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 The Order of Military Medical Merit (O2M3) 


Founded in 1982 as a non-profit organization, the Order of Military Medical Merit (O2M3) privately cultivates camaraderie within the Army Medical Department (AMEDD). Open to Active Duty, Reserve, civilian, or retired AMEDD members, this exclusive entity recognizes individuals for their high integrity, professional competence, selflessness, and 15 years of dedicated contributions to Army Medicine. Honored members proudly showcase their certificate and medallion at formal AMEDD events. 


** Eligibility Criteria:** 

The Order recognizes individuals who demonstrate high integrity and moral character, are in the top 10% of their Corps and field, have excelled professionally in the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) for at least 15 years, contributed selflessly, and enhanced Army Medicine. These criteria emphasize the imperative for individuals to excel professionally and embody an unwavering dedication to advancing Army Medicine. Successful candidates must have made substantial contributions to the broader goals of the AMEDD, meaning contributions should be in alignment with The Surgeon General’s priorities. AD and RC Soldiers must also demonstrate adeptness in military duties. Civilians and those nominated for Honorary membership must exhibit professional excellence in their field.  

This refined set of criteria signifies a comprehensive and elevated commitment to excellence and service within the AMEDD, establishing a benchmark for recognition and membership. 

Eligibility extends to the following Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Personnel who have made significant and lasting contributions to the Army Medical Department.   

-Active Duty 


-National Guardsmen  



-Host Nation and Foreign Nationals* 

-Special Forces Aidmen (18Ds) *


*Others outside of AMEDD with qualifying criteria 



*Can only be nominated as Honorary members.  Honorary members are not eligible to nominate others.  

Contractor employees are not eligible to be nominated. 




Key Changes Effective for All Packets submitted after the 26 June 2024 submission deadline:

1.   The new nomination form must be used for all nominations effective for the 26 July 2024 submission deadline/August board.

2.   A Curriculum Vitae in the format provided is required with all submissions effective for the 26 July 2024 submission deadline/August board. Honorary submissions may include a CV other than in the prescribed format for regular nominations or a Resume.

3.   Dues for the regular medallion increase to $100 effective the 26 July 2024 submission deadline/August board; dues for the sterling silver medallion are $175.

4.   Effective the 26 July 2024 submission deadline/August board, the nominator or the nominee must pay the one-time dues payment before an approved packet is mailed to the nominator for appropriate induction into the Order.  


    Highly encourage use of Zelle® for payments: When making the Zelle® payment put Stephanie Meyer in the Recipient name box and dues@o2m3.org in second box (phone number, email address box) – Zelle® does not permit a business name even though the money is going to a business account. Please put the nominee’s name and medallion number in the memo/note section of the Zelle® payment so the administrator can verify payment for your nominee(s). Payments by check or money order can be mailed to: Order of Military Medical Merit, P.O. Box 340097, JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-0097.




**Nomination Instructions for the Order of Military Medical Merit (O2M3) Only members of the Order of Military Medical Merit may nominate others for induction:** 


1.  **Nomination Form:** 

   - Download and save the PDF nomination form to your computer. 

   - Complete the form with the nominee`s information. 

   - Highlight the nominee`s significant contributions to the AMEDD during their career; do not merely provide a recap of their evaluations or position descriptions. Complete a minimum of three blocks on the Form. 


2. **Supporting Documents:**  



Active Duty requirements 

            Soldier Talent Profile 

            ACFT scorecard dated within 12 months (DA Form 705) with HT/WT annotated.  (Note HT/WT is required even if ACFT score is 540 or higher). If HT/WT is not noted on the ACFT card, a memo signed by the Company Commander or a PDF from DTMS showing the HT/WT data and that the Soldier is a GO is required.

            If NOGO for HT/WT is checked on ACFT, submit a copy of the nominees Body Fat Content Worksheet (DA Form 5500/5501) unless criteria is met for exemption of body fat analysis, e.g., score of 540 or higher.   

            Curriculum Vitae (CV) is mandatory for all nominees. (redact all SSN and DOD ID numbers)  

            Redacted DD214 (for individuals with prior service time or retirees being nominated based on active-duty time)  


Civilians/Honorary requirements  

- Civilian Career Brief  

- Curriculum Vitae (CV) is mandatory for all civilian nominees. (redact all SSN and DOD ID numbers); a resume may be provided in lieu of a CV for Honorary nominees only.

- Redacted DD214 (if including previous active-duty time in the nomination) 


A waiver form can be downloaded and submitted with the packet, as a separate document, for personnel with less than 15 years of service. However, there must be compelling reasons to waive the 15 years, such as medical retirement. A waiver is not granted based on accomplishments; it is granted for reasons beyond the nominees control that prohibits 15 years of service to the AMEDD.  


Place the documents in the following order within a single seamless PDF per the job aid:

- Signed Nomination form (2 pages)  

- STP (military), CCB (civilians),

- CV; Honorary nominees may have a Resume 

- ACFT and HT/WT data 

- DA Form 5500/5501 (if applicable)


 3. **Formatting Instructions:** 

   - Use a PDF editor to insert documents to create one continuous file; do not scan or attach documents to the PDF. DO NOT ATTACH or paperclip documents within the PDF. Packets not created as one continuous PDF will be returned to the nominator for correction.  

   - Insert all files (Soldier Talent Profile, Body Fat worksheets, CV/BIO/Resume, waiver (if applicable) into the nomination form before digitally signing. 


