Bronze Star with "V" Device > WWII
Interesting Notes:
Second Lieutenant Kenneth T. Devalle was a Medical Administrative Corps officer.
Captains Dileo and Dominski were Medical Corps officers.
* Denotes Posthumous Award
Sergeant, Army Medical Department, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 274th Infantry Regiment
Date of Action: 6 January 1945
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec. II, Bul. 3, WD, 1944) the Bronze Star Medal with “V” device for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States during the period indicated is awarded to Sergeant Charles E. Dempsey, Army Medical Department, Army of the United States, a member of the Medical Detachment, 274th Infantry Regiment, distinguished himself by heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an armed enemy at Wingen-sur-Moder, France, on 6 January 1945. During a battalion attack against a numerically superior hostile force, several riflemen were wounded and lay out between the line, suffering from shock and exposure to the intense cold. Although other medical aid men considered it too dangerous to attempt rescue, Sergeant Dempsey, with another medical man, voluntarily braved the intense enemy small arms fire, secured a litter, and crawled out to the wounded men. Finding but two of the soldiers alive, the men made two trips into the treacherous, fire swept area, rescued both casualties, and returned them to safety. The prompt and courageous action taken by Sergeant Dempsey and his comrade undoubtedly saved the wounded men from death and reflects credit on himself and the military service.
General Orders: General Order number 91, Department of the Army, 24 October 1951
Second Lieutenant, Medical Administrative Corps, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 90th Infantry Division
Date of Action: 10 – 14 November 1944
Synopsis: Citation Needed:
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 9419 and under the provisions of AR 600-45 and Section I, Circular 6 Third U.S. Army, current series, the Bronze Star is awarded to Second Lieutenant, Medical Administrative Corps, Kenneth T. Devalle, Medical Department, United States Army for heroic service in connection with military operations against the enemy in France on 10 – 14 November 1944. His devotion to his duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on himself and the Army Medical Department.
General Orders: General Order number 191, Headquarters, 90th Infantry Division, 12 December 1944
Home of Record: Pennsylvania
Technician Fourth Grade, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 90th Infantry Division
Date of Action: 13 July 1944
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 9419 and under the provisions of AR 600-45 and circular 66 First U.S. Army, the Bronze Star is awarded posthumously to Technician Fourth Grade Robert W. Dick, Medical Department, United States Army. On 13 July 1944, two men were shot, while in an open field. Tech 4 Dick, not being certain they were dead and in spite of warnings of the danger, attempted to work his way out to give them aid. In his attempt to help his comrades Tech 4 Dick was killed by enemy fire. His devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on himself and the Army Medical Department.
General Orders: General Order number 28, Headquarters, 90th Infantry Division, 24 July 1944
Home of Record: Minnesota
Corporal, Army Medical Department, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 25th Infantry Division, attached to Company M, 35th Infantry Regiment
Date of Action: 11 May 1945
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec. II, Bul. 3, WD, 1944) the Bronze Star Medal with “V” device for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States during the period indicated is awarded to Corporal William C. Dickerson, Army Medical Department, Army of the United States, a member of the 25th Medical Detachment, 25th Infantry Division, attached to Company M, 35th Infantry Regiment, distinguished himself by heroic achievement on 11 May 1945 near Balete Pass, Northern Luzon, Philippine Islands. One rifleman of a patrol had been severely wounded and was going into shock, but was denied medical attention because of heavy enemy fire which had pinned down the patrol. Corporal Dickerson volunteered to assist the soldier. He dragged him into a shallow recess and proceeded to administer blood plasma. Bullets from intermittent bursts of hostile fire were seen to strike around the two men but, despite this hazard, Corporal Dickerson administered the plasma and thereby enabled the badly wounded rifleman to be carried down the mountainside and to return to duty several months later. The voluntary, courageous action on the part of Corporal Dickerson in the face of heavy enemy fire was in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service.
