“Desert Medics”
The 3rd Medical Command is the recipient of a special designation recognized by the Chief of Military History, “Desert Medics”.
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (SSI):
Symbolism: Maroon and white are colors traditionally associated with the Medical Corps. The designation of the Command is denoted by the triangular shape of the insignia. The staff and serpents refer to medical service and the Maltese cross recalls the unit’s heritage of support in combat. Yellow/gold stands for excellence.
Background: The shoulder sleeve insignia was authorized on 12 Jun 1992.
Lineage and Honors:
Constituted as 3rd Medical Command Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 21 December 1928, in the Regular Army as the 3d Auxiliary Surgical Group.
Activated 5 May 1942 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Reorganized and redesignated 1 August 1945, as the 896th Medical Professional Service.
Inactivated 6 October 1945, in Germany.
Headquarters Company, 3rd Medical Command (Provisional) organized 16 September 1990 in Saudi Arabia.
Redesignated 16 March, 1991, as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Medical Command, allotted to the Regular Army, and activated in Saudi Arabia.
Inactivated 15 December 1996 at Fort McPherson, Georgia, and withdrawn from the Regular Army
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Medical Command (Provisional) (organized June 16, 1996 at Decatur, Georgia).
Allotted 16 June 1997 to the Army Reserve and activated at Decatur, Georgia.
3rd Medical Command was relocated to the United States Army Reserve Center at Fort Gillem, Georgia in February 2004.
Reorganized 15 October 2008 to 3rd Medical Command (Deployment Support)
Campaign Participation Credit: