Annual Report of the Surgeon General United States Army Fiscal Year 1958
Mobilization Program Document
Although a new Army Medical Service Mobilization Program Document was not published in fiscal year 1958, some of the programs (training, troop, manpower control, military personnel, and civilian) were revised and incorporated in the fiscal year 1957 document as a section entitled 'Army Medical Service Mobilization Program Document FY57 and FY58.'
Emergency Checklist
The Office of the Surgeon General Checklist (a consolidated list of preemergency actions as well as actions for both a limited war and a general war without nuclear attack) has been revised. The document now comprises two volumes. Volume I, the administrative portion and index, was distributed to AMEDS (Army Medical Service) class II activities. Copies of volume II, the readiness file, were distributed within the OTSG and sent to alternate headquarters (Department of the Army and Office of the Surgeon General) and to the OTSG relocation site.
Health and Medical Task Group
A representative of The Surgeon General has been appointed chairman of an ad hoc subgroup, Postattack Military Hospitalization Resources, Health and Medical Task Group of the Department of Defense Emergency Planning Committee. The mission of the subgroup is to conduct and prepare a complete study evaluating the postattack survival probability of military hospitalization resources.
Health Facilities Task Force
An OTSG planning officer is serving as an alternate member of the Health Facilities Task Force of the Interagency Health Advisory Board, Office of Defense Mobilization. This task force is collecting and evaluating data on civilian and military health facilities (hospitals, clinics, and allied services) in relation to mobilization requirements for potential availability of such facilities and services. It is also developing recommended policies and measures for efficient utilization of these facilities under various mobilization situations, with emphasis on nuclear attack upon the United States.