AMEDD/NCO Enlisted Soldier History
No.29 Washington, April, 1887.
The following act of Congress is published for the information and government of all concerned:
An act to organize the Hospital Corps of the Army of the United States, to define its duty and fix its pay.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Hospital Corps of the United States Army shall consist of hospital stewards, acting hospital stewards, and privates; and all necessary hospital services in garrison, camp, or field (including ambulance service) shall be performed by the members thereof, who shall be regularly enlisted in the military service; said Corps shall be permanently attached to the Medical Department, and shall not be included in the effective strength of the Army nor counted as a part of the' enlisted force provided by law.
Sec. 2. That the Secretary of War is empowered to appoint as many hospital stewards as, in his judgment, the service may require; but not more than one hospital steward shall be stationed at any post or place without special authority' of the Secretary of War.
Sec. 3. That the pay of hospital stewards shall be forty-five dollars per month, with the increase on account of length of service as is now or may hereafter be allowed by law to other enlisted men. They shall have rank with ordnance-sergeants and be entitled to all the allowances appertaining to that grade.
Sec. 4. That no person shall be appointed a hospital steward unless he shall have passed a satisfactory examination before a board of one or more medical officers as to his qualifications for the position, and demonstrated his fitness therefor by service of not less than twelve months as acting hospital steward; and no person shall be designated for such examination except by written authority of the Surgeon-General.
Sec. 5. That the Secretary of War is empowered to enlist, or cause to be enlisted, as many privates of the Hospital Corps as the service may require, and to limit or fix the number, and make such regulations for their government as may be necessary; and any enlisted man in the Army shall be eligible for transfer to the Hospital Corps as a private. They shall perform duty as wardmasters, cooks, nurses, and attendants in hospitals, and as stretcher-bearers, litter-bearers, and ambulance attendants in the field, and such other duties as may by proper authority be required of them.
Sec. 6. That the pay of privates of the Hospital Corps shall be thirteen dollars per month, with the increase on account of length of service as is now or may hereafter be allowed by law to other enlisted men; they shall be entitled to the same allowances as a corporal of the arm of service with which on duty.
Sec. 7, That privates of the Hospital Corps may be detailed as acting hospital stewards by the Secretary of War, upon the recommendation of the Surgeon-General, whenever the necessities of the service require it; and while so detailed their pay shall be twenty-five dollars per month, with increase as above stated. Acting hospital stewards, when educated in the duties of the position, may be eligible for examination for appointment as hospital stewards as above provided.
Sec. 8. That all acts and parts of acts in so far as they contravene the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.
Approved, March 1, 1887.
Adjutant General.
Assistant Adjutant General.