- A First Lieutenant Joseph Abrams, Medical Service Corps, also earned the Silver Star in Korea. SGT William Arnold earned 3 Bronze Stars with "V" device and SGT Philip Arena earned the Bronze Star with "V" twice while in Korea
- B Corporal Benjamin Bell also earned the Silver Star in Korea. Corporal Eldon R. Brown, Corporal Frederick E. Bolden and Sergeant Earl L. Burrow are all double recipients of the Bronze Star with "V" device. Major Leonard Bisaccia was a Medical Service Corps officer.
- C Corporal Harold R. Corgill earned the Bronze Star with "V" device three times while in Korea. Captain Verne E. Chaney, Sergeant Turner F. Carmichael Jr., Private First Class Charles A. Chew, and Private First Class Robert P. Cromer all earned the Silver Star in addtion to their Bronze Star with "V" device. Major Eunice S. Coleman was a member of the Army Nurse Corps.
- D Captain Norman Drowns, a Medical Service Corps officer, earned the Silver Star in addition to his two Bronze Stars with "V" device. Captain Thomas D. Davis was a Medical Corps officer. Private First Class Earl Frances Dufresne drove a 1/4 ton ambulance jeep behind enemy lines while under fire by an enemy tank to pick up wounded.
- E Despite being struck in the head by a sniper's bullet, Sergeant Ralph Everett refused treatment and continued in the treatment and evacuation of the wounded. Observing a wounded comrade lying in a mine field, Private First Class Robert J. Eves entered without regard for his own safety knowing the field was unmarked. Captain Howard Eddy was a Medical Corps officer who treated 400 casualties over a 3 day period. At one point, he cared for 62 seriously wounded casualties that couldn't be evacuated because of the intensity of the battle.
- FG Sergeant Jay W. Gilbert earned the Bronze Star with "V" device three times while in Korea. There are indications that he actually earned a fourth award.Corporal Robert F. Fryer earned the Bronze Star with "V" device twice while in Korea.Corporal John J. Folan fearlessly, and continuously, went forward during an intense battle that lasted nearly 12 hours, to drag wounded comrades to safety.Captain Samuel N. Frankina, Medical Service Corps, rushed under fire to extricate eight Soldiers trapped under an overturned vehicle in a water filled rice paddy in spite of the possibility of being crushed.
- H Corporal Eugene Hermanski also earned the Silver Star in Korea. First Lieutenant Frederick W. Harkins, Medical Service Corps, earned the Bronze Star with "V" device twice in Korea.Private First Class James C. Hays was awarded the Bronze Star with "V" device twice while in Korea.Sergeant George M. Holbrooks is a double recipient of the Bronze Star with "V" device.First Lieuteant Gabriel E. Hargroder Jr., Medical Service Corps, unhesitatingly plunged into the raging current of a rapidly rising river while under enemy fire, to treat a wounded Soldier in dire need of blood plasma and other medical attention.
- IJ Sergeant Leonard F. Johnson is also the recipient of the Silver Star in Korea.Sergeant Stanley G. Jones is a double recipient of the Bronze Star with "V" device.Captain John W. Jermyn was a Medical Corps officer.
- K Private First Class John Kamperschruer is a double recipient of the Bronze Star with "V" device.Sergeant Michael Kovacich was wounded in the leg and unable to move. He refused to be evacuated and directed that the wounded be brought to him for treatment during the 4 hour battle.First Lieutenant Ralph E. Kearns, Medical Service Corps, led his aid station in repeated to the front lines to evacuate wounded directly from their foxholes over difficult terrain and in darkness. Not even an enemy mortar shell could keep Sergeant William Kriegsman from his mission of treating the wounded. The shell landed so close it shattered his aid kit.
- L First Lieutenant Edward Lemay, Medical Service Corps, earned the Bronze Star with "V" device twice in Korea. He also earned the Silver Star. Corporal Antone Lema also earned the Silver Star in addtion to his Bronze Star with "V".
- M Private First Class Bill S. Maddox also earned the Silver Star while in Korea. Second Lieutenant Norman G. Miller, Medical Corps, also earned the Soldier's Medal in Korea. Sergeant Eloy Madrid ignored orders to evacuate when the enemy came within feet of overrunning his platoon. He instead remained with the wounded for 36 hours until he himself was wounded.Due to Corporal James Mislosky's selfless actions, at least 30 of his comrades lives were saved.Realizing that many of the wounded would soon fall into enemy hands, Sergeant Hans Molgard voluntarily and repeatedly went forward under intense enemy fire to remove wounded to safety.Captain Edger M. Miller was a Dental Corps officer.
- N-P Private First Class Jack D. Noble earned the Bronze Star twice in Korea. Sergeant Felix Padilla is a double recipient of the Bronze Star.
- Q-S Master Sergeant Charles Shay earned the BS with "V" device three times in Korea. He is a Native American of the Penobscot Indian Nation. Corporal Bobby Stinson was a double recipient of the Bronze Star. Sergeant Frank Ramirez also earned the Silver Star while in Korea. Corporal Theodore Reed was awarded the Silver Star in addition to his Bronze Star. Sergeant Edward Reidy earned the Bronze Star with "V" device twice in Korea. Captain Maynard J. Snell, Medical Service Corps, also earned the Silver Star in Korea. Sergeant First Class James W. Sterns also earned the Silver Star in Korea.
- T-V Captain Alfred N. Tucker, Medical Service Corps, earned the Bronze Star with "V" device three times in Korea.Second Lieutenant John E. Vizant, Medical Service Corps, earned the Bronze Star with "V" device three times in Korea.Major Joseph W. Thomas, Captains Joseph P. Valeska and Raymond Thomsen, and First Lieutenant John W. Thompson were Medical Corps officers.
- W-Z Corporal Douglas M. Wyman earned the Bronze Star with "V" device twice in Korea.First Lieutenant Warren H. Williamson was a Medical Corps officer.