General Orders: General Order number 73, Department of the Army, 9 August 1951
Corporal, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 90th Infantry Division
Date of Action: 16 June 1944
Synopsis: Citation Needed:
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 9419 and under the provisions of AR 600-45 and Section I, Circular 6 Third U.S. Army, current series, the Bronze Star is awarded to Corporal Melvin J. Diemer, Medical Department, United States Army for heroic service in connection with military operations against the enemy in France on 16 June 1944. His devotion to his duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on himself and the Army Medical Department.
General Orders: General Order number 94, Headquarters, 90th Infantry Division, 20 October 1944
Home of Record: Ohio
Captain, Medical Corps, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 90th Infantry Division
Date of Action: 16 September 1944
Synopsis: Citation Needed:
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 9419 and under the provisions of AR 600-45 and Section I, Circular 6 Third U.S. Army, 26 April 1944, the Bronze Star is awarded to Captain Victor S. Dileo, Medical Corps, United States Army for heroic service in connection with military operations against the enemy in France on 16 September 1944. His devotion to his duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on himself and the Army Medical Department.
General Orders: General Order number 174, Headquarters, 90th Infantry Division, 5 December 1944
Home of Record: New York
Captain, Medical Corps, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 90th Infantry Division
Date of Action: 7 September 1944
Synopsis: Citation Needed:
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 9419 and under the provisions of AR 600-45 and Section I, Circular 6 Third U.S. Army, current series, the Bronze Star is awarded to Captain Anthony V. Dominski, Medical Corps, United States Army for heroic service in connection with military operations against the enemy in France on 7 September 1944. His devotion to his duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on himself and the Army Medical Department.
General Orders: General Order number 118, Headquarters, 90th Infantry Division, 5 November 1944
Home of Record: Illinois
Private First Class, Medical Department, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division
Date of Action: 16 and 17 December 1944
Synopsis: Citation Needed:
By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec. II, WD Bul. 3, 1944), a Bronze Star Medal for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States during the period indicated is awarded to Private First Class Jack R. Dotson, Medical Department, Army of the United States, a member of the Medical Detachment, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, on 16 and 17 December 1944, distinguished himself by heroic action in Germany. His devotion to his duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on himself and the Army Medical Department.
General Orders: General Order number 21, Headquarters, 99th Infantry Division, 28 March 1945
Private First Class, Medical Department, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division
Date of Action: 11 March 1945
Synopsis: Citation Needed:
By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec. II, WD Bul. 3, 1944), a Bronze Star Medal for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States during the period indicated is awarded to Private First Class Edward C. Drake, Medical Department, Army of the United States, a member of the Medical Detachment, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division, on 11 March 1945, distinguished himself by heroic action in Germany. His devotion to his duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on himself and the Army Medical Department.
General Orders: General Order number 27, Headquarters, 99th Infantry Division, 14 April 1945
Private, Medical Department, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 90th Infantry Division
Date of Action: 10 – 13 November 1944
Synopsis: Citation Needed:
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 9419 and under the provisions of AR 600-45 and Section I, Circular 6 Third U.S. Army, 26 April 1944, the Bronze Star is awarded to Private Thomas U. Duke, Medical Department, United States Army for heroic service in connection with military operations against the enemy in France on 10 – 13 November 1944. His devotion to his duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on himself and the Army Medical Department.
General Orders: General Order number 203, Headquarters, 90th Infantry Division, 14 December 1944
Home of Record: Mississippi
Private First Class, U.S. Army
Medical Detachment, 90th Infantry Division
Date of Action: 12 June 1944
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 9419 and under the provisions of AR 600-45 and circular 66 First U.S. Army, the Bronze Star is awarded to Private First Class Earl Watson Dungan, Medical Department, United States Army. On 12 June 1944 Private First Class Dungan and three other Medical Department soldiers were selected as litter bearers to bring in a wounded officer who was lying in a field about 400 yards away. They made their way along a ditch where the advance of Infantry units was held up by enemy fire and found it necessary to move over a cross road about 60 yards past the cross roads, a badly wounded soldier was found and evacuated. They then returned and evacuated the officer over the same route notwithstanding the enemy fire which was unceasing. Private First Class Dungan’s extraordinary devotion to duty brings great credit to himself and the United States Army.
General Orders: General Order number 20, Headquarters, 90th Infantry Division, 29 June 1944
Home of Record: Colorado