| John Groth, Nurses Chow Line, Korean War. |
 | John Groth, Doctors and Nurses at Work #4, Korean War. |
 | John Groth, Nurses In Tent Washing Hair, Korean War. |
 | John Groth, Army Nurses Taking Break, Korean War |
 | John Groth, Nurses In Tent, Korean War |
 | John Groth , Nurses Tent, Korean War |
 | John Groth, Nurses at Work, Korean War |
 | John Groth, Nurse Giving Plasma, Korean War |
 | 20th Med Bn, 2nd Infantry Division area in the village of Tudok, Korea, 7 March 1951. |
t.jpg) | 1st Cavalry Division, Yangzi, Korea, Battalion Aid station. |
 | Clearing station Korea. |
 | The Korean Civilian Hospital in Inchon, operated by the 1st Mash, 3 Oct 1950. |
 | A Medical Corps team of the 1st MASH, X Corps, Korea, performs a front-line operation on a battle wounded soldier. L-R Cpl. Bob Crain of Los Angeles, CA; surgical technician; Lt. (jg) Bruce Meiere of Berlinger, CA; Navy Surgeon; Capt. John J. Wilsey of Newark, NY, surgeon; and Lt. Marie Smarz of Shelton, Conn., ANC. 14 Feb. 1951. |
 | Operating room 44th MASH, Korea, photo taken Jan 1954 after the war. |
 | Cpt. Leila Kemp of Mobile, Ala, ANC, an operating room nurse, prepares instruments for surgery at the 3rd Station Hospital in Korea 10 Feb. 1951. |
 | Protestant choir- ANC’s, MP’s, and engineers, chaplain 1Lt Hinkledey (Lutheran), 11th Evacuation Hospital, Wonju, Korea 1951-52. |
 | 121st Evacuation Hospital, Yongdong-Po, Korea, 3 Oct 1950. |
 | 121st Evacuation Hospital, Yongdong-Po, Korea, 3 Oct 1950, orthopedic cast room. |
 | Lt Helen Maystrovich, ANC, treats a veteran wounded in Korea at the Tokyo Army Hospital 12 Jan 1951. |
 | Sgt. Wm. Wang of Olympia, Wash., military policeman, helps medical corpsmen of the 2nd Infantry Division unload wounded soldiers at a battalion aid station in Korea. 3 Sept. 1950. |
 | Men of the 25th Infantry Division attempting to tow off a captured T-34 accidently moved it over a land mine which exploded, injuring the men. An injured U.S. soldier being placed aboard a jeep for transportation to a medical aid station. The tank is in the background. 24 Aug 1950. |
 | Cpt. Joseph W. Hely of St. Louis, MO, 2nd Helicopter Detachment, 2nd Logistical Command, pilots his “copter” in for a landing at the Detachment Base after evacuating wounded soldiers from the front lines. 31 Dec 1950. |
 | Brooke Army Medical Center in early 1950's, Korean War era. Army nurses with helicopter crews. COL Agnes Maley, ANC in summer dress. |
 | A seriously wounded American soldier arrives at a 2nd Infantry Division air strip in the rear area after being flown from the front line in an L-5 observation plane, converted so as to carry one stretcher patient. 30 Aug 1950. |
 | A wounded soldier being taken off a DUKW by litter bearers after being transported across the Naktong River. 22 Sept. 1950. |
 | Wounded soldiers are given medical treatment at a first aid station, somewhere in Korea. 25 July 1950. |
 | 1st Lt. Francis Curtin, Bellingham, Washington, MC, gives plasma to an unidentified wounded American soldier somewhere in Korea. 7 Aug 1950. |
 | Newly installed bus ambulance provides solution to mass evacuation of casualties. |
 | An American infantryman whose buddy has just been killed is comforted by a fellow soldier as a medic in the background fills out casualty tags. |
 | U.S. Army nurses, medics, and a doctor triage and prepare a casualty for surgery in Korea. |
 | Receiving ward in a MASH. |
 | OR scene, MASH. |