- A-D Captain Norman Drowns, Medical Service Corps, also earned the Bronze Star with "V" device twice in Korea. In addtition to their Silver Stars, Medical Corps officer Captain Verne Chaney, and Medical Service Corps officers 1LTs Turner Carmichael and Joseph Abrams earned the Bronze Star with "V" device. Corporal Benjamin Bell, and PFCs Charles Chew and Robert Cromer earned the Bronze Star with "V" device in addition to their Silver Star. Sergeant Maynard Cronin braved enemy observation and fire and crossed a minefield to reach wounded comrades.
- E-M PFC Phillip Flynn earned the Silver Star an incredible 3 times. MAJ Robert Hall, Medical Corps, earned the Silver Star twice. 1LT Carl Martin, Medical Service Corps, is a double recipient of the Silver Star. SGT Dale Hall and CPL Terry Mullen earned the Silver Star twice. SGT Leonrard Johnson also earned the Bronze Star with "V" device. SGT Hermanski exhibited leadership and warrior skills while performing the deeds that would earn him his Silver Star. He also earned the Bronze Star with "V" device. Also on this page, one of only two known three-time recipients of the Combat Medic Badge, Sergeant Henry Jenkins' second Silver Star citation. He earned his first in WW II. First Lieutenant Edward F. Lemay, Medical Service Corps, also earned the Bronze Star with "V" device twice in Korea. Corporal Antone Lema is also the recipient of the Bronze Star with "V" device in addition to his Silver Star. Private First Class Bill S. Maddox is the recipient of the Bronze Star with "V" in addition to his Silver Star.
- N-Z CPL Thomas Nightingale was himself wounded and evacuated by the new innovation, the helicopter. He also was further evacuated via hospital train and eventually rehabilitated in Japan. Upon his recovery, he elected to return to his unit instead of returning to the United States and arrived just before the 1953 battle for Pork Chop Hill. Corporal Frank Ramirez earned a Bronze Star with "V" device for heroic achievement in addition to his Silver Star. Sergeant Theodore Reed also earned the Bronze Star with "V" device. Captain Maynard J. Snell, Medical Service Corps, also earned the Bronze Star with "V" device.Sergeant James W. Sterns also earned the Bronze Star with "V" device in Korea.