 4. **Digital Signature:** 

   - Digitally sign the completed nomination form after creating the single PDF with all supporting documents included. 

   - Save the file with the format: "Last Name, First Name of Nominee". Do not put "O2M3" in the file name. 


Following these instructions, you can efficiently compile and submit a complete nomination for the Order of Military Medical Merit while ensuring the digital signature is intact and the file is named appropriately. 


5. **Submission:** 

   - Send the nomination and supporting documentation as one PDF electronically to the Regimental Mailbox. usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.list.achh-regiment@army.mil  

Do not send directly to the administrator.  

Review the submission carefully to verify all documents are attached. Incomplete packets will not be boarded.   

Nominators will receive email correspondence within two weeks of the board relaying results for their nominees. For approved nominees, once the one-time dues payment is received, the complete packet will be mailed to the nominator. 


**Plan Ahead:** Submit packets 60 days (90 days for OCONUS) or more before the requested presentation date** 

**Deadline** Completed packets must be received no later than the suspense listed below by 1700 CST to be boarded.

**Incomplete Packets:** Will not be boarded.  


**Late Packets:** Will be boarded at the next month’s board.


The nomination and supporting documentation should be sent electronically to the O2M3 Administrator.

The mailing address for the Order is:


Order of Military Medical Merit
P.O. Box 340097
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234-0097


The Order of Military Medical Merit is recognized as a prestigious award and the following will be used as a guideline for the induction ceremony:

You may have noticed some individuals here wearing a medallion supported by a maroon neck ribbon. This signifies their membership in the Order of Military Medical Merit, also known as the O2M3. The Order of Military Medical Merit is a unique, private organization founded by the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Health Services Command in April 1982, to recognize excellence and promote fellowship and esprit de corps among Army Medical Department personnel. Membership in the Order Denotes distinguished service, which is recognized by the senior leadership of the AMEDD. We are fortunate tonight to be able to recognize one of our own for induction into the Order. I would like all members of the Order present here tonight to please come forward.

Insert here an executive summary – 2 to 5 sentences – for the specific individual being inducted. I.E. Throughout a 20-year career with the AMEDD, our first inductee has consistently improved organizations and implemented numerous management enhancements to gain efficiencies. While deployed to the Balkans, she raised the standard of care in the Sarajevo and Tuzla Valleys through the teaching of primary care, gynecology and emergency medicine best practices. This accomplished trainer has helped build the next generation of Army physicians through graduate medical education and residency training programs. A stellar citizen, she also freely volunteers within her community and has supported numerous local, national and international events such as the Army 10-miler, the Marine Corps Marathon and the Armed Forces Wrestling Championships. She is currently assigned as (duty position and unit of assignment). Will (name of inductee) please join the members of the Order at the front of the room.

Please remain seated during the reading of the award:

Be it known that the President, by virtue of the authority vested in him and upon the recommendation of the Advisory Council, confers membership in the Order of Military Medical Merit on (rank and name of inductee), who through dedicated application of talent, effort and spirit has made significant exemplary contributions to the United States Army Medical Department. Given under my hand this (day) of (month and year). Signed (name of O2M3 President), Colonel, US Army Retired, President, Order of Military Medical Merit.



Board Date - *17 July 

- Packet suspense - 26 June at 1700 Central Time (CT)


Board Date - *21 August 

- Packet suspense – 26 July at 1700 Central Time (CT)

NOTE: Must use the new nomination form starting this board


Board Date - *18 September 

- Packet suspense – 23 August at 1700 Central Time (CT)  


Board Date - *16 October 

- Packet suspense - 25 September at 1700 Central Time (CT)      


Board Date - *20 November 

- Packet suspense – 25 October at 1700 Central Time (CT) 


*****Board Date – 27 November*****

- Packet suspense –8 November at 1700 Central Time (CT)

*****NOTE: Last Board of 2024


We highly encourage nominations planned for a Holiday Ball recognition be submitted NLT the September or October board in case a rewrite or other unexpected issue arises.


 **2025 Packet Submission Deadlines 


Board Date - *15 January 

- Packet suspense – 18 December 2024 at 1700 Central Time (CT)


Board Date - *19 February 

- Packet suspense – 21 January at 1700 Central Time (CT) 


Board Date - *19 March 

- Packet suspense – 25 February at 1700 Central Time (CT)


Board Date - *16 April 

- Packet suspense – 25 March at 1700 Central Time (CT)    


Board Date - *21 May 

- Packet suspense - 29 April at 1700 Central Time (CT)       


Board Date - *18 June 

- Packet suspense – 27 May at 1700 Central Time (CT)       


Board Date – *16 July

- Packet suspense –24 June at 1700 Central Time (CT)


Board Date - *20 August 

- Packet suspense – 29 July at 1700 Central Time (CT)       


Board Date - *17 September 

- Packet suspense – 26 August at 1700 Central Time (CT)  


Board Date - *15 October 

- Packet suspense - 30 September at 1700 Central Time (CT)


*****Last Board for 2025*****

Board Date - *19 November 

- Packet suspense – 28 October at 1700 Central Time (CT


Please adhere to the suspense dates. Late submissions will be processed at the next board if complete. Nominations should be sent 60 days prior to the presentation date for CONUS and 90 days prior for OCONUS.


If you have any questions, or require assistance, please contact the Orders administrative officer by email.