Appendix No. I Extract of 99th Infantry Division, G-3,Report of Operations, 1 to 31December 1944
Appendix No. IIOverlay: Disposition of 99th Inf Div 9 Nov to12 Dec 1944
Appendix No. IIIOverlay: Disposition of 99th Inf Div 13-16Dec 1944
Appendix No. IVOverlay: Disposition of 99th Inf Div on 18Dec 1944
Appendix No. V Overlay: Disposition of 99th Inf Div Night of 19-20 Dec 1944
Appendix No. VIa Maj. Milton J. Cole,MC, Regimental Surgeon, 393d Infantry Regiment, "Detachment History, 1to 31 December 1944," n.d.
Appendix No. VIbMaj. S. M. Gillespie,MC, Regimental Surgeon, 394th Infantry Regiment, "Medical History, 1 to31 December 1944," n.d.
Appendix No. VIc Capt. James H.Fyvie, MC, Regimental Surgeon, 395th Infantry Regiment, "History ofMedical Detachment, 395th Infantry Regiment, 1 December to 31 December1944," 15 January 1945.
Appendix No. VId Lt. Col. P.R. Beckjord, MC, Commander, 324th Medical Battalion, "Summary ofOperations, 1944," 23 January 1945.
Appendix No. VIIa ConsolidatedReport of Admissions to Clearing Stations for Period 9 November to 31December 1944
Appendix No. VIIb ConsolidatedReport of Patients Returned to Duty from Clearing Station for Period 9November to 31 December 1944
Appendix No. VIIc ConsolidatedReport ofPatients Transferred from Clearing Station for Period 9 November to 31December 1944
Appendix No. VIId Breakdown of UnitAdmissions, 9 November to 31 December 1944
BattleCasualty Injuries & Wounded in Action
Disease& Non-Battle Injury
Neuro-Psychiatric Cases
Appendix No. VIII 1 Chart,Total AdmissionsNovember 1944
Appendix No. VIII 2 Chart,Total Admissions December1944
Appendix No. IX Breakdownof Total Admission 3374 for Period 9 November to 31 December 1944
Appendix No. X 1 Chart,Disease Admissions, January-April 1944
Appendix No. X 2 Chart, Disease Admissions, May-August 1944