Command Sergeant Majors of Health Services Command (HSC)/MEDCOM
CSM Harrell served from April 1985 to November 1989 as the seventh Command Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Health Services Command.
During his thirty-six years of military service, he served thirty-three years as a noncommissioned officer. His assignments included tours in Germany, Korea and Vietnam. His CONUS assignments include Fort Carson, Colorado, Fort Riley, Kansas and Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Command Sergeant Major Harrell served as the Command Sergeant Major of the 4th Medical Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, 1st Medical Battalion, 1st Infantry Division, 3rd Medical Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division and the Academy of Health Sciences. He also served as the Commandant of the Seventh U.S. Army NCO Academy. Command Sergeant Major Harrell also served as the Command Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Health Services Command, Fort Sam Houston, Texas and is the seventh individual to serve in this position.
Command Sergeant Major Harrell's awards and decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Combat Medical Badge and the German Military Proficiency Badge. He has been awarded the Order of Military Medical Merit and honored with awards from the Germany, Britain and Belgium for his training of noncommissioned officers of their Armies. Command Sergeant Harrell was the first NCO of the U.S. Army Medical Department to be selected as one of the five finalists for the Sergeant Major of the Army in 1987.