Command Sergeant Majors of Health Services Command (HSC)/MEDCOM
CSM Townsend served from July 2003 to Aug 2004 as the fourteenth Command Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Health Services Command/ MEDCOM.
Command Sergeant Major Sandra K. Townsend entered the Army as a member of the Women’s Army Corp, attended Basic Training at Ft McClellan, Alabama and Advanced Individual Training for MOS 91F (Psychiatric Specialist) at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Command Sergeant Major Townsend earned her Bachelor of Science Degree from Wayland Baptist University in 1995, graduating with honors. Her military education includes the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Class 47, the First Sergeant Course, where she was awarded the AUSA Leadership Award, the AMEDD Advanced NCO Course, AMEDD Basic NCO Course, and PLDC. She has also completed the TRADOC IET Pre Command Course, Faculty Development Course, AMEDD Executive Skills Course, Family Counseling, Advanced Individual Counseling, Group Facilitator, and Advanced Alcohol Counseling Courses.
Prior to her assignment as the Command Sergeant Major, U.S Army Medical Command and the 14th in this position, Command Sergeant Major Townsend served as the Command Sergeant Major for the U.S Army Medical Department Center and School and Fort Sam Houston. Previous assignments include Command Sergeant Major for the Army Medical Department Center and School, Center Brigade, Command Sergeant Major for the 232d Medical Battalion, Senior Medical SGM for the USA MEDDAC, Ft Irwin, California, First Sergeant, Medical Company C, and Chief Medical NCO, US Army Health Clinic, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Other assignments included Directorate of Training Development, AMEDD Center and School; Senior Instructor, 91F Branch, AMEDD Center and School; NCOIC, Residential Treatment Facility, 34th General Hospital, Augsburg, Germany and Wardmaster, USA MEDDAC, Nuernburg, Germany. CSM Townsend has also served as a Medical Specialist and Psychiatric Specialist at Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas and 130th Station Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany.
Her awards and decorations include DSM, LOM, MSM (3OLC), ARCOM (2OLC), AAM, Good Conduct Medal (10th award), National Defense Medal with 2 service stars, NCO Professional Development Ribbon (Numeral 4), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Ribbon (Numeral 3), and the Order of Military Medical Merit.