Annual Report of the Surgeon General United States Army Fiscal Year 1958
Two volumes dealing with the professional activities of the U.S. Army Medical Department in World War II were published during fiscal year 1958, two others were edited and sent to the Government Printing Office, and three more were nearing completion. In addition, 24 other volumes were in various stages of development. This leaves 14 volumes still to be scheduled for publication out of the total of 52 now planned by the Historical Unit, U.S. Army Medical Service, under the general title of Medical Department, United States Army, in World War II and Post-World War II and Korea.
One of the two volumes that came off the press during the year was entitled 'Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology,' the seventh in
the series of surgical volumes printed. The other volume published was entitled 'Cold Injury, Ground Type,' which is included in the miscellaneous series. This makes a total of 12 volumes published thus far-11 of them since 1955.
In press were volume IV of the preventive medicine series, Communicable Diseases Transmitted Chiefly Through Respiratory and Alimentary Tracts, and the first of two volumes on neurosurgery. Volumes nearing completion included another in the preventive medicine series, volume V, Communicable Diseases
Transmitted Through Contact or Unknown Portals of Entry; the first of three volumes in the internal medicine series, Activities of Medical Consultants; and an administrative volume entitled 'Personnel.'
Also completed, but not a part of the World War II history, was the U.S. Armed Forces issue of the NATO Handbook, Emergency War Surgery. This handbook was developed by a committee of three surgical consultants representing the military medical services of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States and was reviewed by eminent specialists in the fields concerned in the United States. The handbook is designed to provide uniform guidance to the military medical personnel of the NATO nations for emergency war surgery. The Armed Forces issue was edited and prepared for publication by the Historical Unit.
Organization Chart, Office of the Surgeon General