Command Sergeant Majors of Health Services Command (HSC)/MEDCOM
CSM Hardin served from February 1979 to February 1984 as the fifth Command Sergeant Major of U.S. Army Health Services Command.
During his 34 years of military service, his assignments included tours in Germany, Korea, Australia, Hawaii and Vietnam. His CONUS assignments include Fort Riley, Kansas, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Command Sergeant Hardin served as the Command Sergeant Major of the 2nd Field Hospital, US Army Medical Activity, Bermerhaven, Germany, U.S. Army Medical Department Activity, Heidelberg, Germany, 7th Medical Command, 543rd Area Support Group, 21st Support Command, and Brooke Army Medical Center. Command Sergeant Major Hardin also served as the Command Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Health Services Command and is the fifth individual to serve in this position. He is the only individual to continue serving in the U.S. Army following that assignment.
Command Sergeant Major Hardin awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit with two Oak Leaf Clusters, Bronze Star with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Meritorious Service Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Army Commendation Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Army Achievement Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Good Conduct Medal (12th Award), National Defense Service Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, NCO Development Ribbon (No.3), Army Service Ribbon, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal and the Expert Field Medical Badge.