Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (SSI):
Symbolism: Maroon and white are the colors traditionally associated with the Medical Corps. The cross reflects medical aid and assistance while the gold star expresses excellence and achievement. The six-pointed star, echoed by the hexagon configuration of the insignia, alludes to the six New England states comprising the unit's command.
Background: The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the 804th Hospital Center on 17 Jul 1990. It was redesignated for the 804th Medical Brigade on 8 Apr 1999.
Lineage and Honors:
Constituted October 1944 in the Army of the United States as the 804th Medical Service Detachment.
Activated November 1944 in England, European Theater of Operations
Reorganized and redesignated April 1945 as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 804th Hospital Center.
Inactivated January 1946 in England
Redesignated October of 1947, as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 804th Hospital Center, and allocated to the organized reserves assigned to the Fifth Army.
Activated at St. Paul, Minnesota, January 1948.
Reorganized and redesignated October 1949, as Headquarters, 804th Hospital Center
Withdrawn from assignment to the Fifth Army and assigned to the First Army July 1952.
Reassigned to Boston Army Base, Boston, Massachusetts on 20 August, 1952.
Assigned to Headquarters, XIII Corps U.S. Army (though still attached to the 94th U.S. Army Reserve Command) 1 April 1968,
Reassigned to the 94th U.S. Army Reserve Command, June 1968.
Relocated 1 August 1974 from Boston USAR center, Boston Army Base, to Armed Forces Reserve Center, Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts
Reorganized and redesignated 16 September 1993, as the 804th Medical Brigade.
Relocated August 1994, from Hanscom Air Force Base to Burke U.S. Army Reserve Center, Fort Devens, Massachusetts.
Campaign Participation Credit: