Command Sergeant Majors of Health Services Command (HSC)/MEDCOM
CSM Brock served from December 2011 to October 2014 as the 17th Command Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Health Services Command/ MEDCOM.
Command Sergeant Major Brock attended Basic Training at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO and completed AIT as a Combat Medic, 91B at Ft. Sam Houston, TX.
Her stateside assignments include 326th Medical Battalion, Ft. Campbell, KY; Brooke Army Medical Center and 232nd Medical Battalion, Ft. Sam Houston, TX; 42nd Chemical Battalion and USA Meddac, Ft. McClellan, AL; USA Meddac, Ft. Knox, KY; United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Ft. Bliss, TX; the 21st Combat Support Hospital and Darnall Army Community Hospital, Ft. Hood TX; Southeast Regional Medical Command and Dwight D Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Ft. Gordon, GA.; and her last assignment was at Joint Task Force National Capital Region Medical, Bethesda, MD. Her overseas assignments include tours with the 42nd Medical Company (Amb), Johnson Barracks, Fuerth, Germany, Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, HI and the 168th Medical Battalion (AS), Camp Walker, Korea. She has served one combat tour in the Republic of Iraq in support of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom.
CSM Brock has served as an Air Ambulance Radio Operator, Ambulance Driver, Emergency Room NCO, Clinical NCOIC, Training NCO, and Operations NCO. She has served in every leadership position including Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, and Command Sergeant Major. She has performed as a Company Clerk, Personnel Service NCO, Drill Sergeant, and Sergeants Major Course Instructor, Faculty Advisor, and Mentor at USASMA.
CSM Brock's military and civilian education includes all the Leadership Courses; Air Assault School; Medical NCO Course (91B30); Drill Sergeant School; Battle Staff NCO Course; First Sergeant Course; and the Master Fitness Course. CSM Brock is a graduate of the United States Sergeants Major Academy, Class 50, the Command Sergeants Major Course, the Force Management Course, and Keystone National Defense University (Joint). She earned her Associates Degree from Hawaii Pacific University, Bachelors Degree from Thomas Edison State College and currently pursuing her Master's Degree in Health Care Management. She is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
CSM Brock's awards and decorations include: the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal; the Meritorious Service Medal (w/ 5 OLC); ARCOM (w/ 4 OLC); AAM (w/ 4 OLC); Good Conduct Medal (9th Award); National Defense Medal (w/ 1 Star); GWOT Expeditionary Medal; GWOT Service Medal; Korean Defense Service Medal; NCO Professional Development Ribbon (Numeral 4); Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon (Numeral 2); Drill Sergeant Identification Badge; and the Air Assault Badge. CSM Brock was inducted into the Order of Military Medical Merit in 1996 and was also selected to be a member of the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels in 1999.