nd Medical Group, allotted to the Organized Reserve Corps,
Activated 19 October 1948 at Savannah, Georgia
(Organized Reserve Corps redesignated 9 July 1952 as the Army Reserve)
Inactivated 25 June 1959 at Savannah Georgia
Redesignated 16 May 1985 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 332nd Medical Brigade and activated at Nashville, Tennessee
Campaign Participation Credit:
World War II:
Northern France
Central Europe
Southwest Asia:
Defense of Saudi Arabia
Liberation of Kuwait
Meritorious Unit Commendation, streamer, “European Theater”