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AMEDD Regimental Recognition Program (DMOR/HMOR/FOR)


Certificate for Honorary Member of the Regiment.1. A description of the criteria for nomination of individuals to the position of Honorary Member of the Regiment and the process for nomination to this position are as follows:

The HMOR category is designed to recognize individuals who are not formally affiliated with the AMEDD Regiment but have made significant contributions to the AMEDD.  Requirements for this position are that the individual is not eligible for recognition as a DMOR but has a long and close association with the AMEDD Regiment or has performed a significant act or service for the Regiment. The period of close association should be at least 10 years and should be presented at the conclusion of said service. The HMOR may also be used to recognize exemplary service to the AMEDD and the Army by non-AMEDD Soldiers and civilians.  An example would be a departing Corps or Division Commander or Command Sergeant Major or a retiring civilian employee supporting the AMEDD. In addition, the spouse of an individual nominated for the Distinguished Member of the Regiment, DMOR may be nominated for the HMOR, provided they are not an AMEDD Soldier, have supported their spouse and the AMEDD, and have been married to the AMEDD Soldier for a period of at least 10 years.  The HMOR may be awarded only once to an individual. An HMOR nomination should be submitted a minimum of 60 days prior to the anticipated presentation date. Contractors are not eligible for this recognition. 

2. While any member of the AMEDD Regiment, to include retirees, may submit nominations for Regimental recognition to the AMEDD Regimental Office, every effort should be made to submit the nominations through the normal supervisory chain.

a. For officers, this should be through their immediate supervisor or the individual who submitted them for their retirement award.  As the nomination requires confirmation that there are no adverse personnel actions pending, (see 3a below) the nomination should also include the Company Command.

b. For enlisted Soldiers, the nomination should go through the immediate supervisor or individual who submitted them for their retirement award.  The nomination should also be routed through the first Command Sergeant Major in their support channel and the Company Command.

c. For civilians, the nomination should go through their immediate supervisor, department head, and the civilian personnel section. 

3. All nominations consist of a Cover Letter and a Justification:

a. The cover letter (example) for all nominations should provide the nominee`s name and rank.  The nominator should also provide their full name, mailing address, and phone number to assist the Regimental Office in obtaining further information, if needed.  The nominator should state the proposed presentation date and specify the address where the certificate should be sent if the nomination is approved.  The nomination must also include the following statement:  "There are no adverse actions pending on the individual being nominated".  This should be verified with the Company Commander or equivalent.  If approved, the nomination will NOT be sent to the nominee, but to the nominator as it is intended that the certificate be presented on behalf of the Surgeon General.

b. For civilian HMOR nominations (other than for a spouse of a DMOR nominee), justifications for any civilian award for which the nominee is submitted may also be used as justification for their HMOR. Otherwise, a narrative (limited to 2 pages) should be supplied listing the contributions the nominee has made to the AMEDD over the course of their career.  For the spouse of a DMOR nominee, the request for HMOR is included in the cover letter for the service members DMOR nomination. Please redact any social security numbers on any document.

c. The nomination and supporting documentation (minus PII, i.e. SSN), should be forwarded to the AMEDD Regimental Office via electronic mail at the following:  usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.list.achh-regiment@army.mil.